How will they rule ??!

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He wants to make cuts to our ridiculous defense spending, establish universal healthcare, overturn Citizens United, end the "war on drugs," and supports prison reform. Furthermore, I believe he would be much more reluctant to send our armed forces into combat. Republicans seem to be looking for a reason to invade Iran, the way they reacted to the nuclear deal.
Like most socialist including Obama, the military cuts they want to make and are making, do not serve the best interest of the country or the military. They are cutting man power, strength, and our effectiveness (by design I might add) instead of cutting the wasteful spending which by itself would go far in reducing our military budget. Unfortunately people like Obama and Bernie Sanders would love to do that to this country imo.
He wants to make cuts to our ridiculous defense spending, establish universal healthcare, overturn Citizens United, end the "war on drugs," and supports prison reform. Furthermore, I believe he would be much more reluctant to send our armed forces into combat. Republicans seem to be looking for a reason to invade Iran, the way they reacted to the nuclear deal.

Still completely dumbfounded as to how any of that pie in the sky shit will help the middle class.

Just for giggles I'll assume he wins and gets all of the above accomplished. Just where do you think any of the budgetary savings are going to go? Middle class? Pay down the national debt (lol)? Or redistributed to the POOR?

Think long and hard.
There it is. Anything, absolutely anything attributed to the Bible god is justified by irrational believers. Ripping up or burning pregnant women, specifying a curse that induces a miscarriage, slaying infants, ... It's all good. We'll just ignore that Yahweh/Jesus was involved with that stuff. Pro Life my ass.

I don't want to ever hear you say a damn thing about the "evils" of another religion until you admit to the barbarism in your own mythology. As a believer in the ancient Jewish war god, you own all of the Bible, and that includes the blood thirsty monster described in the OT.

I like it when modern, factual example of religious inspired violence and evil is angrily defended by referencing stories that the defender admits may or may not have happened as told by another religion's book. That makes for such beautiful irony. Goes great with early evening coffee and makes me laugh and shake my damn head. "barbarism in mythology" used to excuse modern beheadings. wow.
I like it when modern, factual example of religious inspired violence and evil is angrily defended by referencing stories that the defender admits may or may not have happened as told by another religion's book. That makes for such beautiful irony. Goes great with early evening coffee and makes me laugh and shake my damn head. "barbarism in mythology" used to excuse modern beheadings. wow.

I've never defended or excused any religious inspired violence, whether it be modern or ancient mythology. According to your holy book, your god was just as detestable as those of other religions, maybe even worse. It's not hard to understand. It's your Bible. Own it. And stop playing dumb and trying to put words in my mouth.
Christians and their theological covenants. Old covenant. New covenant. Same god. If Islam ever has a "new covenant", which would be very welcome, they'll be making the same hypocritical excuses for their past theology and acts of violence as you Christians are for the OT, regardless if the OT accounts actually happened or it's just mythology.

If anybody has a right to object to religious atrocities, it's Atheists.

One last thing, Homo Sapiens existed at least 100,000 years before any of this religious "covenant" BS even existed.

I'll now leave the thread to the hypocritical nutjobs posting Bible verses in a failed attempt to support their god's eternal hate of abortion and child abuse.
Still completely dumbfounded as to how any of that pie in the sky shit will help the middle class.

Just for giggles I'll assume he wins and gets all of the above accomplished. Just where do you think any of the budgetary savings are going to go? Middle class? Pay down the national debt (lol)? Or redistributed to the POOR?

Think long and hard.
Pie in the sky huh? That's exactly what is wrong with you Republicans. Still pushing out policies from the 80s like deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy and trickle down economics. Have no solution for healthcare, for Iran, for ISIS, etc. Blame, blame, shook, dive. Trump hasn't pumped out one single idea...oh yeah, a wall, that Mexico will pay for [roll]

I really hope Bernie wins the nomination. The only honest politician of the bunch running for President. Trump just wants to be President so he can paint the White House in gold trim and set his companies up with some sweetheart deals. Maybe find a 4th wife or something.
You must be mistaken me for a trump supporter and for someone who doesn't think he's a dumbass. I've put my thoughts on trump out there in an earlier post on the last page. Feel free to reference.

I'd say Ben Carson is pretty damn honest. But, honesty don't win you shit.
The Nordic social system seems to work rather well. Look at Finland they have one the highest per capita incomes, the best educational system and a leader in quality of life and human development. Considering 70 years ago they were basically a backwoods country with a low literacy rate.
Finland has a whopping 5 million people.
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Trump didn't sound to bad on Lou Dobbs tonight. Wants to stop illegal immigration, has a damn good idea how/why ISIS and Middle East is becoming an issue dating back to Iraq war, pro guns and is anti obamacare as well as parenting education or whatever it is.

I can deal with this.

