How will they rule ??!

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When will Trump stop making people shoot each other in Chicago?

Everthing’s fine.

The autopsy doesn't say, as I read what was posted here, that B was caused by A, just that both happened.

ENLARDGED HEART WITH FLUID AROUND how can you not read what was written? Really dude, are you that dense? I really in my heart want to believe people like you do not exist...I'm losing faith and quickly..would your stance be the same if that was your kid, and please lord tell me this idiot cannot and will not ever spawn..
FDR wasn't scandal free. But there's a reason historians rank him so highly. The New Deal ushered in a new era in economics. Whether you agree or disagree with the long term affects, in the short term it played a key role in pulling America out of the depression (the war obviously being the most pivotal key). The camps were ****ed. I'll never defend that. Obama and Nixon were not even close to as scandalous but okay not going to argue with that as you'll bring up unproven accusations VS. Nixon on tape literally admitting to cooperating with criminals to break into the DNC and find dirt on his political opponent and how to cover it up. Not to be outdone by your messiah in Trump asking the ukranian government to investigate Biden to use as political tool for diplomatic favors.

I understand I live in a red state and my political views are not popular here but then again there's a reason we rank last in almost every state category besides poverty rate and number of OD's per year. Must be those super democratic Senators or that super democratic local government, or hell maybe it's the super democratic state legislation.

Keep thinking conservatism is awesome while the majority of our population continues to live in poverty while having drug addictions. Kentucky's economy is THRIVING! as well!!! not.

I can tell that you literally just fell off the turnip truck.

Democrats ran Kentucky for over a century and are the ones who got our Commonwealth in such poor shape to begin with.

Kentuckians finally realized Democrats had done nothing for them during all that time. They also realized that modern Democrats have completely gone away from constitutional rights and moral values.

Kentucky has been a Red State less than 20 years and the Republicans have over 100 years of Democratic crap to clean up.

Electing Andy has set us back another 4 years.
Social media is not free speech you damn lunatics. You are still free to walk out of your trailer and scream you conspiracy bullshit to your neighbors because that is free speech. Social media is a business and they get to decide who their customers are. That's called capitalism. Pretty much the only time I see any tweets is in this board so I give no ****s about it.
FDR wasn't scandal free. But there's a reason historians rank him so highly. The New Deal ushered in a new era in economics. Whether you agree or disagree with the long term affects, in the short term it played a key role in pulling America out of the depression (the war obviously being the most pivotal key). The camps were ****ed. I'll never defend that. Obama and Nixon were not even close to as scandalous but okay not going to argue with that as you'll bring up unproven accusations VS. Nixon on tape literally admitting to cooperating with criminals to break into the DNC and find dirt on his political opponent and how to cover it up. Not to be outdone by your messiah in Trump asking the ukranian government to investigate Biden to use as political tool for diplomatic favors.

I understand I live in a red state and my political views are not popular here but then again there's a reason we rank last in almost every state category besides poverty rate and number of OD's per year. Must be those super democratic Senators or that super democratic local government, or hell maybe it's the super democratic state legislation.

Keep thinking conservatism is awesome while the majority of our population continues to live in poverty while having drug addictions. Kentucky's economy is THRIVING! as well!!! not.
You need to do a little more research on the New Deal. Most economic studies indicate the New Deal actually prolonged the Great Depression. Those policies did nothing but strip away liberty and change the perception of government as an entity whose purpose is to protect liberty to an entity who is looked at by many people as something who should be taking care of them. It’s been one of the worst economic decisions ever made in this country And we continue to pay for it with our freedom.
everything on this earth is based off of a positive and negative formula everything for every positive there has to be a negative That's fact and that's can be negative but a positive follows, or it can be positive and negative follows don't matter what it is, look at every positive there is a negative and vice versa... the left is trying to discredit that with trying to mesh two three or what ever positives without the consequences of negatives being included with the equation... don't listen to me but think about how many positives and negatives in sequence that happens in your life...carry that on to government

I'm positive you should learn better spacing
Honesy hour.

Me and my family are middle class.

Our best times have been under President Trump and President Bush.

I lost money under President Obama.

Other than at the gas pump, President Biden is TBD.
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There are so many headlines that I would love to go back 30-40 years ago and let people read them...their complete bewilderment would be amusing and sad.

I would tell them, "Enjoy 1988...sure, the big hair phase your women are in is f-cking dumb and all those pictures are going to look awful one day, but in our time a man can say he is a woman and half the country says we have to call him a woman. And yeah, they are pushing for us to eat a burger that isn't meat. We don't even know what it's made of..."

It was JIM CROW…now it’s meh.

These f—-ers are flat out evil to invoke something so heinous as Jim Crow and then just switch to whatever the next strategy is. Awful. TURRIBLE.

Ok. If IDs are suppression and he has always been for IDs ... then Clyburn is, and always has been for, suppression. His words, not mine.

And he is a politician, so it's not too far of a reach.
The only reason I don't believe the Russia china invasion story is because china doesn't need a military invasion. They already conquered us without firing a shot.

When will Trump stop making people shoot each other in Chicago?

Hopefully they wore their masks and socially distanced. That's about all she cares about