How will they rule ??!

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Haven’t seen it mentioned but could have missed it

Recent Rasmussen poll about current events showed the most informed group is Fox News viewers.

The 2nd most informed are the people who do not watch any news.

The least informed group are the viewers of CNN, MSNBC, and the standard networks ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Didn’t need a poll. Could just have browsed this thread.
Says the guy who has never been there. (and does not know the difference between an adjective and an adverb.)
Says the guy who has never been there. (and does not know the difference between an adjective and an adverb.)
”Never been there.” Lol. I lived in California for 15 years in SoCal and routinely had to work in the Bay Area. Try your shit on someone else.

Most of my world view is based on having lived in California and graduating from college in California.
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Alright so looking at your numbers of 2019 and 2020 deaths. There’s a difference of 503,976, if these numbers are to be trusted. Covid was considered the third leading cause (heart disease and cancer were 1 and 2) where unintentional injuries is usually the third cause of death.

The CDC data table says a total of 3,358,814 people died with 377,883 deaths being attributed to COVID.

Of those 377,883- 120,648 of them were 85 or older. 104,212 of them were 75-84 years old.

The average lifespan is 78.

So among those numbers, 60% of these numbers are for people who are right there and past the average lifespan. When you add the graphs 80,617 “covid deaths” to the 65-74 demographic, that’s 305,477 of the 377,883 numbers- 80 percent overall.

So we shut down the world for this group? And like I said, this is just taking the word of the CDC and the COD of these people which I doubt very much so given the corruption. So yeah based on these numbers, about 500K more ppl died so there could be a ton of variables here which I’m sure COVID played a part but not to the extent of the hysteria generated.

Also, have we considered deaths being cause of hospital error like putting people on ventilators or something?
I thought I'd seen 3.45M deaths in 2020. Maybe it is "only" 3.36 or +500K, but I'll keep looking.

When you're age 78, you have 9+ years life expectancy, so you're not "right there". When you're 85, you have 6 years life expectancy. There are per SS.

I haven't ever said we should have shut down the country.

I'm just asking for numbers on other causes than covid rather than speculation. Don't see why that's asking too much. I haven't seen anyone put numbers to other possible causes for such a massive jump.
- Wife is in the healthcare industry and took the vaccine. Got scared from all of the Covid cases so her and her colleagues caved and got it. She has RA and was doing well and now she is having all sorts of joint issues again. Every morning is a chore for her waking up. She asked me many times my opinion of taking the vaccine and I told her it was her body and her choice. She is well educated and needed to make the decision for herself. As for me, my vaccine is eating right, working out every morning, having a six pack/being in great shape. If that does not beat Covid then its just my time to go.

- George Bush was a disaster as POTUS and should have moved into a Cave never to be heard from again. He can take Karl Rove, Mitch and the rest of them with him.

- Wonder if NYC Jews like Howard Stern are ecstatic about their beloved Dems being in charge now. You could not pay me enough to live in that shi!hole city.

-I have said many times this country opened it arms too wide and too long to immigrants. We allowed too many shi!hole country immigrants to come into our country, reproduce, get elected into office and are now destroying our country without having to take a single shot. Obama knew exactly what he was doing bringing so many Somalians into Minnesota. It allowed a bigot like Omar to get elected and will stay elected due to the massive amount of voter fraud in her district.

- Joe Biden is easily the fakest POTUS to ever grace the WH. His joke to the Coast Guard got no applause because they do not respect the guy. 80M votes my a$$
I am all in on drinking a six pack a that I understand that it might help with the Wuflu......
Now we're getting close. All that's missing is the Chinese military deliberately designing & releasing the virus. This is a fantastic article from a physicist at UVA. Really gets into the cartel to stop the truth. I could post so much more of it. Quite long. Points out the lab theory was undercut immediately as Trump suggested due to "the resistance" everywhere including science. Whole thing is as shame as it gets.

Science has become a cartel

"The idea that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a laboratory, and then escaped accidentally, always had a certain plausibility. The virus first appeared in Wuhan, China, where there is a laboratory that conducts research on bat coronaviruses — one of only a handful in the world to do so. Yet this possibility was dismissed quite forcefully and from the beginning of the outbreak by prominent virologists.

