How will they rule ??!

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In Wegmans today. Two kids walking with me - plus I’m holding a baby.

An old coot snaps at me and says, “put on your mask, you putz!”

A few minutes later, I’m in the self check out area, and he comes up behind me.

I told the nice lady working the area about my friendly encounter with the man.

Her response - loud enough for him to hear: “Virginia state law does not require you to wear a mask!”

My hero.

My brother said he had an incident with a man in Lake County, FL today. Said the masked man “stared a hole” in him.

The mask Nazis are losing it folks.
If you are a mental health professional......plan on 80 hour work weeks for the foreseeable future.....most of your patients will be crazed liberals who can’t give up their masks or face guards and can’t re enter society. It’s coming.
I estimate about 1 in 100 people that got Covid died of it (official US count is 1.8 in 100 according to Worldometers) Given that your chance of dying of Covid is 1/100 times your chance of catching it. Roughly 1 in 10 Americans have had Covid according to Worldometers. If you want to look at individuals you can do an age adjusted number or get really fancy with the chance of dying with certain comorbodities and whatnot. That can be calculated in a lot of sophisticated ways.

A really fun thought is to think about the cost of all the people who will die for the rest of history due to Covid becoming endemic. Fun fact: every single strain of seasonal flu floating around is an offshoot of the 1918 Spanish Flu. That virus kills between 12,000 and 61,000 every year in the US and has been for 103 years. Now you can see why epedemiologists wanted a total lockdown to totally get rid of Covid even though that probably wasn't possible. They know for the rest of human history thousands of human beings will die from this virus every single year.

It's time to "fact check" you. I actually do appreciate that, unlike most of your fellow fact checking progressives, that you understand the difference between a case fatality rate and an infection fatality rate, but there's no way in Hell that the infection fatality rate is 1%. The CASE fatality rate in federal prisons is .4% and they have universal testing there, and federal prisoners are actually a good sample in terms of demographics of the general population. In countries like Iceland and the small wealthy nation-states in the Middle East with universal testing since last March, the numbers are even lower. This thing has a .3% to .4% IFR worldwide, if even that. Fact check, progressive.

Fact check this as well, you are absolutely right that a "total lockdown" would not have been possible unless you want to revolutions and civil wars everywhere, and also "lockdowns" are human rights violations and ineffective, as well.

As for the Spanish Flu you provided, that was stupid, as someone else already pointed out. There will always be diseases. Stop your whining and move on. We're done with you, and your masks.

Fact check. Your agenda is not really is about pandemic control, but it's about human control. You weird hipster freaks consider this "pandemic" a godsend about controlling people. Fact check that one.
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Who said that? Not me. Net, don't know why u're quoting me.

But if you're already 78.6, then your life expectancy is to 87/88.
This is why I quoted you. That says if you are 78 then your life expectancy is 88. That's the 10 years I'm talking about. No one can guarantee any of us will live to be 88 when we are 78. You could die the next day or you might live to be 100. I just think it makes 0 sense to say someone's life expectancy is 10 years beyond the average. You just don't know what could happen as you reach that age.

I had an uncle die at 63 unexpectedly while my grandmother made in to 89 (she was far less healthy than he was). Ends up averaging out to 76 between them (pretty close to the national average. I don't think anyone would have said my grandmother would have made it to 89 when she was 78 (she was overweight and smoked most of her life). It would have been more likely for them to say that my uncle would have made it to 78. Neither happened the way it was expected.

That's why I think it's just to hard to predict how long someone will end up living. If you're 63 is your life expectancy 78? If you get to 78 do you automatically have your life expectancy raised to 88 even though you were only supposed to get to 78? Just doesn't make any sense.
If I ever hear another person saying "before Covid" again, I will directly puke right on the spot. So sick of hearing that, as if "Covid" was some earth-shattering experience like World War 2. As far as I am concerned, it was always "before Covid", and, if not, well, as of now, we're "after Covid".
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If I ever hear another person saying "before Covid" again, I will directly puke right on the spot. So sick of hearing that, as if "Covid" was some earth-shattering experience like World War 2. As far as I am concerned, it was always "before Covid", and, if not, well, as of now, we're "after Covid".
Before Covid. Now puke.
That is all fine and good, but here's the point and it remains the same.

For the average person of reasonable shape, your odds of (Covid) death are no better than one in a million. Your odds of being struck by lightning are about twice that, 1 in 500k.

We don't totally shut down life when there is a thunderstorm.
That's the thought that won the day in some places and not in others. Which is the way a democracy should work.
Are you mad at China for intentionally starting it?
I don't know that they did. It is suspect, but there is not much really good evidence that they did it intentionally. Even if it came from a lab the evidence is that it was accidental release. If we had a smoking gun I assume the world would take action. Not sure what you do though. This isnt a world where military action is really a possibility anymore. That's why the entire world fights quasi wars in the poor and low tech ME. We can't fight China and they can't fight us. It would be mutually assured destruction of all. The military is really a pointless tool for anything other than defense or policing smaller lower tech countries at this point.

