How will they rule ??!

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Man, all I can figure is oxendine was the glue, heart and soul of the defense. When he was in, we had a really solid D. Ever since he went out, we’ve look mediocre to terrible.

We should win the next 3, but rivalry games can be wild.

Nonsense. If losing one defensive lineman destroys your defense, you were pretenders the whole time. Really good programs have the depth to replace guys...besides, compared to many teams, we don't have a lot of injuries for this time of year. Also, most of their big plays happened so quick what was a DL going to do to disrupt that?

How many times since Stoops has been here have you actually did we beat that other team? We just out coached them!

Really almost never, Stoops has produced a fairly stable program that navigates historically weak UK schedules okay, that is about it.
Nonsense. If losing one defensive lineman destroys your defense, you were pretenders the whole time. Really good programs have the depth to replace guys...besides, compared to many teams, we don't have a lot of injuries for this time of year. Also, most of their big plays happened so quick what was a DL going to do to disrupt that?

How many times since Stoops has been here have you actually did we beat that other team? We just out coached them!

Really almost never, Stoops has produced a fairly stable program that navigates historically weak UK schedules okay, that is about it.


We need a Bear Bryant to take us...... Ummm.... Wait....
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Nonsense. If losing one defensive lineman destroys your defense, you were pretenders the whole time. Really good programs have the depth to replace guys...besides, compared to many teams, we don't have a lot of injuries for this time of year. Also, most of their big plays happened so quick what was a DL going to do to disrupt that?

How many times since Stoops has been here have you actually did we beat that other team? We just out coached them!

Really almost never, Stoops has produced a fairly stable program that navigates historically weak UK schedules okay, that is about it.
Don’t disagree, I was just going on what I’ve seen. Our run D was solid until he went out. Maybe we’ve been pretenders all along? As you said, our wins were against mediocre teams. Stoops has certainly benefited from a watered down East.

All I know is what I witnessed tonight made me have flashbacks to the mid 90’s. How you can be that inept on defense all night??
There is already a high profile liberal black candidate in the race. Attica Scott has been a part of Metro government as well as the Kentucky legislature. She was also with a group of protesters charged with trying to burn down the main Louisville library during last year's "peaceful protests". Scott claimed that the police actually tried to start the fire in order to set up her group. She is woke on steroids.

She’d fit right in with the squad.
Posted a shorter version of this in the game thread.
Soros deserves to be executed by every nation on earth. He is the most evil man on the planet.
The FBI needs to stop harassing US citizens and actually do their job to support and defend the people from enemies (like Soros) of this country. As soon as the White House is cleaned out everyone running government agencies that don't do their job as it was meant needs to be fired. Clean the whole house (DC) out.
Ive seen Aaron Rodgers has been one of the top news stories over the last couple days because he got COVID and was unvaccinated. I also saw Tim Pool being talked about for the same reason and all this is just an add on to the Joe Rogan hoopla from last month.

There is one glaring thing Ive noticed with all of this talk. Its always about how these guys are these antivaxxer idiots. But it seems like no one is talking about how quickly these guys got over COVID. Basically all of them with the same thing, had symptoms for a couple days then they were over it and felt great. Almost like they made the right decisions for themselves and knowing they were healthy, not obese and not in their 70s and that they didnt need the vaccine because their bodies could handle getting COVID.

In a normal world that would be the focus. Hey good news everyone, this virus that everyone is so afraid of. Really not that big of a deal if youre young and healthy. How bout we start putting some focus on getting the country healthier. Instead the entire news cycle is focused on bashing these guys and trying to make them out as idiots. Even though again, the end results just showed they made the correct decisions for themselves.
A) Employer has right to mandate it, like that or not.
B) He flat-out lied about it.
C) He's costing his employer & team.

Yea, but all is fine.
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The responses to the tweet from the arrogant left are comical. The left is largely responsible for the great social experiment of the urban areas. Their wet dream is to have everyone living on top of each other in concrete jungles yet they screwed up that central planning in terms of environmental equity.

Or could it be simply the left just want more of the citizen’s money to spend and redistribute?

2022 Utah driver's license ...

It's here.
Follow up with receipts ... from the website. It gets worse.

Enhanced privacy ... wow. If you believe that, then you're fing retarded.

EDIT: Saw something more sinister in the Utah press release. "Utah’s mDLs are the first in the nation to be fully compliant with the International Standards Organization’s ..."

By International ... do they mean kinda like around the world, as in One world? asking for many friends...
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It’s getting harder and harder to have faith in humanity. Wtf is wrong with people? That whole concert story is insane.
I’m going to sound like the old get off my lawn guy here but this guy has a history of encouraging people to jump barricades, to crash gates to get in free etc. I would not be surprised in the least if he is arrested or at a minimum sued.
The FBI needs to stop harassing US citizens and actually do their job to support and defend the people from enemies (like Soros) of this country. As soon as the White House is cleaned out everyone running government agencies that don't do their job as it was meant needs to be fired. Clean the whole house (DC) out.
This is the only answer if America wants to return to a moral nation. Every federal controlled institution should be purged and most of them jailed.

Starting with a very corrupt and evil FBI. It all starts with the FBI and Justice Department
I remember when Khrushchev said this. I was still in high school and our "Government" teacher brought this up for discussion. We actually studied American government in those days. Not a single person in the class thought this could ever happen.

Now the US of A is going down that path like a runaway train. Keep in mind the things the Democrat do we say is because they are fools and crazy are deliberate. They know where their screwy policies lead. Many are openly proclaiming it now.

Was driving down a country road on my way to do some errands yesterday. Radio was on and a commercial came on for....????....Rex Chapman's podcast. From, if I'm not mistaken, I Heart Radio podcasts. Don't know if it's something new or not, but he has a podcast about/interviewing athletes and others who have gone off the rails.
Glad there wasn't a harvester, tractor or cow in the road...I might have done some damage to the car.
I remember when Khrushchev said this. I was still in high school and our "Government" teacher brought this up for discussion. We actually studied American government in those days. Not a single person in the class thought this could ever happen.

Now the US of A is going down that path like a runaway train. Keep in mind the things the Democrat do we say is because they are fools and crazy are deliberate. They know where their screwy policies lead. Many are openly proclaiming it now.

My daughter and I were playing Mario Party 8. We were on teams taking on the computer. The game goes 10 rounds and whoever has the most stars at the end wins. After 10 rounds we had 4 stars and the computer had 2. We won!

But then after the game was over, this little sh-t Toad starts awarding “bonus stars”. He hands out 3 of them... all 3 going to the computer... who now is proclaimed the winner 5 stars to 4 stars.

My daughter and I now know exactly what it feels like to lose an election that involves mail in ballots and late night dumps all going to one candidate.

Stupid Toad.