How will they rule ??!

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I'm not caught up in anything. I think freedom of speech has never been stronger. We basically allow lies to be told non stop by our politicians and some of our press. Some people just say whatever they want constantly regardless of how dangerous it is.

An equal and blind justice system would see the poor have similar sentencing across the board for the same crimes as the rich. That doesn't happen in the US.

We did do shutdowns. But the majority approved of them and our democratically elected officials chose to enact them. That sounds like democracy working to me.

By the media censoring other means of treatment for Covid what I think you mean is the media is bringing on experts that are saying these treatments are not valid. I don't think any media member on Earth was in a patients room telling a Dr how to treat that patient. Many Dr's gave the treatments you are talking about even though the vast majority of Dr's agreed they were not worthwhile treatments. That sounds like freedom for the physicians and patients to me, regardless of what the media reported.

What I have heard in your statements though is that you want free speech but you also don't want the media to say things you don't like or express views you don't agree with. Which is it? Sounds like you don't really understand what free speech and free press means.
I think you hear what you want hear.

Limiting people’s ability to worship, work and pursue happiness sounds like Democracy to you?

If you steal a car and have never had any prior interaction with the law, and I steal a car and have a history of convictions do you think we’ll both be sentenced identically? Of course not, to think we will or should be is naive, but you know that.
@Bill Derington here is some of that equal justice you talked about. Rich guy gets off after years of raping poor women trying to make a break in his industry.
I thought you were a fact checker? That isn’t why he got off. He got off because a DA got statements from him under the guise they wouldn’t be used to prosecute.

A new DA comes in and uses those statements, illegally.
Tell her no parades but she can wear this hat...


Cards back in front of the Red's in the standings yet? That battle for third place is gonna go to the wire I suspect.
I'm not caught up in anything. I think freedom of speech has never been stronger. We basically allow lies to be told non stop by our politicians and some of our press. Some people just say whatever they want constantly regardless of how dangerous it is.

An equal and blind justice system would see the poor have similar sentencing across the board for the same crimes as the rich. That doesn't happen in the US.

We did do shutdowns. But the majority approved of them and our democratically elected officials chose to enact them. That sounds like democracy working to me.

By the media censoring other means of treatment for Covid what I think you mean is the media is bringing on experts that are saying these treatments are not valid. I don't think any media member on Earth was in a patients room telling a Dr how to treat that patient. Many Dr's gave the treatments you are talking about even though the vast majority of Dr's agreed they were not worthwhile treatments. That sounds like freedom for the physicians and patients to me, regardless of what the media reported.

What I have heard in your statements though is that you want free speech but you also don't want the media to say things you don't like or express views you don't agree with. Which is it? Sounds like you don't really understand what free speech and free press means.
Yeah I know what your example like cnn did dangerous things like lie about a kid wearing a red hat from nky, and the justice system...if he were poor the press would've just been able to bury him without him being able to defend himself. Makes you wonder how many other ppl they've done that too.

Dangerous times.

And no most ppl didn't agree to the lockdowns...most ppl agreed to 15 days to slow the spread. Then states like NJ for example started fining ppl who didn't obey or using executive orders outside their limits of power. I'm not sure how powerful you think elected officials are supposed to be, unless you think just bc someone is elected they can do whatever they want. Which I assume you do bc you were fine with them breaking their own executive orders on a frequent basis. You are aware they're called "public servants" for a reason, yes? They aren't to be any more powerful than their citizens.

Then states like NY and Michigan for example vaccinated on wokeness as opposed to need to the most vulnerable, ie, seniors...and again, fined doctors up to a million dollars if they gave the vaccine elsewhere instead of just letting it expire. In other words, not following the science. Not freedom of physicians to practice. But that's the downfall of you only taking in information that affirms your confirmation bias
If you steal a car and have never had any prior interaction with the law, and I steal a car and have a history of convictions do you think we’ll both be sentenced identically? Of course not, to think we will or should be is naive, but you know that.
This is your answer to sentencing disparity in America? "They all must have priors!'" Are you seriously that naive?

"If you’re convicted of a federal offense, on average you will serve more time — for the exact same crime — if you’re black than if you’re white. That’s the conclusion of a new report by the US Sentencing Commission, which found that black men got 19.1 percent longer sentences for the same federal crimes as white men between fiscal years 2012 and 2016. This was after accounting for several variables, including criminal history, whether someone pleaded guilty, age, education, and citizenship."
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Question for the board. Does anyone on here actually know any white supremacist? According to corporate media they are crawling around everywhere and plotting to do terrorist attacks all across America.

