Trump has a chance to win Ohio and Pennsylvania because of the large hard working populations that are fed up with the Democratic BS. He also has a chance in Florida due to many having th same feelings. He HAS TO win all three and I think he has a chance.All this bickering on here is pointless. The odds are long that Trump will even come close to winning. The electoral college math doesn't add up. I just don't see him carrying enough of the large population states to pull it off. Winning the large swath of prairieland states doesn't matter. Winning Alabama or South Carolina doesn't matter. Hardly any electoral votes there. Someone show me how this will be possible. I don't see it.
And after losing their 3rd straight presidential election, to Hilary Clinton of all people, the Republican Party will need to do some real soul searching, look themselves in the mirror, and figure out what went wrong. Either they adapt and overcome, or they will become irrelevant on a national scale. Still relevant in some hard core red states, but not nationally. They really fu*ked up this one.
You cannot trust the national polls this election because no media outlet is going to give Trump a positive glimmer of hope.