How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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If you are a mental health professional......plan on 80 hour work weeks for the foreseeable future.....most of your patients will be crazed liberals who can’t give up their masks or face guards and can’t re enter society. It’s coming.
As indicated in earlier post, they need to cover up. Have you seen them? I shutter to think how they will look now if they took their mask off.
It's time to "fact check" you. I actually do appreciate that, unlike most of your fellow fact checking progressives, that you understand the difference between a case fatality rate and an infection fatality rate, but there's no way in Hell that the infection fatality rate is 1%. The CASE fatality rate in federal prisons is .4% and they have universal testing there, and federal prisoners are actually a good sample in terms of demographics of the general population. In countries like Iceland and the small wealthy nation-states in the Middle East with universal testing since last March, the numbers are even lower. This thing has a .3% to .4% IFR worldwide, if even that. Fact check, progressive.

Fact check this as well, you are absolutely right that a "total lockdown" would not have been possible unless you want to revolutions and civil wars everywhere, and also "lockdowns" are human rights violations and ineffective, as well.

As for the Spanish Flu you provided, that was stupid, as someone else already pointed out. There will always be diseases. Stop your whining and move on. We're done with you, and your masks.

Fact check. Your agenda is not really is about pandemic control, but it's about human control. You weird hipster freaks consider this "pandemic" a godsend about controlling people. Fact check that one.
Today's facts are subjective. The fact that these idiots read Facebook and Twitter to get their facts is telling something about their agenda.
If I ever hear another person saying "before Covid" again, I will directly puke right on the spot. So sick of hearing that, as if "Covid" was some earth-shattering experience like World War 2. As far as I am concerned, it was always "before Covid", and, if not, well, as of now, we're "after Covid".
I posted the other day about a commercial that starts out: "Where were you when the world stopped". Just stupid to me. This was not anywhere near as bad as people were making it out to be. I believe it could be a trial by China and others in this country to see how far we would go if they tried to lock us down. There are bio bugs/weapons out there that could reek severe havoc on the world and they are in "secure" labs by us and a few other countries. If ever released, there will always be some that will be immune but, the overall impact would be disastrous.
The media suddenly pushing people to eat bugs is not an organic decision. That’s very intentional and pushed.
I'm not sure what to make of it. Either there are just a lot of weirdos in media, or for some reason they are pushing people to want to eat bugs. Either option is strange because I'm sure there are weirdos out there eating bugs now because their tv said so.
I don't know that they did. It is suspect, but there is not much really good evidence that they did it intentionally. Even if it came from a lab the evidence is that it was accidental release. If we had a smoking gun I assume the world would take action. Not sure what you do though. This isnt a world where military action is really a possibility anymore. That's why the entire world fights quasi wars in the poor and low tech ME. We can't fight China and they can't fight us. It would be mutually assured destruction of all. The military is really a pointless tool for anything other than defense or policing smaller lower tech countries at this point.

So being mad is fine, but what should we do about it other than economic sanctions? Unfortunately we are so intertwined economically with China that we end up absorbing half the pain from economic sanctions in the form of higher prices and less access to consumer goods for our population.
Just ignorant
This is why I quoted you. That says if you are 78 then your life expectancy is 88. That's the 10 years I'm talking about. No one can guarantee any of us will live to be 88 when we are 78. You could die the next day or you might live to be 100. I just think it makes 0 sense to say someone's life expectancy is 10 years beyond the average. You just don't know what could happen as you reach that age.
Thing is, 9 years isn't beyond average for those already 78.6. It is exactly the average with a range of 1 second to 28 years or so. You are correct that I have no idea how long anyone, of any age, will live. But for large numbers like a 1000+, we know how the average of that group will be. That's it.
Man, your opinion isn't the majority
Trump has never won the majority of peoples' votes in either election & wouldn't for a 3rd time. So yes it is the majority opinion.

Oh yea, what the hell difference does it matter if an opinion is the majority one?
MAGA morons are so funny. to combat cancel culture they are now going to try and cancel the businesses that retaliated against conservative states trying to suppress voting. WINNING!
Lol. He won more votes in American history in November 2020. Not his fault that Dems stole it. Fraud has already been discovered in multiple states.

I know that will upset you
False. Trump was a terrible candidate/POTUS/person. He got slaughtered because of all the faults he has.
False. Trump was a terrible candidate/POTUS/person. He got slaughtered because of all the faults he has.
Sure, had nothing to do with voter shenanigans.

Trump winning 18 of 19 Bellwether counties alone should raise red flags that the election was shady.

91000 Biden only votes in GA, 570000 Biden 3200 Trump in one after hours dump in PA. Nevermind the fact there was an unknown total of unaccounted for absentee ballots floating around after election day totals were known. It was a sham election, if we vote like that in the future the Nation will fall apart.
Sure, had nothing to do with voter shenanigans.

Trump winning 18 of 19 Bellwether counties alone should raise red flags that the election was shady.

91000 Biden only votes in GA, 570000 Biden 3200 Trump in one after hours dump in PA. Nevermind the fact there was an unknown total of unaccounted for absentee ballots floating around after election day totals were known. It was a sham election, if we vote like that in the future the Nation will fall apart.
The sheer number of statistical outliers from every other presidential election in modern history should make rational thinkers question the sham. But they keep chugging along believing the MSM who was complicit.
Man VH is still salty Trump smacked down his boy Mitch. And Chuck the conservative chiming in here and on the Israel thread defending Obama sending pallets of cash to Iran. Rinos are as destructive to the conservative cause as democrats.

I just call them traitors.

That's all this really is, pro-America vs leaches abusing her for profit or straight up treason, knowingly and unknowingly.