Beginning to doubt he loses ground, Kasich is going to have to earn this one or Trump may well be the nominee.
Beginning to doubt he loses ground, Kasich is going to have to earn this one or Trump may well be the nominee.
No. While Trump has a pretty ardent following of 20-25%, the other 75% are uniquely hostile to him. He's not like the others, where maybe they only sit at say 10%, but another 60% could see themselves supporting him. Trump is weird in that his ceiling and his floor are about the same. Eventually, there won't be 16 other choices, it will be down to a couple others to split that 75%, and the n his ceiling will be his ending.
So the presumptive nominee for President of the United States from the Democratic Party is ensnared in a scandal that is possibly criminal. Yesterday was a turning point of sorts in that story as she finally turned her server over to the FBI. I just read that none of the Washington Post, the New York Times, the LA Times or USAToday saw fit to put that on page 1. The NY Times managed to find space for it on A13. USAToday didn't cover it at all in its print edition. Ah, how I remember the good old days when we had a Republican President, and no issue that reflected poorly on him was spared.

Anybody seen Code Pink lately? Odd - they were a page 1 fixture from 2005-2008.......
No. While Trump has a pretty ardent following of 20-25%, the other 75% are uniquely hostile to him. He's not like the others, where maybe they only sit at say 10%, but another 60% could see themselves supporting him. Trump is weird in that his ceiling and his floor are about the same. Eventually, there won't be 16 other choices, it will be down to a couple others to split that 75%, and the n his ceiling will be his ending.

Good analysis - I think you're spot on.
No. While Trump has a pretty ardent following of 20-25%, the other 75% are uniquely hostile to him. He's not like the others, where maybe they only sit at say 10%, but another 60% could see themselves supporting him. Trump is weird in that his ceiling and his floor are about the same. Eventually, there won't be 16 other choices, it will be down to a couple others to split that 75%, and the n his ceiling will be his ending.
Even after the FOX news battles he is still 46% favorable among Repubs. Your "75% uniquely hostile" numbers must be the electorate as a whole? Considering everything Trump has said up until this point, for him to still be leading the pack it's a good indication that his followers are very loyal. Until something changes, we have to accept that they may stick with him all through the primary process, and if that happens we can look forward to a brokered convention.
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I've never defended or excused any religious inspired violence, whether it be modern or ancient mythology. According to your holy book, your god was just as detestable as those of other religions, maybe even worse. It's not hard to understand. It's your Bible. Own it. And stop playing dumb and trying to put words in my mouth.

back off of the "your" hoss cat. You have no examples of KopiKat throwing religion or god or holiness in your face. Human morality, maybe so. Otherwise, get off my ass. You were caught in perfect, ironic, double-speak. Own that, b*tch.
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To be fair they could just pardon themselves, but in this case SHE may enjoy some of the perks in prison, 1 of the perks to be specific!
For the drop-ins on the last there a weed strain named after Chomsky yet?
I explained my reasoning and you didn't even try to refute it.
back off of the "your" hoss cat. You have no examples of KopiKat throwing religion or god or holiness in your face. Human morality, maybe so. Otherwise, get off my ass. You were caught in perfect, ironic, double-speak. Own that, b*tch.

I took the time to explain my point at a 3rd grade level. You didn't even try to refute it. If you're too dumb to understand, it's not my fault.

It's good that you're not a Bible thumper. But if you want to read the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man, you might check out the New Testament part where it tells slaves to obey their masters with fear and trembling. P19978 Praise Band can probably help you find the verses.
Your welcome to go over in Martin County and get a drink of water out of the Tug Fork river, maybe get some that nice mud on the river bottom for a facial.

All the coal and gold mined will not matter when you can't get a clean drink of fresh water.

What are you even talking about? The point is, Obama hammered coal companies. So much, SCOTUS overturned the regulations. He hasnt even hidden his war on coal.

Does that mean coal companies are saints? Absolutely not.

What it means, is the same group who enforced this unreasonably lofty standards created one of the worst environmental disasters ever; all through gross negligence. Yet noone will be punished.
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A sizeable number of Republicans think both Trump and Sarah Palin are Presidential material. That actually is a powerful statement. It demonstrates clearly that a major political party has such complete control over a large number of their members that they literally can nominate a single celled wad of bacteria for the Office of the Presidency of the United States and still maintain popular support amongst their rank and file. They are demonstrating their power by wallowing in such ridiculousness. Spiking the football. "Look, we can get these idiots to do anything" is a powerful platform and bargaining chip. Do as we want or we'll unleash our nuts on you. Like that Texas prosecutor that once bragged he could indict a ham sandwich. There is leverage gained by harvesting morons, quite clearly.
I heard Thomas Massie on the radio yesterday saying it's his goal to make sure Congress doesn't allocate one extra dime of money to the EPA to handle the cleanup and that they should have to direct resources away from the job crippling and lower/middle class hurting executive dictates Obama has implemented.

I agree with that.
Qwes, I do believe Noam does a strain after him. So does Gatewood.

This gov't is a mess. Absolute mess. I have no faith in anyone at this point.
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So the presumptive nominee for President of the United States from the Democratic Party is ensnared in a scandal that is possibly criminal. Yesterday was a turning point of sorts in that story as she finally turned her server over to the FBI. I just read that none of the Washington Post, the New York Times, the LA Times or USAToday saw fit to put that on page 1. The NY Times managed to find space for it on A13. USAToday didn't cover it at all in its print edition. Ah, how I remember the good old days when we had a Republican President, and no issue that reflected poorly on him was spared.

