How will they rule ??!

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the evangelical "stranglehold" through churches is the most over-rated dynamic in our entire political system. This is propaganda. Liberal fear-mongering. An average congregation will vote according to the congregation's social distribution. For example, an all-black evangelical congregation is almost certain to vote . . . how? Most southern Baptist congregations will have their fair share of school teachers and other types of government workers who will all vote like all public school teachers some other government workers do (democrat), their fair share of persons employed in some form of private sector work who vote like most persons employed in the private sector do (republican), and a mix of other persons who comprise a voter distribution based on their individual interest. And yes, there are plenty of gay people in white evangelical congregations who don't vote republican.

Churches have been forbid for a 1/2 century from having a political voice in order to "protect" their tax exemption status. When people go to church they volunteer to listen to individuals professionally qualified to provide interpretations of biblical text, which very often would lead to modern political parallels which persons possessing PHDs in theological studies are not allowed to approach. This is pure garbage. How does this compare to charitable organizations which, although are also restricted from politicizing and making political endorsements, often form / structure themselves / modify their activities / publicize mission statements / etc. based on or similar to an existing and very often liberal political agenda?

Good points, I hadn't looked at it that way.
I have to share some doozies I've read and the responses from acquantinces when I talked to them about the wikileaks.

"What's that?"
"I saw it was from Fox News so I just ignored it."
"Trump is the one who doesn't pay taxes, said his daughter was sexy and wanted to have sex with a 10 year old and is Putin's boys"
"All I see is campaign game planning. Nothing big."

Maybe they should just nuke us.
Bill Clinton won't even acknowledge, much less care for his love child...but Hillary goes out and adopts from a completely different planet. If that doesn't say something about where their priorities lie I don't know what does.

Why haven't we seen this on CNN, NBC or discussed on Oprah? Next thing you know it will pull some ET Ninja Space Hypnotic Trance on the SpecOps guys holding the nuclear football and unleash a blistering fire on Topeka. (And before anyone disputes its validity, it states "Official Photo" so it came from the government.)


Old news . . . 1995 publication. Pretty sure it was covered on the Jenny Jones show back then. most of the mainstream news was devoted to the Oklahoma Federal building and tracking down the unabomber . . . still nothing at that point in the news about what the Clinton administration might be doing about the Feb. 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, and never would there be . . . he did, however, sign away the 55 mph federal hwy limit in November that year, I mean . . . he did do . . . something.
Watching these videos of media members being flipped off and cursed out brings me great joy.

The media earned this.
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I have to share some doozies I've read and the responses from acquantinces when I talked to them about the wikileaks.

"What's that?"
"I saw it was from Fox News so I just ignored it."
"Trump is the one who doesn't pay taxes, said his daughter was sexy and wanted to have sex with a 10 year old and is Putin's boys"
"All I see is campaign game planning. Nothing big."

Maybe they should just nuke us.
what is cardkilla like in real life?
Watching these videos of media members being flipped off and cursed out brings me great joy.

The media earned this.

where is this?

what they're doing now is borderline treasonous. this isn't Romney hates dogs or McCain had an affair or Bush does coke. this is next level
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What are the odds Trump releases his 2015 tax return after it's filed on Monday, and his CPAs have been working diligently for weeks to make sure the descriptions they used for line items were the most generic, anti Russian descriptions imaginable?

Obviously can't change the content after a certain point in time, but you can control the presentation.
Ain't that the truth. I'm a registered Republican and although I'm not one of the people that always votes party lines, I vote Republican probably 75% of the time. But they've making it increasingly hard to do so as they continue to pander to who they now consider their base - crazy evangelicals. It's time to move on from the social issues that they can't (and in many cases, shouldn't) win. There are so many young people out there that agree with Republicans on many policy issues, but just can't bring themselves to vote for them due to their stance on many social issues and being so closely tied to religion.

If they lose the evangelicals, so be it, let those people break off and start their own thing. But they'd pick up so many more moderates that they'd more than make up for any losses.
Do you realize that Trump is less interested in those social issues than any Republican presidential candidate in memory? If young voters still have residual concerns regarding evangelism, they need only listen to that infamous tape where the Donald refers to grabbing that you-know-what and their concerns should be quickly alleviated.
I'd like to know how anyone could be a Christian and vote Democrat considering they have utter disdain for Christians.

The left goes out of their way to bash Christians while being constant apologists for Muslims despite the fact that Muslims murder Christians around the world.

Lib media freaks out on Christian bakery and Chick-Fil-A but then wants to bring in millions of Muslims, excuse terrorism, ignore Muslims imprisoning and executing gays, honor killings of women, taxing non Muslims, all of the insanity they believe.

Look at how they treated Clock Boy, for example. Any Christian that votes Democrat is an idiot.
How are things in Cali heisman? Nice weather?
All this bickering on here is pointless. The odds are long that Trump will even come close to winning. The electoral college math doesn't add up. I just don't see him carrying enough of the large population states to pull it off. Winning the large swath of prairieland states doesn't matter. Winning Alabama or South Carolina doesn't matter. Hardly any electoral votes there. Someone show me how this will be possible. I don't see it.

And after losing their 3rd straight presidential election, to Hilary Clinton of all people, the Republican Party will need to do some real soul searching, look themselves in the mirror, and figure out what went wrong. Either they adapt and overcome, or they will become irrelevant on a national scale. Still relevant in some hard core red states, but not nationally. They really fu*ked up this one.
It's very possible that he wins, even more possible that he comes close, and most of the "concerns" about the electoral college math are presented by those that are "with her" in the first place; and I would bet that you are one of them!