Now that same lab-leak hypothesis appears to be on the verge of acceptance as the most likely. Such reversals happen; it is the nature of science. In an emergency, it is understandable that a research community might commit to one theory over another, even if prematurely, in order to focus its intellectual energies and resources. Surely that’s what happened here.

But there may be more to the story. On 2 May, the veteran science reporter Nicolas Wade published a long, detailed account of the career of the lab-leak hypothesis. His reporting appears to have triggered a cascade of defections, not simply from a consensus that no longer holds, but from a fake consensus that is no longer enforceable.

Now 18 scientists have signed a letter in the journal Science with the title “Investigate the origins of COVID-19”. The New York Times notes that “Many of the signers have not spoken out before.” “Speaking out” is an odd locution to use in a scientific context; one expects to find it in a story about a whistle blower. If, during the Covid fiasco, scientists have not felt free to speak their minds, then we have a serious problem that goes beyond the immediate emergency of the pandemic.
So now we have evidence of science being politicized straightforwardly. Think about that. Regardless of how the question of the virus’s origins is ultimately decided, we need to understand how the political drama surrounding the science played out if we are to learn anything from this pandemic and reduce the likelihood of future ones.

I thought I'd seen 3.45M deaths in 2020. Maybe it is "only" 3.36 or +500K, but I'll keep looking.

When you're age 78, you have 9+ years life expectancy, so you're not "right there". When you're 85, you have 6 years life expectancy. There are per SS.

I haven't ever said we should have shut down the country.

I'm just asking for numbers on other causes than covid rather than speculation. Don't see why that's asking too much. I haven't seen anyone put numbers to other possible causes for such a massive jump.

78 years is the average lifespan of a male. I'm coming up on 78 in a few months. This is not at all encouraging knowledge. Now I learn that I can possibly expect 9+ years left. This is great news. I hope this is not fake news.
78 years is the average lifespan of a male. I'm coming up on 78 in a few months. This is not at all encouraging knowledge. Now I learn that I can possibly expect 9+ years left. This is great news. I hope this is not fake news.
For you, consider it fake. Everyone else, not so much. :)
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78 years is the average lifespan of a male. I'm coming up on 78 in a few months. This is not at all encouraging knowledge. Now I learn that I can possibly expect 9+ years left. This is great news. I hope this is not fake news.
Yes, but once you reach 78 you add several years. Obviously you survived childbirth and several other dangerous years.
Yea, SCARED SHITLESS! they been doing it for a month now and the only thing they found was the data they lied and said was gone. so much FRAUD! Now they have managed to corrupt all the voting equipment so AZ will have to scrap it and buy all new shit. Winning!
LOL, the data that was deleted was recovered by a third party, it had been deleted.

The Dem SOS claiming the voting equip is corrupt, and must be replaced doesn't make it so, she actually has no say so in it, she's posturing, giving red meat to dumbasses.
Of course you complain when it was said to Lebron b/c his opinions align with yours, but when another basketball player offers opinions that differ from yours, you use the same phrase that you complained about earlier. Do yourself a favor and go look up the definition of a hypocrite in a dictionary. Hopefully, that will help you try to be better next time.
You forgot to tell him after he looks up Webster's definition of then go spend 30 minutes in front of a mirror so he has a visual to go with the definition........
No backup.

Why did the media lie about the Capital policeman being bashed in the head Jan 6, or 5 deaths as a result of the protest?
The same media that refused to cover the Biden laptop, the same media that printed made up "anonymous" stories for 4 years, the same media that lied about Russian collusion, Russian bounties, Kurd genocide, and on and on?
When will you realize you're being lied to?
I have to say, my faith in scientists, not science, is shaken by this & the Wuhan lab virus escape thing. What a mess:

"Notes Koonin, “temperature extremes in the contiguous U.S. have become less common and somewhat milder since the late nineteenth century.” Similarly, a key message in the 2014 National Climate Assessment of an upward trend in hurricane frequency and intensity, repeated in the 2017 assessment, is contradicted 728 pages later by a statement buried in an appendix stating that there has been no significant trend in the global number of tropical cyclones “nor has any trend been identified in the number of U.S. land-falling hurricanes.” I mean WTF on global warming?

