How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Tried to post another meme. @KyCatFan, I couldn't get it to work! I tried using the "insert image" and "insert link".


Just right click on image (long press on phone) and select view image. Then copy that link and put on that picture icon when you post.
By the way, I rarely use PC's anymore so sorry if the view image isn't on there as an option after right clicking.

Six in 10 Americans believe it would be bad for the country if former President Donald Trump ran again in 2024, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday.

The results show a partisan split: 73% of Republicans think a Trump 2024 bid would be good for the country, while 95% of Democrats think it would be bad. Just over 60% of independent voters also think the former president shouldn't run again. Still, 49% of Americans think Trump will run again, versus 39% who think he won't.

While President Joe Biden's approval was above water — 46% approve of the job he's doing while 43% disapprove — the poll shows that his support only goes so deep; 48% of Americans also say it would be bad for the country if he ran again, and just 74% of Democrats said it would be good for the country.

Interestingly, the poll also found that most Americans believe Biden will not seek re-election; 54% of respondents said the current president would not run in 2024, while just 33% said he would. While 73% of Republicans thought Biden wouldn't run again, even 45% of Democrats — a plurality — agreed.

Asked which party they would prefer to be in control of Congress, 45% opted for the Democratic Party while 42% chose the Republican Party.

The poll also revealed a deepening polarization around the January 6th assault on the US Capitol; 75% of Republicans said too much is being made of the event and it's time to move on, while 94% of Democrats said it was an attack on democracy that should never be forgotten. Still 63% of Americans support the congressional investigation of the attack, though 59% say it will not lead to significant policy changes.

The Quinnipiac University poll, conducted from July 27 to August 2, included 1,290 adults nationwide and had a margin of error of 2.7 percentage points.

Trump remains under intense scrutiny. The CFO of Trump Organization was indicted in early July. News stories have focused on new evidence of him pressuring the Justice Department to baselessly declare the election "corrupt" and the racism and violence of the pro-Trump rioters on Jan. 6.
Not to mention they created it and intentionally released it. This is bio-warfare. We have been in a war for some time and the plethora of attacks are exclusively coming from one side.
Absolutley true!!!!! But when are the USEFUL IDIOTS voters of the CDP going to open their eyes to this truth! This is about the dismantling and rewriting the Constitution.


Six in 10 Americans believe it would be bad for the country if former President Donald Trump ran again in 2024, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday.

The results show a partisan split: 73% of Republicans think a Trump 2024 bid would be good for the country, while 95% of Democrats think it would be bad. Just over 60% of independent voters also think the former president shouldn't run again. Still, 49% of Americans think Trump will run again, versus 39% who think he won't.

While President Joe Biden's approval was above water — 46% approve of the job he's doing while 43% disapprove — the poll shows that his support only goes so deep; 48% of Americans also say it would be bad for the country if he ran again, and just 74% of Democrats said it would be good for the country.

Interestingly, the poll also found that most Americans believe Biden will not seek re-election; 54% of respondents said the current president would not run in 2024, while just 33% said he would. While 73% of Republicans thought Biden wouldn't run again, even 45% of Democrats — a plurality — agreed.

Asked which party they would prefer to be in control of Congress, 45% opted for the Democratic Party while 42% chose the Republican Party.

The poll also revealed a deepening polarization around the January 6th assault on the US Capitol; 75% of Republicans said too much is being made of the event and it's time to move on, while 94% of Democrats said it was an attack on democracy that should never be forgotten. Still 63% of Americans support the congressional investigation of the attack, though 59% say it will not lead to significant policy changes.

The Quinnipiac University poll, conducted from July 27 to August 2, included 1,290 adults nationwide and had a margin of error of 2.7 percentage points.

