How will they rule ??!

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Haven't seen any mention of former President Carter and his battle with Liver Cancer. Wish him and his Family the best but not looking good.
Ok Massey Energy sucks, and as a result had to pay $60 million. How much will the EPA have to pay?

Should heads roll? Hell yes. Whoever was at fault should be fired. I guarantee whoever caused any private company some catastrophe was fired.

Why is it so wrong to want accountability? Especially from a branch of government whos holding private entities to impossible standards, all while creating one of the worst environmental disasters of all time.

This is a perfect illustration of the left defending something indefensible, just because theyre following marching orders.

What about the mining company that walked away and left this gigantic pool of toxic wast for someone else to worry about - what level of responsibility do you think they bare? Let's be clear the EPA didn't create these contaminates, their contractor was attempting to clean up the mess that was left. Negligence on the part of the contractor is a fair accusation but it's not like the government was purposely risking damage to the environment for some ulterior motive.
What about the mining company that walked away and left this gigantic pool of toxic wast for someone else to worry about - what level of responsibility do you think they bare? Let's be clear the EPA didn't create these contaminates, their contractor was attempting to clean up the mess that was left. Negligence on the part of the contractor is a fair accusation but it's not like the government was purposely risking damage to the environment for some ulterior motive.

Agree, but if a private company had been paid to clean up the mess and did the exact same thing the EPA would crush them with fines to the point they would likely be put out of business. Who created the issue would be secondary and in no way would be an excusable defense in that case. Funny that they immediately use it to try to defend their screw up though.
What about the mining company that walked away and left this gigantic pool of toxic wast for someone else to worry about - what level of responsibility do you think they bare? Let's be clear the EPA didn't create these contaminates, their contractor was attempting to clean up the mess that was left. Negligence on the part of the contractor is a fair accusation but it's not like the government was purposely risking damage to the environment for some ulterior motive.

If that mining company was in violation, hold them accountable.

The EPA didnt create the contaminates, but they released them. But for the EPAs negligence, these contaminates would not have been released into the environment. They should be held accountable as well. But theyre not.
If that mining company was in violation, hold them accountable.

The EPA didnt create the contaminates, but they released them. But for the EPAs negligence, these contaminates would not have been released into the environment. They should be held accountable as well. But theyre not.
So what are you suggesting that they fine themselves?
Fair enough, but EVERYBODY involved in the climate debate should be investigated more.

I mean, are we really supposed to believe Al Gore?
I agree. It needs to be addressed by people who are not influenced by corporations or personal gain. That's why I referenced people that I know in the scientific community. No one is paying them millions to show bias. Just looking at what we know and understand.
I know how you understand them to work. You discount all the other forces at play that determine the climate at any one time and place the blame for all the changes on man.

I would agree with it too if the climate had been static and predictable before we burned our first lump of coal.

96% of greenhouse gas is water. Will the EPA declare H2O is a pollutant as well?
Hey man, can you fix my quote to actually get my name right? -LEK- you forgot the dashes. TIA.
That is as shitty of an interpretation of an opinion as a human can gather.

9% cut for an agency that has been overreaching, as is within the scope of Congress, is not the end of the world. The EPA and the WH could, gasp, sit down with GOP leaders and work through the frustrations.

And again, the guy you keep claiming to support wants a much larger cut to the EPA.
Johnson believes we need to cut spending by 43% across the board (including defense) to get the deficit under control, and while that is not going to happen any move in that direction would be good. Johnson also believes, unlike Rand Paul and a lot of Republicans who want to abolish it, that the EPA is a good program:
"When it comes to the environment, the Federal government’s responsibility is no different than in other aspects of our lives. It is simply to protect us from those who would do us harm and damage our property. There are bad actors who would pollute our water supplies and our air if allowed to do so, and we must have laws and regulations to protect innocent Americans from the harm those bad actors would do".
while that is not going to happen any move in that direction would be good.

Dancing aside, 9% for any program for a Johnson supporter should be cool then. FYI 9 is way less than 43.

There is no movement to abolish the EPA, but it needs some accountability. Like the IRS, PP, NSA, VA, etc etc etc we continue to see the abuses of unchecked govt.
Your faith in the NSA was so outrageous FuzzyQ called you out on it...doesn't get much worse than that. I hope Johnson announces only to watch how you dance yourself out of this fake label for the next year+.
Dancing aside, 9% for any program for a Johnson supporter should be cool then. FYI 9 is way less than 43.

There is no movement to abolish the EPA, but it needs some accountability. Like the IRS, PP, NSA, VA, etc etc etc we continue to see the abuses of unchecked govt.
Your faith in the NSA was so outrageous FuzzyQ called you out on it...doesn't get much worse than that. I hope Johnson announces only to watch how you dance yourself out of this fake label for the next year+.
You really take it upon yourself to keep tabs on me, and that's fine.