Meanwhile, DA Dims spout this sh!t:

That might surprise many politicians. “Over the past thirty years, the incidence of natural disasters has dramatically increased,” Treasury secretary Janet Yellen falsely asserted last month in a pitch supporting the Biden administration’s infrastructure package. “We are now in a situation where climate change is an existential risk to our future economy and way of life,” she claimed. The sacrifice of scientific truth in the form of objective empirical data for the sake of a catastrophist climate narrative is plain to see. As Koonin summarizes the case: “Even as human influences have increased fivefold since 1950 and the globe has warmed modestly, most severe weather phenomena remain within past variability. Projections of future climate and weather events rely on models demonstrably unfit for the purpose.”

"I learned to say that the goal of stabilizing human influences on the climate was ‘a challenge,’ while in government it was talked about as ‘an opportunity.’ Now back in academia, I can forthrightly call it ‘a practical impossibility.’”

I can see why some don't trust CDC.

I have to say, my faith in scientists, not science, is shaken by this & the Wuhan lab virus escape thing. What a mess:

"Notes Koonin, “temperature extremes in the contiguous U.S. have become less common and somewhat milder since the late nineteenth century.” Similarly, a key message in the 2014 National Climate Assessment of an upward trend in hurricane frequency and intensity, repeated in the 2017 assessment, is contradicted 728 pages later by a statement buried in an appendix stating that there has been no significant trend in the global number of tropical cyclones “nor has any trend been identified in the number of U.S. land-falling hurricanes.” I mean WTF on global warming?

Meanwhile, DA Dims spout this sh!t:

That might surprise many politicians. “Over the past thirty years, the incidence of natural disasters has dramatically increased,” Treasury secretary Janet Yellen falsely asserted last month in a pitch supporting the Biden administration’s infrastructure package. “We are now in a situation where climate change is an existential risk to our future economy and way of life,” she claimed. The sacrifice of scientific truth in the form of objective empirical data for the sake of a catastrophist climate narrative is plain to see. As Koonin summarizes the case: “Even as human influences have increased fivefold since 1950 and the globe has warmed modestly, most severe weather phenomena remain within past variability. Projections of future climate and weather events rely on models demonstrably unfit for the purpose.”

"I learned to say that the goal of stabilizing human influences on the climate was ‘a challenge,’ while in government it was talked about as ‘an opportunity.’ Now back in academia, I can forthrightly call it ‘a practical impossibility.’”

I can see why some don't trust CDC.

It seems obvious by China's reaction, stopping travel from Wuhan inside of China but allowing international travel in and out of Wuhan, that they wanted this outbreak to occur. Now, was it intentionally released, or accidentally and then China took advantage of the situation?
No backup.

Lol. Still running with the completely fabricated story? I guess the NOI black supremacist killing the Capitol police officer didn’t fit the narrative nor the fact that BLM has been executing cops over the years.

Print the lie
Bury the retraction
Keep those who read the initial BS headline in the dark.

Lefties- cities are run by lefties and filled with crime by lefties.
I like her line "if you like what you see"

Why yes...I do actually

But seriously it's incredible to watch lib leaders completely boondoggle everything when it really isn't even that hard. Governance should be minimal. Get the hell out of the way and let the people shine.
I think this is mostly why Trump had success in getting the country going. He wasn't some tactical genius in his approach, he simply did some things that got government out of the way, and ta-da! Great things happened for everyone.
Are you being serious? Can't tell.

That is a Republican's favorite phrase when a black athlete talks about social or political issues.
No one has ever had a problem with black athletes speaking their mind......ON THEIR OWN TIME. Say what you want on social media. Go march in the streets. Donate to whomever. Where we take issue is when they bring it into their sport. We don't want to hear about your political views while trying to watch a ball game or highlights from one. If we care what you think about a president, we can follow you on Twitter.

I post here in my free time. I can talk politics all I want. Know where I can't talk politics? AT WORK. If I started sharing my political views with customers, I'd be fired within a week. Professional athletes should be treated the same.
He just wants to find some justification to name call, to call people racist.

But conservatives also don't want to hear it from hollywood, or Ashley Judd or whatever, for their reasons like you outlined, but as is almost always the case, the cases of "racism" are all manufactured selective reasoning and useful accusations.

I myself don't particularly care who spouts off when, idiots are going to idiot, but really the best criticism of it is indeed "shut up and dribble" because that's the whole point of athletics and entertainment etc, it's to unite poeple and be a diversion, something fun etc.