How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

I love how these "millennials" say stupid 5h1t like "The American Dream of our parents generation is out of reach for so many."

Bull5h1t!! Two years ago it was more attainable than ever. Assuming we don't go down the road of Venezuela, it's STILL attainable. What you Millennial MORONS have to understand is that it WON'T BE HANDED TO YOU!!. IT WASN'T HANDED TO YOUR PARENTS!! Stop spending insane amounts of dollars on a useless college degree, Maybe get a degree in something that has market value and will pay you enough to offset your education costs. Stop waiting for phuching handouts and go to WORK like your PARENTS DID in order to achieve THEIR American Dream!!
Cat mom.....:D:D:D:D:D......stop.....I can't....Cat mom
Yes, proving a point. Cats are useless in the home. You can't get them to listen or do anything. Dogs on the other hand are ready and willing to do what it takes to strengthen the pack and defend the home. Libs are pussies who do nothing and live off of others, and conservatives are the dogs of the working class who are always willing to get it done.
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260,000+ Dead Americans due to Covid-19 I remember when Trumpster's here were saying it's not as bad as the flu.
I'm sure there won't be a black market for counterfeit or stolen badges.
My wife has until December 9th to get the booster because she works for a military contract. She got the first and experienced problems ever since and has not taken the booster. Has a good paying job but, I told her it is not worth it. Her decision in the end but, I am willing to take the hit. We can still pay the bills and food with a little left over if she quits. I am for her quitting.
Dems and repubs are on the same team and it ainโ€™t the team conservative americans are on. repubs talk big and mean on tv, congress. hearings etc., and do nothing but to eventually concede. all a dog and pony show.
Mitch is in the process of โ€œcompromisingโ€ as we speak. his replacement will be no better. iโ€™ve lost hope that our constitution will ever again be taken seriously by our โ€œelected representatives.โ€
I agree
"Whistleblower" is blowing something and it ain't a whistle. She's nothing but a smokescreen.
She is way worse than just a smokescreen. She is a catalyst.

In order to control the flow of information the government has to control the internet. This whistleblower, along with an ever burgeoning partnership with social tech, is the way they seek to do that. Soon they will seek to institute new "rules" under the guise of an improved and safer internet experience for all.

The days of internet anonymity are soon to be gone folks.
Of course the RINOs folded.

Liberals are already spinning this as "Biden Owns Mitch". The Dems have a majority in the Senate, House and own the White House and still the GOP takes the blame for everything in Washington DC. They seldom win anything and in the public image they lose every time
The ports are only operating at 65% of capacity... Cali lockdowns/worker shortages Longshoremen.
I know a couple of truckers who haul out of the ports and they are always super pissed off because when they go to get a load there isn't anything ready to go. They say that only one of the four cranes in the port is running at any one time. Loads that do make it off just sit. They also say that there are plenty of longshormen but that they are always taking breaks and jacking off instead of working.

Longshoremen are notoriously lazy, but they wouldn't be doing that kind of stuff unless union leadership said to do it.

Someone is ordering the ports to slow up for a reason. I have a couple of theories as to why but no way to prove either one. Both have to do with China.
Cargo ships backed up off the coast of Los Angeles:

Floridaโ€™s Ports Ready to Help Beak Logjam as Cargo Ships Wait Off California Coast.​

Florida is open for business, and we are the solution to help resolve the global supply chain crisis,โ€ Michael Rubin, the president and CEO of the Florida Ports Council said . โ€œInstead of waiting off the coast of California, cargo vessels can offload and move their product to Florida and other discretionary markets in the same time it takes to find space in an increasingly congested California.โ€


Floridaโ€™s Ports Ready to Help Beak Logjam as Cargo Ships Wait Off California Coast.​

Florida is open for business, and we are the solution to help resolve the global supply chain crisis,โ€ Michael Rubin, the president and CEO of the Florida Ports Council said . โ€œInstead of waiting off the coast of California, cargo vessels can offload and move their product to Florida and other discretionary markets in the same time it takes to find space in an increasingly congested California.โ€

All Florida needs to do is sit back, watch democrats screw everything up, then offer easy solutions that benefit the state. Democrat incompetence makes Desantis look great.
Anybody seen the supply and price issues of freaken PC graphics cards these days? You can't find them anywhere and the ones that are good are about 3-4 times the normal cost.

Yep, I could ebay my graphics card for the same price I bought it for years ago.


Only thing keeping me from doing so is laziness... don't game much at all and don't see that changing for the foreseeable future.
They had the votes. All this stuff was a done deal when they cheated election night then cheated again in the Georgia run offs.

It'll be this way till at least midterms. Anytime Manchin holds out they'll pressure his daughter and he'll fold. The rest is just theater.

It'll just get worse. All we can hope for is he can somehow minimize the damage best he can.
Anybody seen the supply and price issues of freaken PC graphics cards these days? You can't find them anywhere and the ones that are good are about 3-4 times the normal cost.
Been looking for a year and a half. If you are willing to play the game then one can be found at a slightly inflated price. Otherwise, it's pay the scalper's fees and pay 3x the msrp.

To add: In order to play the game you basically either work odd hours or you have no job. Otherwise gfl.
100% anecdotal, but I talked to a truck driver at work the other day. He said hes made more money in the last few months than he ever has in his life, but hes also been working way more because of a lack of drivers. He also told me it is about to get way worse.

Trucker shortage gotta be part of this issue right?
That's what I've read/heard but in a way something doesn't jive. My bro and I were talking the other day about how many trucks are on I75. Whenever I've gotten on it the last few months it's wall to wall. He was telling me that when he took a friend of his to the Cincy airport last week, that every rest stop was full of trucks and they were lined up for a mile on the shoulder going to the rest stop...and coming out of it (was about 4 or 5a.m.). Said he had never seen anything like it.