Trump needs to win the popular vote. If he does that, the electoral numbers should follow. If he's popular enough to win the popular vote nationally, then he should expect to win Florida, Ohio, Nevada, and Iowa. He'll win every state that Romney did. Then, it's just a question of winning ONE other state, and that's going to be likely- IF he wins the popular vote. And if he can't win the popular vote, then he doesn't deserve to win the election in the first place. But, even at that, he still could. If he gets absolutely trounced in blue states like California and East Coast states, wins certain red states like Texas by single instead of double digits, and squeezes out 1 to 2 point wins in enough swing states, he could narrowly lose the popular and win the electoral. It's actually more likely than the reverse scenario, where he wins the popular and loses the electoral.
I have to share some doozies I've read and the responses from acquantinces when I talked to them about the wikileaks.

"What's that?"
"I saw it was from Fox News so I just ignored it."
"Trump is the one who doesn't pay taxes, said his daughter was sexy and wanted to have sex with a 10 year old and is Putin's boys"
"All I see is campaign game planning. Nothing big."

Maybe they should just nuke us.

Why bother? Pay the clintons enough, and they just toss Putin the keys.

Paid 2.1 million for uranium. Not only are they whores, they are apparently incredibly cheap to buy
Did that lady not start laughing during that interview?

I swear at the end it looked as if she started laughing!
I have to share some doozies I've read and the responses from acquantinces when I talked to them about the wikileaks.

"What's that?"
"I saw it was from Fox News so I just ignored it."
"Trump is the one who doesn't pay taxes, said his daughter was sexy and wanted to have sex with a 10 year old and is Putin's boys"
"All I see is campaign game planning. Nothing big."

The Clinton smear campaign is in it's 4th decade. All the attacks and investigations have come to nothing.

Now comes the wiki leaks emails which offer legit fodder to attack her with, but the public can't be bothered - the GOP cried wolf too many times over the years.
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The Clinton smear campaign is in it's 4th decade. All the attacks and investigations have come to nothing.

Now comes the wiki leaks emails which offer legit fodder to attack her with, but the public can't be bothered - the GOP cried wolf too many times over the years.

There has been plenty of evidence of her corruption long before wikileaks. Those weren't just baseless attacks. Her, Bill and her brother were like a moth to the flame when it came to corruption.

But nothing happens to you when you reach a certain status so no punishment.
There is good stuff in the emails.

Claiming executive privilege is not good stuff.

You're right, invoking executive privilege isn't that big of a deal, but Obama was specifically asked about knowledge of Hillary's private server & he had a one word answer, an emphatic "No!"

This is more evidence of the lies & collusion between Hillary, the WH, the DOJ & FBI to bury this case & cover up Hillary's treasonous crimes.
the evangelical "stranglehold" through churches is the most over-rated dynamic in our entire political system. This is propaganda. Liberal fear-mongering. An average congregation will vote according to the congregation's social distribution. For example, an all-black evangelical congregation is almost certain to vote . . . how? Most southern Baptist congregations will have their fair share of school teachers and other types of government workers who will all vote like all public school teachers some other government workers do (democrat), their fair share of persons employed in some form of private sector work who vote like most persons employed in the private sector do (republican), and a mix of other persons who comprise a voter distribution based on their individual interest. And yes, there are plenty of gay people in white evangelical congregations who don't vote republican.

Churches have been forbid for a 1/2 century from having a political voice in order to "protect" their tax exemption status. When people go to church they volunteer to listen to individuals professionally qualified to provide interpretations of biblical text, which very often would lead to modern political parallels which persons possessing PHDs in theological studies are not allowed to approach. This is pure garbage. How does this compare to charitable organizations which, although are also restricted from politicizing and making political endorsements, often form / structure themselves / modify their activities / publicize mission statements / etc. based on or similar to an existing and very often liberal political agenda?
Do you think black churches are apolitical?
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Watching Democrats try to grab the high moral ground is the funniest thing about this election.

That's what's awesome. The Dems now have the moral high ground and are in the pockets of Wall Street. These are two huge Republican sacred lambs, but the Dems have them now.


CIA planning a massive cyber attack on Russia per NBC? Taking this Russia hack lie pretty far....I mean, that's pretty real. All political, nonetheless. Dangerous as well.

Oh yeah and Romney was right, apparently. I'm sure the apology card is in the mail...
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I'm just gonna paste this whole post by Instapundit, cause it makes several points and I can't improve any of them:

REMEMBER THIS WHEN THEY START WITH ALL THE HAVE-YOU-NO-DECENCY STUFF: Dem PAC poll-tested attacks on Obama over father’s Muslim heritage.

"A Democratic super PAC poll tested several personal attacks against then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in 2008, including his cocaine use as a teenager and his father’s Muslim heritage, according to emails released by WikiLeaks.

The Jan. 9, 2008, email exchange is between Paul Begala, a longtime ally of Hillary Clinton, and her current campaign chairman, John Podesta. In it, Podesta provides a list of attack lines the strategists discussed putting into a survey."

You know, news like this might hurt Hillary, if the press ever reported it.
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CIA planning a massive cyber attack on Russia per NBC? Taking this Russia hack lie pretty far....I mean, that's pretty real. All political, nonetheless. Dangerous as well.

Oh yeah and Romney was right, apparently. I'm sure the apology card is in the mail...

This is ridiculous, first of all the idea the CIA would announce to the world they were planning a cyber attack is retarded.

The idea that the administration would carry this BS story of Russia hacking in order to protect Hillary to the point to cause serious future ramifications is retarded.

The kicker is the root cause of all this bullshit is because Hillary decided she was going to use a nonsecure server ,in her house, to carry out official state business. All to cover her sorry ass from foia.

I can't believe what we are witnessing, and it tells me that they know she was hacked.
Nice to see Obamas gonna try to get us nuked before he leaves office.

A war with Russia, especially over something that we aren't even sure if they are involved, is really really stupid.