How will they rule ??!

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You calculate individual life expectancy in an entirely different manner than you would population life expectancy. Here we are talking about popluation not individual. You simply change your sample to reflect the population segment vs the whole, for what we are actually discussing.

But that is over generalized for what we should be discussing. WHat that data point is really telling you is this, since the average age of death due to covid is equal to the average age of death, at the level of the individual, your individual chance of dying due to covid is really no different than the myriad of other ways you could or could've died.

Also, yes indeed, at the extremes it is going to lower the life expectancy of 78+ year old as VHCAT's point he was making was also valid. The life expectancy point at the population level made by others is also just as valid, just as important. Your failure to understand complex systems is why you fail to recognize that or you are dishonest, which proves once again you are scum. You are either too dumb to engage with or too dishonest.
Uh...Fact Cheka? Hello? McFly? 'tap, tap' is this thing on?

It's amazing how much this truly revealed about libs. There were some vulnerable people who were rightfully very scared, so I'm not taking about them.

I'm talking about the ones legit sad masks are on their way out and people are having fun again. A brief scan on any social media shows these people are out there and they're plentiful.
WHat that data point is really telling you is this, since the average age of death due to covid is equal to the average age of death, at the level of the individual, your individual chance of dying due to covid is really no different than the myriad of other ways you could or could've died.
I estimate about 1 in 100 people that got Covid died of it (official US count is 1.8 in 100 according to Worldometers) Given that your chance of dying of Covid is 1/100 times your chance of catching it. Roughly 1 in 10 Americans have had Covid according to Worldometers. If you want to look at individuals you can do an age adjusted number or get really fancy with the chance of dying with certain comorbodities and whatnot. That can be calculated in a lot of sophisticated ways.

A really fun thought is to think about the cost of all the people who will die for the rest of history due to Covid becoming endemic. Fun fact: every single strain of seasonal flu floating around is an offshoot of the 1918 Spanish Flu. That virus kills between 12,000 and 61,000 every year in the US and has been for 103 years. Now you can see why epedemiologists wanted a total lockdown to totally get rid of Covid even though that probably wasn't possible. They know for the rest of human history thousands of human beings will die from this virus every single year.

I estimate about 1 in 100 people that got Covid died of it (official US count is 1.8 in 100 according to Worldometers) Given that your chance of dying of Covid is 1/100 times your chance of catching it. Roughly 1 in 10 Americans have had Covid according to Worldometers. If you want to look at individuals you can do an age adjusted number or get really fancy with the chance of dying with certain comorbodities and whatnot. That can be calculated in a lot of sophisticated ways.

A really fun thought is to think about the cost of all the people who will die for the rest of history due to Covid becoming endemic. Fun fact: every single strain of seasonal flu floating around is an offshoot of the 1918 Spanish Flu. That virus kills between 12,000 and 61,000 every year in the US and has been for 103 years. Now you can see why epedemiologists wanted a total lockdown to totally get rid of Covid even though that probably wasn't possible. They know for the rest of human history thousands of human beings will die from this virus every single year.

That is all fine and good, but here's the point and it remains the same.

For the average person of reasonable shape, your odds of (Covid) death are no better than one in a million. Your odds of being struck by lightning are about twice that, 1 in 500k.

We don't totally shut down life when there is a thunderstorm.
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That is all fine and good, but here's the point and it remains the same.

For the average person of reasonable shape, your odds of death are no better than one in a million. Your odds of being struck by lightning are about twice that, 1 in 500k.

We don't totally shut down life when there is a thunderstorm.

I ignore that's guys stupidity. Literally dumb.

Not sure how people don't comprehend this. Trump won the last election and he'll win the next one too.

This is Trump's party whether they like him or not
Lol. I have no idea why anyone covers this little shit. She’s autistic and reads from a script from leftist handlers. Also a Time Magazine POTY? Lol

last four winners
2017 Me Too
2018 Journalists giving themselves the award highlighting Khashoggi the most and basically any reporter killed by Muslims.

