How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Told you guys a couple weeks ago that your local, friendly pharmacist is your last line of fact-based, hard-researched common sense. These people don't want to harm you- hell, they don't even want to be giving shots at all, they are forced to to keep their jobs and have been sfor several years. They understand repeat customer base and get no kickback like Dr's and hospitals do for poisoning and killing people at random. My wife talks about 1 person/day out of getting the shot and the #1 thing those people tell her is ...

"My doctor never told me that info."

Good. Need more people out there talking people out of the shot.
"Whistleblower" is blowing something and it ain't a whistle. She's nothing but a smokescreen.
And some conservatives are hailing her, thinking she is one of them. I was listening to a local radio program this morning and the host spent about 20 minutes singing her praise saying she was going to expose facebook as a left wing suppressor of conservative thought.

I SMH. That is not why she is appearing. Like you pointed out, it is a smokescreen.
Awesome! Dodgers walk-off homer.

No Yanks or Cards in the playoffs so I don’t care who wins the World Series now.
Just wanna add a few more of these for our firend @TheFrontRunner
History shows you will be correct. Mitch will cave and paint it as some great GOP victory. If the GOP ever takes back the Senate Mitch needs to step down and just observe. We need a conservative in that position.
Dems and repubs are on the same team and it ain’t the team conservative americans are on. repubs talk big and mean on tv, congress. hearings etc., and do nothing but to eventually concede. all a dog and pony show.
Mitch is in the process of “compromising” as we speak. his replacement will be no better. i’ve lost hope that our constitution will ever again be taken seriously by our “elected representatives.”
Hey Bernie, do you need a Civics lesson? If my math is correct, 48 people liking and wanting it means 52 people NOT liking it or wanting it. Who has the majority there again?

They aren't self aware enough to undestand what they reveal with statements like that, just as they are unable to actually hide their character or who they are to those with discernment, is that they actually believe in one party rule.

They don't believe in democracy like they always protest - to them, democracy is simply forcing everyone to agree with them voluntarily.
Saw a video on this last night.

If you read through the comments you’ll see a trend of people who know someone or they themselves got the jab and had major issues or death from an aneurysm or heart attack. They’re definitely underselling the adverse effects caused by the jab.

And yet Newsome is going to require a 5 year old to get the jab in order to attend school. But I guess he’s just following the agenda science.
Again, my wife has reported 11 times to VAERS in the past year. Not, my arm is sore or I have the chills and the shakes or a fever... no these are entries for REAL adverse, i'm scared for my life and I went to the ER reactions. Reactions so adverse she is compelled to report them out of fear of being derelict in her duty. That is an absolutely staggering number for a small pharmacy that does maybe 400 scripts/day.

She's been giving vax's since 2006. Filed twice with VAERS before in that many years.

Go get your ****ing booster, plebs.
Good. Need more people out there talking people out of the shot.
She would like me to make it clear that she doesn't "talk people out of the shot."

She simply provides them with ALL the info she has. This is for the patient's protection and it also insulates herself, her license and her peace of mind.
Cargo ships backed up off the coast of Los Angeles:

100% anecdotal, but I talked to a truck driver at work the other day. He said hes made more money in the last few months than he ever has in his life, but hes also been working way more because of a lack of drivers. He also told me it is about to get way worse.
Good. Need more people out there talking people out of the shot.
Stupid f-ing vaccines. The bodies natural defense system is the best way to go! LOL! That’s why 200 years ago, the average life expectancy was about 40 and people routinely died from diarrhea. Gassy yearns for those days before medical scientific innovations ruined how healthy we all were.
Stupid f-ing vaccines. The bodies natural defense system is the best way to go! LOL! That’s why 200 years ago, the average life expectancy was about 40 and people routinely died from diarrhea. Gassy yearns for those days before medical scientific innovations ruined how healthy we all were.
Hey, dumbass. Every single Vax that has been mandated in the US was medically approved and on market for between 6 and 15 years, with multiple studies across multiple years before being mandated.

What you think you know about medicine couldn't fill a thimble, shitcake. Maybe save yourself the embarrassment and lock that ego down.
When China rolls into Taiwan, and heads to Japan, does WWIII start?

The better question ... if USA gets involved, who does China Joe attack?

My money is on either Japan or Florida.

There's so much information control, we might not even know of the invade Taiwan or Japan. Msm wouldn't cover it and Google/sm would just block any info about it that actually gets written.
Cargo ships backed up off the coast of Los Angeles:

This is what I don't understand. I get the bottleneck in China because they're locked down despite what they say. But I just don't get why there's a giant line of ships that have to wait weeks to dock and unload goods. Of course one of them let their anchor rip a hole in a pipeline that caused the recent spill.

Is it labor shortage? Unions intentionally blocking the work? Something is way off
100% anecdotal, but I talked to a truck driver at work the other day. He said hes made more money in the last few months than he ever has in his life, but hes also been working way more because of a lack of drivers. He also told me it is about to get way worse.

He's right, we haven't seen the worst yet. This administrations track record proves that.
no, you can't donate to government programs. Same reason border patrol had to refuse or destroy everything people were leaving at detention centers. It's a stupid rule but they cannot use anything not appropriated by congress. only thing you can do is give cash to the treasury general fund.
Hey, dumbass. Every single Vax that has been mandated in the US was medically approved and on market for between 6 and 15 years, with multiple studies across multiple years before being mandated.

What you think you know about medicine couldn't fill a thimble, shitcake. Maybe save yourself the embarrassment and lock that ego down.
Morons can't. Most of them are too dumb or ignorant to understand. They just lock step to the masters cadence and drive on.

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