So being mad is fine, but what should we do about it other than economic sanctions? Unfortunately we are so intertwined economically with China that we end up absorbing half the pain from economic sanctions in the form of higher prices and less access to consumer goods for our population.
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Not really, no. What you are actually describing is tyranny of the majority, and in this case, all the idiots like you.
Sounds like you don't even like Democracy. Maybe move to a country that is ruled by a monarchy or military. There you can experience tyranny of the strong or tyranny of the minority. The point of democracy is that at least more than half the people have to agree. That is the safeguard we have agreed to in the US. If you don't like it then leave.
"It's a trap!"

What did I say about liberal women.

So, we never had the flu until 1918? Because that is what your idiotic fun fact impies here.

That literally may be one of the dumbest things ever posted here.
Not saying that, there were flu outbreaks before that, but to scientists knowledge that is the one that became endemic and that is the one that all modern seasonal flus are descendants of. Basically before 1918 there was no seasonal flu as far as I can tell from what I have read. I welcome more knowledge on this if you have it.

Sounds like you don't even like Democracy. Maybe move to a country that is ruled by a monarchy or military. There you can experience tyranny of the strong or tyranny of the minority. The point of democracy is that at least more than half the people have to agree. That is the safeguard we have agreed to in the US. If you don't like it then leave.
Again proving just how much of a complete idiot you and your kind are, daily too nonetheless.

It really is incredible just how dumb and/or brainwashed you people are. Almost gives me a new level of some level of respect for the players that play you through their malfeasance and incompetence.
This is exactly how I feel and see it. I am not PC and don't care how anyone else sees my responses. I will answer and be judged for my sins and will tell you when you are wrong or being stupid. Dims, you are definitely wrong and stupid these days. Just the way it is folks.

They will/are doubling down in their stupidity.

And no one is more dangerous than weak men.
It's time to "fact check" you. I actually do appreciate that, unlike most of your fellow fact checking progressives, that you understand the difference between a case fatality rate and an infection fatality rate, but there's no way in Hell that the infection fatality rate is 1%. The CASE fatality rate in federal prisons is .4% and they have universal testing there, and federal prisoners are actually a good sample in terms of demographics of the general population. In countries like Iceland and the small wealthy nation-states in the Middle East with universal testing since last March, the numbers are even lower. This thing has a .3% to .4% IFR worldwide, if even that. Fact check, progressive.

Fact check this as well, you are absolutely right that a "total lockdown" would not have been possible unless you want to revolutions and civil wars everywhere, and also "lockdowns" are human rights violations and ineffective, as well.

As for the Spanish Flu you provided, that was stupid, as someone else already pointed out. There will always be diseases. Stop your whining and move on. We're done with you, and your masks.

Fact check. Your agenda is not really is about pandemic control, but it's about human control. You weird hipster freaks consider this "pandemic" a godsend about controlling people. Fact check that one.
I haven't given an opinion on masks or lockdowns. Assume what you will. Just stating fact. Also just letting you know why epedemiologists were freaking out. They knew those facts. What they are not experts in is political science or economics though. Those 2 fields were important in the pandemic response too. In America the will of the people is always going to happen given time due to our Democracy. Also people can't live without money in modern society so jobs and work must happen as well and that side of the coin was almost always going to ensure failure of containing a virus so readily transmitted. Did we do too much or too little? Those are opinions and not facts.

Also you are right that there has always been sickness before, but from what I can tell there was no seasonal flu until the 1918 pandemic. I welcome confirmation that this is false but I have not seen it anywhere I have read. Now most experts think we will also have seasonal covid forever. That is bad whether it was preventable or not. Life will be lost and suffering will occur. Death and suffering are part of the human existence though that is for certain. I wish maybe we didn't cause so much of it through our own bickering with each other.
Again proving just how much of a complete idiot you and your kind are, daily too nonetheless.

It really is incredible just how dumb and/or brainwashed you people are. Almost gives me a new level of some level of respect for the players that play you through their malfeasance and incompetence.
Do you or don't you believe in Democracy?
I estimate about 1 in 100 people that got Covid died of it (official US count is 1.8 in 100 according to Worldometers) Given that your chance of dying of Covid is 1/100 times your chance of catching it. Roughly 1 in 10 Americans have had Covid according to Worldometers. If you want to look at individuals you can do an age adjusted number or get really fancy with the chance of dying with certain comorbodities and whatnot. That can be calculated in a lot of sophisticated ways.

A really fun thought is to think about the cost of all the people who will die for the rest of history due to Covid becoming endemic. Fun fact: every single strain of seasonal flu floating around is an offshoot of the 1918 Spanish Flu. That virus kills between 12,000 and 61,000 every year in the US and has been for 103 years. Now you can see why epedemiologists wanted a total lockdown to totally get rid of Covid even though that probably wasn't possible. They know for the rest of human history thousands of human beings will die from this virus every single year.