2019- Greta Thunberg
2020- Biden/Harris


I estimate about 1 in 100 people that got Covid died of it (official US count is 1.8 in 100 according to Worldometers) Given that your chance of dying of Covid is 1/100 times your chance of catching it. Roughly 1 in 10 Americans have had Covid according to Worldometers. If you want to look at individuals you can do an age adjusted number or get really fancy with the chance of dying with certain comorbodities and whatnot. That can be calculated in a lot of sophisticated ways.

A really fun thought is to think about the cost of all the people who will die for the rest of history due to Covid becoming endemic. Fun fact: every single strain of seasonal flu floating around is an offshoot of the 1918 Spanish Flu. That virus kills between 12,000 and 61,000 every year in the US and has been for 103 years. Now you can see why epedemiologists wanted a total lockdown to totally get rid of Covid even though that probably wasn't possible. They know for the rest of human history thousands of human beings will die from this virus every single year.

Are you mad at China for intentionally starting it?
In Wegmans today. Two kids walking with me - plus I’m holding a baby.

An old coot snaps at me and says, “put on your mask, you putz!”

A few minutes later, I’m in the self check out area, and he comes up behind me.

I told the nice lady working the area about my friendly encounter with the man.

Her response - loud enough for him to hear: “Virginia state law does not require you to wear a mask!”

My hero.

My brother said he had an incident with a man in Lake County, FL today. Said the masked man “stared a hole” in him.

The mask Nazis are losing it folks.
In Wegmans today. Two kids walking with me - plus I’m holding a baby.

An old coot snaps at me and says, “put on your mask, you putz!”

A few minutes later, I’m in the self check out area, and he comes up behind me.

I told the nice lady working the area about my friendly encounter with the man.

Her response - loud enough for him to hear: “Virginia state law does not require you to wear a mask!”

My hero.

My brother said he had an incident with a man in Lake County, FL today. Said the masked man “stared a hole” in him.

The mask Nazis are losing it folks.
I'm in a rural area and almost never wear a mask. Nobody has ever said anything about it or looked upset about it (at least that I've noticed).
I estimate about 1 in 100 people that got Covid died of it (official US count is 1.8 in 100 according to Worldometers) Given that your chance of dying of Covid is 1/100 times your chance of catching it. Roughly 1 in 10 Americans have had Covid according to Worldometers. If you want to look at individuals you can do an age adjusted number or get really fancy with the chance of dying with certain comorbodities and whatnot. That can be calculated in a lot of sophisticated ways.

A really fun thought is to think about the cost of all the people who will die for the rest of history due to Covid becoming endemic. Fun fact: every single strain of seasonal flu floating around is an offshoot of the 1918 Spanish Flu. That virus kills between 12,000 and 61,000 every year in the US and has been for 103 years. Now you can see why epedemiologists wanted a total lockdown to totally get rid of Covid even though that probably wasn't possible. They know for the rest of human history thousands of human beings will die from this virus every single year.

So, we never had the flu until 1918? Because that is what your idiotic fun fact impies here.

That literally may be one of the dumbest things ever posted here.
In Wegmans today. Two kids walking with me - plus I’m holding a baby.

An old coot snaps at me and says, “put on your mask, you putz!”

A few minutes later, I’m in the self check out area, and he comes up behind me.

I told the nice lady working the area about my friendly encounter with the man.

Her response - loud enough for him to hear: “Virginia state law does not require you to wear a mask!”

My hero.

My brother said he had an incident with a man in Lake County, FL today. Said the masked man “stared a hole” in him.

The mask Nazis are losing it folks.

I had an encounter just today. Leaving a giant eagle I was walking out the 'entrance', not the 'exit', and some jackass wearing a mask said 'going the wrong way'. I could only laugh.
I'm in a rural area and almost never wear a mask. Nobody has ever said anything about it or looked upset about it (at least that I've noticed).

the people in our area get on the local neighborhood site and complain about just that.

“if you go too far west, it’s more ‘pro Trump’ and they don’t wear masks”.