How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
My wife works for woke NKU. They recently sent out an employee survey on the vaxx mandate issue.

Only 53% responded "yes" to a mandate... so, even for a hopelessly lost and woke university like NKU, they are not getting the support they expected.

Interesting side note: evidently several of the respondents cited a loss of revenue from losing unvaxxed students/incoming freshmen as a reason to vote AGAINST the mandate. I find it interesting that for some, it really is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY (the only folks that would respond that way would be faculty: ie, the people that see the budgetary constraints that NKU is already under).
Now this is going too far.

Not that I care anymore, but this is as much lazy msm effort and corporate capitulating as anything. They all wear full length leggings so it isn't like there was any skin exposed.

Hooters has good wings, beer, and sports; but I can't imagine anyone over 14 going there to look at the ever declining talent pool that are waitressing. So they really should all probably just ditch the whole outfit requirements anyway if they're caving on this.

My wife works for woke NKU. They recently sent out an employee survey on the vaxx mandate issue.

Only 53% responded "yes" to a mandate... so, even for a hopelessly lost and woke university like NKU, they are not getting the support they expected.

Interesting side note: evidently several of the respondents cited a loss of revenue from losing unvaxxed students/incoming freshmen as a reason to vote AGAINST the mandate. I find it interesting that for some, it really is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY (the only folks that would respond that way would be faculty: ie, the people that see the budgetary constraints that NKU is already under).

Yep. All these places will push this as far as people let them. That was evident from the beginning when contact tracing showed there was very little transmission in bars/restaurants and virtually zero transmission outdoors; yet business owners meekly went down with the ship anyway

Obama and Biden campaign finance chair openly asks why don't they just bribe Manchin. Of course pork laden nonsense just like this drug down the nation for years, but now they're brainstorming out in the open

Good enough for them.

Yep. Goes against everything I believe, but end result is it's a good thing. The more people see lib policies in action at their doorstep, the less lib voters there will be
With the shoe on the other foot, How much left crying will there be?

A Florida school says students who get vaxxed must stay ...

😂 🖕 these people. Look at this headline.

A Florida school says students who get vaxxed must stay home for 30 days because of an unfounded fear that they'll infect others, report says​

You mother effers mask up kids based on absolutely nothing. You shut down businesses and had lockdowns on unfounded BS. Amazing how this works with the leftist liars. Everything they say is the gospel. Anything that’s against them is “unfounded” brought to you by the group who never met a story, an anonymous tip, or outright fabrication they didn’t immediately run with.
Saw this in the paper. Good example of why I don't like Daniel Cameron, who is not much more than a political clown.


Cameron says cities can't ban employees from carrying weapons....but they can ban concealed carry. Which makes no sense whatsoever. What it boils down to is him supporting the ban on carrying because what sort of jackass is going to open carry his firearm anywhere, especially at work. (not to mention KY is a constitutional carry state anyway, so you don't need a permit to carry) So, Cameron essentially sides with those who don't want you to carry your firearms, but words it in a way to try and appease 2A supporters. Technically, you can carry your long as everyone can see it.

New York Times Retracts Massive Exaggeration of Children Hospitalized by COVID-19​

Opps, we lied. So sorry. I swear, F these people.

In an article published by New York Times reporter Apoorva Mandavilli on Wednesday, Times readers were told that “nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized with COVID-19 since the pandemic began.”

A correction issued on Thursday notes that the correct number is 63,000 between August 2020 and October 2021, which means Mandavilli exaggerated numbers of child hospitalizations by 837,000 cases. Approximately 500 American children have eventually died from the disease. The exaggeration was included in a report on the debate surrounding whether and how to vaccinate children.

Mandavilli has been a controversial figure at the Times for her ideologically-colored pandemic coverage. In May, she tweeted that, “Someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not today.” She later deleted the tweet but not before adding “a theory can have racist roots and still gather reasonable supporters along the way. Doesn’t make the roots any less racist or the theory any more convincing, though.”