Trump remains under intense scrutiny. The CFO of Trump Organization was indicted in early July. News stories have focused on new evidence of him pressuring the Justice Department to baselessly declare the election "corrupt" and the racism and violence of the pro-Trump rioters on Jan. 6.
Quinnipiac? Lmao. The same Quinnipiac that had Biden +11 in Florida and +13 in PA less than a month before the election? They are literally the worst and most biased polling firm in the business.
You're an idiot, the SCOTUS just ruled on this.
Yes, they ruled 5-4 to let the CDC eviction ban stand dumbass. And in the statement they said the CDC had gone to far outside of its authority but did NOTHING to stop it except say "bad boy" and recommend congress intervene. So for Biden's new extension they will say he went to far and also not do anything about it and tell congress to do its job. Just like they have done with DACA 3 times now. SCOTUS default stance is to always lets congress and states clean up their own mess.
Yes, they ruled 5-4 to let the CDC eviction ban stand dumbass. And in the statement they said the CDC had gone to far outside of its authority but did NOTHING to stop it except say "bad boy" and recommend congress intervene. So for Biden's new extension they will say he went to far and also not do anything about it and tell congress to do its job. Just like they have done with DACA 3 times now. SCOTUS default stance is to always lets congress and states clean up their own mess.
Look, it’s the same person posting under a different name.
The entire reason they let it stand was because it was ending in short order. Nevermind it’s the CDC creating laws, which is absurd.
I’ll agree the SCOTUS currently lacks a backbone.
I live in St. Louis, thankfully not represented by this insane pyscho. So disappointed (but not surprised) that she was voted in by the people in her area. A dreadfully terrible part of STL that has no chance to improve with her overseeing it.

The inconsistency of the Left's messaging is amazing.

Defund the police... but I need private security

My body, my choice... except for the vaxx.

Etc, etc

How do they expect to be taken seriously? The Left is simply a bad joke.
I live in St. Louis, thankfully not represented by this insane pyscho. So disappointed (but not surprised) that she was voted in by the people in her area. A dreadfully terrible part of STL that has no chance to improve with her overseeing it.

On one level I feel sorry for her constituents, but on the other, if they continue to re-elect her in the future (which I believe they will), they will deserve the crappy representation she provides.
We're out about 15 grand.

Regardless, Libs complain about lack of housing & then don't let people who provide it get paid. Ridiculous. Why would you build anymore?
Two things are certain in my opinion if Trump ran again. He would lose and rip this country into shreds in the process. If you think this country is done now (it’s not), he would literally unleash, in his own words “a hell the likes of which we’ve never seen.” God help us.
Thats your opinion, my opinion is that he could've, especially with the SCOTUS waiting to decide on an election lawsuit.
It's irrelevant who the leader of the confirmation. They have the authority to halt it.

Its completely inconsistent, you're saying the VP can't stop the count because it isn't written word for word in the Constitution, and on the other hand saying that what the Constitution says word for word doesn't matter because the courts refused to hear it.
FALSE. I agree it's irrelevant who the leader of Congress is when it comes to stopping it. But Pence ain't Congress.

It's not inconsistent that the courts didn't rule/not rule the way you think they should have. I just take that that's what happened & there's no recourse. You don't.
Its 2 separate actions, one is the stopping the process from starting, the other is counting. Congress can stop the counting process when each state is read, I'm saying the VP can stop the process from beginning.
I agree with the first & disagree with the 2nd.
You can't make this stuff up.

October 6, 2020

Trump sure has that trade under control! MAGA!

America's trade deficit widened to more than $67 billion in August, rising to its highest level in 14 years, the Census Bureau reported on Tuesday.

May 4, 2021

I don't give a flying **** about the trade deficit. it's a meaningless number. 2020 was a US record deficit of $680 billion after Trump pretended to spend 4 years fighting it. A trade deficit just means we are rich and buy tons of shit. Would you rather we were a poor country that relied on exports to survive?
* KA - BOOM *

All-time high. Thanks, Joe!
Two things are certain in my opinion if Trump ran again. He would lose and rip this country into shreds in the process. If you think this country is done now (it’s not), he would literally unleash, in his own words “a hell the likes of which we’ve never seen.” God help us.
Describe this "hell" Trump would unleash? How would he "rip this country into shreds" by losing?

Personally, I think the Dems would (and have once already) rip this country to shreds even further in order to make him lose.
What exactly did Bevin do wrong? And saying he pissed off this or that group of people isn't an answer. You judge Bevin the same way you did Trump, falling for the mainstream media complaints.

So I await your response with bated breath.
Ran his mouth very stupidly was the biggest problem. If he had just kept his mouth shut he would've won just like every other statewide Republican candidate. Look at the margins for every other candidate. A lot of Republicans simply didn't vote for Governor.

IMO, he wanted to emulate Trump but that's basically impossible. Trump is a phenomenon.