How will they rule ??!

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If it keeps us from invading Iran, I'm all for it. I can't help but notice that Schumer, Rubio, Cruz, J. Bush, Paul all have two things in common....they all criticize the deal with Iran, and none of them have served a single day in the military. Maybe if they knew what it was really like to fight a war, they'd be a lot more reluctant to send our troops into battle.
So you can only speak about the deal if you have served in the Military? Do you really think that Shumer would be in favor of invading Iran?
They've served as much time as Obama who is on the other side of this. So how is that relevant to where one stands?

Obama didn't send in troops, he negotiated a deal preventing possible military action. If Iran reneges on the deal, we can at least say we tried a peaceful solution.

So you can only speak about the deal if you have served in the Military?

Not at all! It just seems to me that they'd rather go to war than have a peaceful resolution. Just my opinion, I'm sure you feel otherwise.
So you can only speak about the deal if you have served in the Military? Do you really think that Shumer would be in favor of invading Iran?

That is not totally correct but tempering your rhetoric may be an idea if you have not served. It's a different world on the side of the active duty. Try it, you may like it. It sure wouldn't hurt all able-bodied men to serve two years in the military. It wouldn't hurt at all.
Couple of good laughs in this post:

"We have 3 separate and coequal branches of government here."

This is only in theory. Five members of the Supreme Court end up making our laws, often out of whole cloth, based on their political biases.

"The office of the presidency involves working with congress to get anything done."

Obama's second term has gotten his agenda done by pretty much ignoring Congress, using executive decisions. Accurately predicting he would do this, I didn't vote for him, even though I thought Romney was horrible. I'm thinking specifically of his de facto throwing open our borders to anyone who wants to come.

A couple of good laughs at this response:

The SCOTUS does NOT make law, they interpret the law and rule on it's constitutionality.

No major legislation can be enacted without being voted on and passed by both houses of Congress. The executive authority of the President is very limited. One can argue rather or not Obama exceeded executive authority in a a couple of instances, and those situations are now in the courts and the courts will make that decision.
This is rich, given that youve dedicated your message board life to defending these very actions when Obama does them.

Of course an EO shouldnt be used. But Im guessing he means by enacting policies which would reward companies for keeping manufacturing in the US; undoing the damage Bill Clinton's NAFTA exacted on our country.

Here's a short civic lesson for you:

"Policies" are viewpoints. Viewpoints that become enacted are called "laws" that's something congress does, the president cannot do that arbitrarily and unilaterally.

The only two EOs that I can think of that have been challenged on legal grounds that I'm aware of is the one regarding the temporary moratorium on deportation of illegals that have been here for 5 years, and the use of the EPA to enforce CO2 emissions. Honestly I cannot recall commenting on either of these regarding the legality, much less "spending my message board life on them". On the substance I agree with them but as far as their legality goes, I'll say it once more, I don't have that expertise. That's up to the courts to decide of executive authority was exceeded.

I'm glad to see you agreeing with the Obama position on incentives for domestic manufacturing. He has called for tax relieve for US based corporations and penalties for those setting up shop offshore to evade taxes - unfortunately the do-nothing congress has ignored those pleas. The bottom line is as long is the auto manufacturers can get $5/hour labor in Mexico there is nothing President Obama, President Trump or President JC himself can do to bring manufacturing back. The truth is, those manufacturing jobs that left us over the last 2 decades are gone, and they ain't commin back regardless of the ridiculous Trump rhetoric the only the gullible would swallow.
Interesting that the EPA seems to have been given a pass on the screw up out in Colorado.

Imagine if an oil company did that...

??? The EPA head held a news conference yesterday taking 100% responsibility. I guess Rush didn't bother to mention that today.
Republicans acted they way they did on the Iran Deal because it is a bad deal. Just ask Chuck Schumer.

That was a purely political deal. He has an enormous Jewish constituency, in fact his nickname up there is "The Senator from Israel". The backroom deal has already been cut in favor of the treaty. The have counted the votes and the votes are there, so he is now "allowed" to oppose it to keep his political fig leaf in tact.
God can do anything He wants: He does not answer to us.

We do not have the same authority.

There it is. Anything, absolutely anything attributed to the Bible god is justified by irrational believers. Ripping up or burning pregnant women, specifying a curse that induces a miscarriage, slaying infants, ... It's all good. We'll just ignore that Yahweh/Jesus was involved with that stuff. Pro Life my ass.

I don't want to ever hear you say a damn thing about the "evils" of another religion until you admit to the barbarism in your own mythology. As a believer in the ancient Jewish war god, you own all of the Bible, and that includes the blood thirsty monster described in the OT.
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I'm glad to see you agreeing with the Obama position on incentives for domestic manufacturing. He has called for tax relieve for US based corporations and penalties for those setting up shop offshore to evade taxes - unfortunately the do-nothing congress has ignored those pleas.

LOL, those secret details of the TPP must be available inside Obama's asshole.
That was a purely political deal. He has an enormous Jewish constituency, in fact his nickname up there is "The Senator from Israel". The backroom deal has already been cut in favor of the treaty. The have counted the votes and the votes are there, so he is now "allowed" to oppose it to keep his political fig leaf in tact.
Then some Republicans need to lose their positions in the next election.
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Obama didn't send in troops, he negotiated a deal preventing possible military action. If Iran reneges on the deal, we can at least say we tried a peaceful solution.
Wow. We can say we tried vs. saying we're staying the course. Impressive.
Note: science deniers can ignor this message:

Twenty-nine of the nation’s top scientists — including Nobel laureates, veteran makers of nuclear arms and former White House science advisers — wrote to President Obama on Saturday to praise the Iran deal, calling it innovative and stringent.