And I do hope Johnson announces - I will promote him here if he does. Are you ready to say who your favorite is or are you playing that info close to the vest?
Al Gore For President

Supporters of Al Gore have begun a round of conversations among themselves and with the former vice president about his running for president in 2016, the latest sign that top Democrats have serious doubts that Hillary Clinton is a sure thing.

Gore, 67, won the popular vote in the 2000 election and has been mentioned as a possible candidate in every contested Democratic primary since then. He instead spent much of the 2000s focused on environmental campaigning and business ventures. He has largely slipped out of public view in more recent years.

But in recent days, “they’re getting the old gang together,” a senior Democrat told BuzzFeed News.

“They’re figuring out if there’s a path financially and politically,” the Democrat said. “It feels more real than it has in the past months.”

I can just feel the excitement and the enthusiasm surging through Will4UK as he reads this! :D
You really take it upon yourself to keep tabs on me, and that's fine.

And I do hope Johnson announces - I will promote him here if he does. Are you ready to say who your favorite is or are you playing that info close to the vest?
Not hard, it jumps out when someone declares themselves a polar opposite of thousands of their posts.

No pick yet, not terribly fond of any of them. Our process is so jacked and electorate so ignorant that it is virtually impossible to produce valid leaders.
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Not hard, it jumps out when someone declares themselves a polar opposite of thousands of their posts.

No pick yet, not terribly fond of any of them. Our process is so jacked and electorate so ignorant that it is virtually impossible to produce valid leaders.
It's pretty weak for you to sit there and pick apart my beliefs as they relate to my choice of a candidate when you refuse to say who you support, IMO.
For the record, if I start posting GWB in my sig and declaring my support for Martin O'Malley whilst championing every GOP position I give, actually invite, posters to ridicule me.
You guys have sold your soles

It's an epidemic and it's spreading to every mall in the country:

It's an epidemic and it's spreading to every mall in the country:


I choose to believe he meant "soles" as in, our individual selves. it was an esoteric use of the term. Don't feel bad for misunderstanding.
You do realize the lack of cost-benefit analysis was because the EPA hadnt assessed the cost to the coal industry and its collaterals? THAT was the "problem with the procedure in how the regulation was adopted".

Coal companies suck. The EPA will just amend their protocol and re-enact the same rules. But its ridiculous to argue the SCOTUS ruling wasnt because of the over burdening to the coal industry; or that Obama declared war on coal.

You're out of your element, Donny. If the problem was overburdening, then the EPA could not "just amend their protocol and re-enact the same rules," because those rules would impose the same burden. The EPA did assess the cost to the coal industry - after it decided to regulate. The SCOTUS opinion found that putting the cart before the horse was improper (or more specifically, found the agency's interpretation unreasonable and not worth of Chevron deference). That's a problem with how the EPA issues regulations, not the burden it places on industry. It's a subtle, but significant, difference in administrative law. SCOTUS didn't say you can't do that, they said you can't do that in that way. The end result, as you've correctly noted, is that going forward the EPA will have to conduct a cost-benefit analysis before enacted regulations under this particular statute. But where the cost-benefit analysis is in favor of regulation (guess where this one comes out?) it has no change in what can be, and is, regulated.
Watching Democrats and Republicans argue over which party is worse is an interesting thing. Neither one realize they support a giant bag of flaming poo, and are convinced team lib or team con is going to save the world from the evil bastards on the other side of the aisle. They're more similar than either side would care to admit.

Truth is, no matter who wins, life will go on and every gloom and doom scenario posed by supporters of the team that doesn't hold the White House will come to pass. All the rhetoric will continue. Go blue team/Go red team will still divide us. All the while, these bastards in Washington keep doing whatever it takes to hold on to their seats while pocketing obscene amounts of campaign cash.

The easiest thing to do is quit giving these people money. The corporations who also are people are going to buy everything anyway.
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You're out of your element, Donny. If the problem was overburdening, then the EPA could not "just amend their protocol and re-enact the same rules," because those rules would impose the same burden. The EPA did assess the cost to the coal industry - after it decided to regulate. The SCOTUS opinion found that putting the cart before the horse was improper (or more specifically, found the agency's interpretation unreasonable and not worth of Chevron deference). That's a problem with how the EPA issues regulations, not the burden it places on industry. It's a subtle, but significant, difference in administrative law. SCOTUS didn't say you can't do that, they said you can't do that in that way. The end result, as you've correctly noted, is that going forward the EPA will have to conduct a cost-benefit analysis before enacted regulations under this particular statute. But where the cost-benefit analysis is in favor of regulation (guess where this one comes out?) it has no change in what can be, and is, regulated.

It was overturned because the cost/benefit analysis wasnt performed to assess the collateral financial consequences.

Theyll fix this defect, by having a meeting or period of comment where they consider said financial consequences. Then theyll enact the same rules anyway.