Anybody seen Code Pink lately? Odd - they were a page 1 fixture from 2005-2008.......
I've seen and heard plenty of mention that Hilary turned over her mail server. That in itself isn't really that big of a story. What will be found on that server? That's where any potential story lies and something we won't know for some time. If any bombshells are found there, that will be news and worthy of the front page. The simple fact that the server was turned over...not so much. Front page news stories are usually more than what can be said in one or two sentences.
I've seen and heard plenty of mention that Hilary turned over her mail server. That in itself isn't really that big of a story. What will be found on that server? That's where any potential story lies and something we won't know for some time. If any bombshells are found there, that will be news and worthy of the front page. The simple fact that the server was turned over...not so much. Front page news stories are usually more than what can be said in one or two sentences.

Anyone else, and this story would end their political career immediately. But with Hillary, thanks to the MSM coddling and the left defending their candidates at all costs, she still has a good chance to win.

Oh, and I have ZERO doubt that if she handed it over; its been scrubbed and has no damaging evidence whatsoever. She wasnt about to hand it over otherwise.
I explained my reasoning and you didn't even try to refute it.

I took the time to explain my point at a 3rd grade level. You didn't even try to refute it. If you're too dumb to understand, it's not my fault.

It's good that you're not a Bible thumper. But if you want to read the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man, you might check out the New Testament part where it tells slaves to obey their masters with fear and trembling. P19978 Praise Band can probably help you find the verses.
I don't really want to get into a debate about Bible verses, but the verse you quote, Ephesians 6:5, does not condone slavery in any shape, form, or matter. The verse, and subsequent verses, discusses two issues. The first is how slaves and masters should treat each other. The second is the idea of integrity in the work that you do. In other words, always do good work in whatever work you must do. The passages, written by Paul, make no statements about whether slavery is good or bad. There were several million slaves in the Roman Empire during that time, and many of them, and their masters, had become Christians. Paul was instructing them on how they should treat each other. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hillary was forced to turn over her illegal server to the FBI to discover just how many felonies she committed. Disqualify her, nah! Happens all the time!

Meanwhile the press have tried to end Rubio's Pres bid because he splurged on a 70K "luxury yacht", and Walker's because he has $10K in credit card debt.

There is the Democrat standards, and then there is the Republican standards.
So fuzz does not think a SoS keeping her own server and deleting tens of thousands of emails without approval off said server is a bombshell in and of itself. Okey dokey. Yeah let's see what she is allowing us to see.
Hillary was forced to turn over her illegal server to the FBI to discover just how many felonies she committed. Disqualify her, nah! Happens all the time!

Meanwhile the press have tried to end Rubio's Pres bid because he splurged on a 70K "luxury yacht", and Walker's because he has $10K in credit card debt.

There is the Democrat standards, and then there is the Republican standards.
That's the first I've heard about the 70K boat and the 10k credit card bill. But I guess you're saying the MM is making those into bigger stories than Clintons email troubles?

If encompasses more than Finland, all those Scandinavian countries have high quality of life scores.
Throw social democracies like Germany, Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland rank high citizens personal happiness, education and overall well being.

Part of the reason for that is the spend their money on their people instead of a world police force and multi-trillion dollar adventures.
I agree with the Pubs on the Clinton Server, the media has downplayed the significance of this. When the FBI is sniffing around your private electronic devices you just must might be in some serious trouble. I mean this woman wants to be president but the highest law enforcement agency in the country is hounding her - that's huge news IMO.

The server has supposedly been scrubbed so it will be interesting to see what if anything they find, but the thumb drive that was also turned over may be more revealing. This thing is going to drag out now all the way up to November of next year, plus you'll have the Gowdy hearings on top of that. The more this goes on the more centrist Dems are going to start seriously looking at John Kasich as the Republican alternative.
A sizeable number of Republicans think both Trump and Sarah Palin are Presidential material.

We think that because of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Clinton denigrated the office by acting like a scumbag, pure and simple.

Obama OTOH was simply not qualified; as he has proven many times.

Could Trump and Palin be worse? How?
Qwes, I do believe Noam does a strain after him. So does Gatewood.

This gov't is a mess. Absolute mess. I have no faith in anyone at this point.
Makes sense, the only Noam fans I have heard from (other than the Bin Laden findings) were weed hounds.

And agree on the latter, anyone that shows fandom for any of these dipshits deserves to be mocked.
Always ranting about Isreal, backing all white socialist Dem field, ok with selling mostly-black baby body parts, wanting us to be more like 90+% Aryan countries that requires voter which party is supposed to be racist?
A sizeable number of Republicans think both Trump and Sarah Palin are Presidential material. That actually is a powerful statement.
Both have garnered a much smaller amount of support than HRC, Howard Dean, and Bernie Sanders....moronic, Crow. Quit trying to impress deeee.