The letter, from some of the world’s most knowledgeable experts in the fields of nuclear weapons and arms control, arrives as Mr. Obama is lobbying Congress, the American public and the nation’s allies to support the agreement.

The two-page letter may give the White House arguments a boost after the blow Mr. Obama suffered on Thursday when Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, a Democrat and among the most influential Jewish voices in Congress, announced he would oppose the deal, which calls for Iran to curb its nuclear program and allow inspections in return for an end to international oil and financial sanctions.

The first signature on the letter is from Richard L. Garwin, a physicist who helped design the world’s first hydrogen bomb and has long advised Washington on nuclear weapons and arms control. He is among the last living physicists who helped usher in the nuclear age.
Then some Republicans need to lose their positions in the next election.
No, think he means the votes AREN'T there to override Obama's veto.

The vote up or down on the Iran deal is going to lose and lose huge and lose in a bipartisan manner with every GOP voting against joined by several brave Democrats. But not enough Dems willing to be brave and defend the country, they won't sully Obama's legacy by then helping to override his veto.
Obviously you're not familiar with Jesus Christ and his resurrection; the new covenant, etc.
Let me get this straight.

29 top scientists signed on to blindly support a deal where some of the details are intentionally kept secret. They know some of the relevant data is being hidden, but they formed a conclusion anyway.

Sound like some top scientists to me and not political hacks.
You think the economy struggles now, wait until the business world gets a load of this guy.

Tax/soak the rich?

His election could trigger an instant recession.

Look at the GDP growth rates, tax rates, and unemployment rates since WWII for the socialist countries vs the US.

The Nordic social system seems to work rather well. Look at Finland they have one the highest per capita incomes, the best educational system and a leader in quality of life and human development. Considering 70 years ago they were basically a backwoods country with a low literacy rate.
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Go ahead and down vote the Iran deal, just means they'll have a nuclear weapon sooner, other countries won't continue sanctions and we'll be deeper in the Middle East quagmire.

You really think countries would rather do business with Iran than the United States?
Funny to see a lib kid ok with the selection of only old white washington insiders on the Dem side and compare our system to a very white small country that has little immigration and requires an ID to vote.
How on earth does Bernie Sanders plan on "overturning Citizens United".

Or is that just one of those talking points people repeat and don't realize it's the US Constitution they're talking about.

But now that I type that, I guess the plan could just be to ignore the Constitution like Obama has done.

Sanders wants to push Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that would overturn Citizens United and move toward public funding of elections.
Latest CNN poll of likely caucus voters in Iowa:

1. Trump 22%
2. Carson 14%
3. Walker 9%
4. Cruz 8%
5. Huckabee 7%
Why worry about Iran having nukes, it's the Saudi's that scare me.

Wikileaks also has communications from Saudi government official discussing that they wish to procure nuclear weapons.
It's long been understood that if the Saudis ever needed nuclear protection/return fire, Islamabad would be he one to take care of them. Whether the Saudis have missiles with their own logo on them isn't a huge deal, honestly.
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Or if it were a coal company? Obama would unleash hell.

Your welcome to go over in Martin County and get a drink of water out of the Tug Fork river, maybe get some that nice mud on the river bottom for a facial.

All the coal and gold mined will not matter when you can't get a clean drink of fresh water.
Those poll numbers make me wonder if Walker is destined to be the biggest victim of Trump. If he can't win Iowa or NH, he's got a hell of a hill to climb.
It's long been understood that if the Saudis ever needed nuclear protection/return fire, Islamabad would be he one to take care of them. Whether the Saudis have missiles with their own logo on them isn't a huge deal, honestly.

Their government seems pretty shaky, we couldn't even trust them with intel where OBL was.
But there's an arms race in the Middle East and the UAE, Saudi's and Israel (has nukes) are on the forefront.
[QUOT="qwesley, post: 2081712, member: 1800"]Deeeee's kids need to take his keys away. No way he has the faculties to still be driving.[/QUOTE]
Deee is delusional pure and simple or just plain stupid.
Note: science deniers can ignor this message:

Twenty-nine of the nation’s top scientists — including Nobel laureates, veteran makers of nuclear arms and former White House science advisers — wrote to President Obama on Saturday to praise the Iran deal, calling it innovative and stringent.

The letter, from some of the world’s most knowledgeable experts in the fields of nuclear weapons and arms control, arrives as Mr. Obama is lobbying Congress, the American public and the nation’s allies to support the agreement.

The two-page letter may give the White House arguments a boost after the blow Mr. Obama suffered on Thursday when Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, a Democrat and among the most influential Jewish voices in Congress, announced he would oppose the deal, which calls for Iran to curb its nuclear program and allow inspections in return for an end to international oil and financial sanctions.

The first signature on the letter is from Richard L. Garwin, a physicist who helped design the world’s first hydrogen bomb and has long advised Washington on nuclear weapons and arms control. He is among the last living physicists who helped usher in the nuclear age.
And of course you believe them.LOL!