How will they rule ??!

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Next time you see one, ask them to give you a specific instance of either Obama or Clinton showing the military any disrespect. I work with a former grunt that talked that shit all the time until I asked him that question. He couldn't give an answer..."Well everybody knows it..." was about the best he could do.

The "disrespect the military" BS is an old, tired urban myth perpetuated by the right wing media about all democrats.

Curious, how many have you spoken to that are black and/or officers?
Three of my old HS friends who are black, 2 of them West Point graduates...all retired military are probably the biggest Obama fans I know. I know they also hate Trump because they let everybody on FB know every day.

Well that's interesting bc all my friends and family are transgendered black military and they say the bullying is unreal and Obama won't do anything about it plus they're still pissed Obama hasn't brought the troops home so I would ask you to ask your friends about that fact?
Lmao some veteran just owned this NPR hippy host. He was just talking about education, teaching civics in school again, and the hippy said "oh you mean that episode of VEEP?!!" and got all exited, the old dude said "no". He also wanted to know what each candidate would do about veteran healthcare. How can you promise the entire country health are when you can't even take care of your veterans? Hippy said "thanks for calling" lol.
Few things irk me as much as "Rubio would be up 10 guy"......obv "alleged Kasich/Gohnson guy" is at the top, but I digress.

Rubio is pure unadulterated next-gen establishment R. And believe me folks, believe me, he's exactly what we R's are going to get in '20 if DT loses. R's will never let a non-establishment guy in again.

And Rubio would get slaughtered by a HC campaign. Good Christ, slaughtered.

Remember that time Rubio had the gall to own a $80K boat? Hell, even had an effing note on it. Punishable by death. I mean, Hillary takes $80K dumps. Half The Paddock has cars that cost that much. Rubio would get a cute pat on the head before they gut his entrails, and he wouldn't have the stomach HEYYY OHHH to fight it.

DT is the last chance at an outsider of either party that gives no effs, in the current incarnation of these parties at least.
Here's how much Obama cares about the military. Trying to cut funds from the "homeless, waiting in line so long they're dying" veterans, while giving money to foreign countries, illegals & refugees.

When Republicans refuse it, he proposes even more cuts to other areas that threaten to shut down the government, & then he uses that to try to guilt trip the Republicans into cutting the homeless veterans' funds by threatening active military members & their families, saying they won't get paid if government shuts down.

We're just days away from a government shutdown, because the House Republican Leadership will not negotiate on Federal government budget cuts.

President Obama and Congressional Democrats have proposed tens of billions of dollars in cuts. When the Republican Leadership refused to give on some of their demands, like cutting funds for Homeless Veterans, the President and Democrats proposed even more cuts in other areas.

Unless the Republican Leadership is open to coming to an agreement, the government will shut down, and troops and military families will be hard hit.

While our troops will be asked to continue serving, they won't be paid for their sacrifice until the government shutdown ends.

It simply isn't right to ask our military families and troops who sacrifice so much already to give up their paychecks because of Republican obstinacy.

Wowwwwwwww. I mean wowwwww.

How F'd is that? Bleeding heart libs are crying. Wow.
Let's review and prognosticate.

Donald networks the political circus to gauge another run for president.
Hillary networks the political circus to gauge another run for president.

Donald was for the war until he wasn’t.
Hillary was against the war until she voted for it.

Donald is being sued for fraud over Trump University.
Hillary broke the law with classified docs on a private server.

Donald stiffed construction workers and filed bankruptcy.
Hillary has created zero jobs and got rich off taxpayers.

Donald’s campaign is funded by Putin and Russia.
Hillary’s campaign is funded by Saudi Arabia and ISIS.

Donald wants to build a wall along the southern border to keep out terrorists.
Hillary wants to build coalitions with our mortal enemies.

Donald’s sexual misconduct is exposed by 9 women.
Hillary defended a rapist who was found not guilty.

Donald is exposed on video as admitting to assaulting women.
Hillary PAC’s are exposed on video with campaign violations.

Donald supporters wear “Bill is a rapist” t-shirts at Clinton rallies.
Hillary supporters start fights at Trump rallies.

Donald wants to destroy ISIS.
Hillary wants to destroy ISIS.

Donald has nice kids.
Hillary is a fighter.

Donald marries Hillary in 2021.

Now wait just a minute, James. If you're going to be with HER, that's no way to talk at all!
Lol she said "dozens" lmaoo

Trump said "Chicago"


She's sounding nuts tonight. Trump is more relaxed.

This baby shit is evil. Next question. That's a gender thing, even though it's a organic/nature/life thing.
One anonymous source huh?
Meh. Not all anon sources are created equal, so let's not pretend this is some NYT, Politico hack hiding behind the label.

"said the source, whose identity and role in the case has been verified."

Hard to speak out on record when your boss has initiated a gag order & made you sign an nda.

Plus, the simple fact that not a single one of the usual suspects have picked up on this story, but instead are all completely ignoring it like wikileaks should tell you all you need to about its credibility.

Vote hillary
DT has been infinitely more "presidential" than he has been, if that's important to some of you pussies.

And as I type this, he drops a bad hombres it.

This is your chance, "independent" basterds.

He's nailing it.