Never probably because it's virtually nonexistent. That's why libs have to create racism because its now so rare
I don’t trust any of them. I like Desantis, but a 42 year old man that has a young family concerns me. The recent history of young men that become President isn’t good. They can be bought.
Desantis was in Congress, he wasn’t the tough guy he is now. He became the “ tough guy” after Trump became popular. Maybe that’s who he really is, but I have concerns.
The fact a fraud like you is pumping him also concerns me.
OK, so you don't trust any of them - which has to include Trump by the definition of "any of them". Net, your lack of trust not a disqualifying quality to any of them. Guess we just have to move along without you.

Cards back in front of the Red's in the standings yet? That battle for third place is gonna go to the wire I suspect.

Don't give up on second place just yet chief...Cubs have not only lost 5 in a row but they scored 7 runs in the top of the first today and are currently losing 15-7 in the sixth...

Reds making it to second place in the central division? Wow, you and warrior and your other reds fans would drink for days celebrating that accomplishment. That is like Kentucky beating Florida in football for you guys...
Whoever made the decision that a healthy child with practically no chance of dying from Covid be subjected to experimental vaccines, should be lined up and shot.
After a year of human testing & then use & great overall results, I'd hardly consider the vaccines experimental regardless of whether they have the FDA imprimatur or not.
I would really like you to define two terms you used here:

1. US used to: What time frame do you mean?

2. equal justice: What does this mean to you?

What freedoms is the US restricting now that it hasn't in the past? Better how about you really reflect and come up with freedoms that Americans have now that they did not in the past. The 2nd list for me says we are more free as a whole than we have ever been.
Going wherever you want without a mask for one.
After a year of human testing & then use & great overall results, I'd hardly consider the vaccines experimental regardless of whether they have the FDA imprimatur or not.
How can you possibly say that with less than a year’s worth of data?

Make that make sense.
Wait, are you implying that black people cant be rich, and all white people are?

No where in my comments did I ever mention race as to why some receive different sentences. You however did, which again is how you view the world, in racial views.
The statement was that everyone should receive the same sentence for the same crime, priors do come into play.
Where's the white supremacy? They forgot to put it in the article. We all know white supremacy is the greatest threat we are facing and is the reason for everything that is wrong with our society and our planet. They'll probably have a reparations check waiting at the gate for Dr. Huxtable.
OK, so you don't trust any of them - which has to include Trump by the definition of "any of them". Net, your lack of trust not a disqualifying quality to any of them. Guess we just have to move along without you.
We know that Trump will follow through with what he campaigns on, we don’t know that Desantis will, I hope he does because he’s clearly moving up.
So yes, I’d prefer to have a known over an unknown, and no, I don’t trust any of those in power, and if you do you’re naive.
Where's the white supremacy? They forgot to put it in the article. We all know white supremacy is the greatest threat we are facing and is the reason for everything that is wrong with our society and our planet. They'll probably have a reparations check waiting at the gate for Dr. Huxtable.

Um, he was tried for something he LEGALLY wasn’t supposed to be tried for and they knew it. That’s a problem.
lmao what a pathetic "study". They estimate "2008 as few as 38,000 and as many as 2.8 million noncitizens voted." You know only a margin of error of 10,000%. and none of these studies are for Trump's election, they are for 2008, 2012. The massive amounts of inactive registrations is because we don't have a standardized system across states. If we did they could talk to each other and quickly remove registrations of people that move or die. You know who has been 1000% against setting standards for elections and creating a national holiday? the GoP. Having people registered doesn't hurt elections, most people don't vote even when registered.

It's always hilarious that the GoP claims 60% of the illegal population votes when we can't even 50% of the legal population to vote.
Wait, are you implying that black people cant be rich, and all white people are?

No where in my comments did I ever mention race as to why some receive different sentences. You however did, which again is how you view the world, in racial views.
The statement was that everyone should receive the same sentence for the same crime, priors do come into play.
You stated one of your values was equal justice under the law. I pointed out we all don’t have equal justice under the law. Why does it matter to you that poor people don’t get equal treatment, but you don’t care that black people don’t either? If it was really one of your values you’d care about both.