Saw this in the paper. Good example of why I don't like Daniel Cameron, who is not much more than a political clown.
FRANKFORT (AP) — Kentucky's local governments cannot prevent their employees from carrying weapons “at all times and places” while on duty, according to a state attorney general's opinion released Monday.
Cameron says cities can't ban employees from carrying weapons....but they can ban
concealed carry. Which makes no sense whatsoever. What it boils down to is him supporting the ban on carrying because what sort of jackass is going to open carry his firearm anywhere, especially at work. (not to mention KY is a constitutional carry state anyway, so you don't need a permit to carry) So, Cameron essentially sides with those who don't want you to carry your firearms, but words it in a way to try and appease 2A supporters. Technically, you can carry your long as everyone can see it.