How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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We need authoritative opinion on this. where’s gassy?

Seriously though, there is something just wrong with that family. Imo seriously I think there was some degree of sexual molestation in that family. The signs present time and again. None of them have any idea of normal physical touch boundaries. That's usually a dead giveaway

Everything woke turns to sh1t
No, they want to intimidate the jurors. Give out their home addresses so the mob can gather there.
That too. The point I think is that they want total freedom to do as they like. Now, I am all for that as long as they keep it in their neighborhood because, eventually the people there would get tired of it. Maybe then real change could be enacted.
Ok, so I have a subscription to Blaze TV. Just got an email saying the monthly subscription was declined by MasterCard who backs my debit card.

What the actual Phuch!
Please follow up on this and let us know any details you find. If they are now preventing us from doing business with conservatives, it must be stopped immediately, of course.
Why isn't msm reporting the cause of the panic that lead to people stampeding at the Travis Scott show? Tmz and local news reports it was people stabbing others with syringes. Houston pd said they had to narcan several people on site and even some officers.

So there is a devious mass murder but don't want to talk about it?
Why isn't msm reporting the cause of the panic that lead to people stampeding at the Travis Scott show? Tmz and local news reports it was people stabbing others with syringes. Houston pd said they had to narcan several people on site and even some officers.

So there is a devious mass murder but don't want to talk about it?
Biden's America and it's about to get worse.
Welp, fertilizer prices are going through the roof. This is some seriously bad news as most agri production start with fertilizer.

Ethanol? Corn is fert intensive. Yeah, there will be a corn shortage when every farmer plants soybeans to try and max out profits. Welcome even higher gas prices.

Think food prices are bad now, just wait until the next growing season. Beef and pork will become unobtanium. Wheat won't look so great either. Hope something flips before spring.


Seriously though, there is something just wrong with that family. Imo seriously I think there was some degree of sexual molestation in that family. The signs present time and again. None of them have any idea of normal physical touch boundaries. That's usually a dead giveaway

Everything woke turns to sh1t
I thought this was a gay couple.

My family was not into grown males kissing each other.
A) Employer has right to mandate it, like that or not.
B) He flat-out lied about it.
C) He's costing his employer & team.

Yea, but all is fine.
There isnt a vaccine mandate for the NFL, so not really sure what point A has to do with Aaron Rodgers, Tim Pool, or Joe Rogan.
He told the public that he was immunized, technically that isnt a lie. The NFL and his team both knew he wasnt vaccinated.
He isnt the only player on his team that isnt vaccinated. He is also going to miss 1 game. Devontae Adams who is their star WR who is vaccinated missed 1 game. Many players that are vaccinated have missed games this year because they tested positive.
I thought this was a gay couple.

My family was not into grown males kissing each other.

What family has grown men showering naked with prepubescent girls? That's just for starters, because there was way more on the hunter laptop and apparently more in that diary

There isnt a vaccine mandate for the NFL, so not really sure what point A has to do with Aaron Rodgers, Tim Pool, or Joe Rogan.
He told the public that he was immunized, technically that isnt a lie. The NFL and his team both knew he wasnt vaccinated.
He isnt the only player on his team that isnt vaccinated. He is also going to miss 1 game. Devontae Adams who is their star WR who is vaccinated missed 1 game. Many players that are vaccinated have missed games this year because they tested positive.

It's the latest fetish of cancel culture. Noone around him cared. It wasn't mandated. As usual the only people that care are the trolls in basements and bullies with blue checks

Seriously though, there is something just wrong with that family. Imo seriously I think there was some degree of sexual molestation in that family. The signs present time and again. None of them have any idea of normal physical touch boundaries. That's usually a dead giveaway

Everything woke turns to sh1t

If Joe Biden & that creepy family of his wasn't disgusting enough. Now we find out that they are a bunch of incestuous bastards on top of everything else. Democrats should really be proud of themselves.
The Mrs. got back earlier this week from a 6 week visit with her daughter and g'kids in Seattle. Was telling me that Seattle, like other lib/dem cities require 'proof' of vaccination in order to go to bars/restaurants. And, that the kids have to have a mask on all day for school...and even outdoors for sports (g'son plays soccer). But here's the school, they have to eat OUTSIDE in a TENT. Crazy.
Who comes up with these moronic ideas?


This is what Joe Biden & the democrat party's version of America looks like in 2021 & beyond. Like I've said before that democrats destroy everything they come in contact with. Images like these are as a result of a total & a complete lack of leadership from the White House. Does anyone thing for a second that if Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump was President that this crap would be going on. Real leaders like Presidents Reagan & Trump would have stopped this before it ever started.
Please follow up on this and let us know any details you find. If they are now preventing us from doing business with conservatives, it must be stopped immediately, of course.
We are represented by a very, very conservative county commissioner. He also owns several gun shops and military surplus stores. . One of the giant national banks wrote him and said they no longer give loans to people who sell weapons. On his radio broadcast he outed the bank (BA) and said they have no idea what they have done because he and the others county employees will make life miserable for them.

He took his entire business from this institution to a local owned bank and I followed his lead. From that day forward I checked everyone I do business with as regards their politics. I am a 100% conservative business customer
I remember the same of beef short ribs and oxtail. Sad!
I remember as well. Now oxtails cost as much as a rib-eye steak. We used chicken wings to catch blue crabs and the local butcher would give us a big box of them and ask us to bring him a mess of blue crabs. And he would pay for the blue crabs.

Life was more fun in those simple days