I dont see how thats so hard to understand. Its a pretty easy fix. But thats assuming youre willing to be objective, which remains to be seen considering your denial of every fact in this discussion.
Thought this was an interesting point, posted on a blog I read by "a journalist who wished to remain anonymous":

Hillary will be totally blackmail-able if elected. Here’s the logic:
1. It’s safe to say that there were things on that server which could cause Hillary tremendous harm politically – which is why she destroyed the evidence that would have been exculpatory if you believed her explanation. In my mind, it’s also why she used a private server to begin with.
2. She is lying about what was on that server, potentially to include while under oath in her upcoming congressional testimony.
3. If someone had all the copies of her emails and those of her staff, they could readily blackmail her because of the above. They’d have proof of her wrongdoing and her lying about it.
4. Hillary Clinton, as both a future Presidential candidate and a sitting Sec. of State would have been one of the Top 100 intelligence targets in the world and probably one of the top 10.
5. It’s thus certain that the Chinese and Russians would each have had a team focused on accessing her communications.
6. Every security expert I know of has said it’s a virtual certainty the Chinese and Russians both gained access to her server and all her emails. From what I know about their capabilities, I’d agree.
There are probably a bunch of folks in China and Russia who are praying (even if they’re atheists) for Hillary to be elected. If she wins, they own the President of the United States. I can just imagine in a meeting with Putin, Hillary being told to back off supporting Ukraine or he’ll release her emails (as he hands her a folder containing the most damaging ones for her to peruse). Put in that position, would Hillary fall on her sword or sacrifice a country like Ukraine? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to be living in Ukraine…
Someone with that kind of vulnerability to blackmail shouldn’t be allowed to sweep the floors of the NSA, much less run our country."
As usual this thread has devolved into an argument between smart people and stupid people. Eventually if they last long enough they all do.
Thought this was an interesting point, posted on a blog I read by "a journalist who wished to remain anonymous":

Hillary will be totally blackmail-able if elected. Here’s the logic:
1. It’s safe to say that there were things on that server which could cause Hillary tremendous harm politically – which is why she destroyed the evidence that would have been exculpatory if you believed her explanation. In my mind, it’s also why she used a private server to begin with.
2. She is lying about what was on that server, potentially to include while under oath in her upcoming congressional testimony.
3. If someone had all the copies of her emails and those of her staff, they could readily blackmail her because of the above. They’d have proof of her wrongdoing and her lying about it.
4. Hillary Clinton, as both a future Presidential candidate and a sitting Sec. of State would have been one of the Top 100 intelligence targets in the world and probably one of the top 10.
5. It’s thus certain that the Chinese and Russians would each have had a team focused on accessing her communications.
6. Every security expert I know of has said it’s a virtual certainty the Chinese and Russians both gained access to her server and all her emails. From what I know about their capabilities, I’d agree.
There are probably a bunch of folks in China and Russia who are praying (even if they’re atheists) for Hillary to be elected. If she wins, they own the President of the United States. I can just imagine in a meeting with Putin, Hillary being told to back off supporting Ukraine or he’ll release her emails (as he hands her a folder containing the most damaging ones for her to peruse). Put in that position, would Hillary fall on her sword or sacrifice a country like Ukraine? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to be living in Ukraine…
Someone with that kind of vulnerability to blackmail shouldn’t be allowed to sweep the floors of the NSA, much less run our country."

That's a whole lot of "ifs and probablys" but one thing is certain and that is she used extraordinarily bad judgement in setting up this private server and using if for the most important communication the country engages in, and that alone makes her not a good choice to serve as president. We need someone in the Oval office that makes good decisions and doesn't jeopardize situations.

If she, by some miracle, wins the nomination, I hope Kasich is the Republican's choice as I could comfortably vote for him and sleep good at night.
The last 2 posts, back to back no less, are the ultimate in irony.

Thanks for the laugh!
And Republicans who cut and defunded the EPA are now attacking the EPA, as you say, for the accident which led to the spill of chemicals they didn't produce. It's just ugly politics, rooted in special interest money given by the corporations the Republicans protect.
Had the Pubs cut the EPA further, perhaps they wouldn't have been at the site to screw it up. Of course the EPA didn't produce the chemicals that were in a stable spot. They produce nothing but regulations.
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Maybe they just don't enjoy having their social security taken away to pay for Johnny Crackhead's medical insurance.

I'm not on either side of the aisle, but I can't see how anyone can be a fiscal liberal unless they don't want to work.
It sounds like you're on a side.
Maybe they just don't enjoy having their social security taken away to pay for Johnny Crackhead's medical insurance.

I'm not on either side of the aisle, but I can't see how anyone can be a fiscal liberal unless they don't want to work.
Also it's the GOP who keeps trying to do away with social security.
I agree with Liveblue. I don't associate myself with either Dem/Rep. Both have completely ran this country into the ground financially.

Not to mention that neither party represents anything close to what they originally did.
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