How will they rule ??!

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All this bickering on here is pointless. The odds are long that Trump will even come close to winning. The electoral college math doesn't add up. I just don't see him carrying enough of the large population states to pull it off. Winning the large swath of prairieland states doesn't matter. Winning Alabama or South Carolina doesn't matter. Hardly any electoral votes there. Someone show me how this will be possible. I don't see it.

And after losing their 3rd straight presidential election, to Hilary Clinton of all people, the Republican Party will need to do some real soul searching, look themselves in the mirror, and figure out what went wrong. Either they adapt and overcome, or they will become irrelevant on a national scale. Still relevant in some hard core red states, but not nationally. They really fu*ked up this one.
Trump has a chance to win Ohio and Pennsylvania because of the large hard working populations that are fed up with the Democratic BS. He also has a chance in Florida due to many having th same feelings. He HAS TO win all three and I think he has a chance.

You cannot trust the national polls this election because no media outlet is going to give Trump a positive glimmer of hope.
The email that says "wet works" is like a House of Cards episode.

I've already spent the last three hours reading these leaks. People deserve prison and the death penalty.
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And after losing their 3rd straight presidential election, to Hilary Clinton of all people, the Republican Party will need to do some real soul searching, look themselves in the mirror, and figure out what went wrong. Either they adapt and overcome, or they will become irrelevant on a national scale. Still relevant in some hard core red states, but not nationally. They really fu*ked up this one.

Ain't that the truth. I'm a registered Republican and although I'm not one of the people that always votes party lines, I vote Republican probably 75% of the time. But they've making it increasingly hard to do so as they continue to pander to who they now consider their base - crazy evangelicals. It's time to move on from the social issues that they can't (and in many cases, shouldn't) win. There are so many young people out there that agree with Republicans on many policy issues, but just can't bring themselves to vote for them due to their stance on many social issues and being so closely tied to religion.

If they lose the evangelicals, so be it, let those people break off and start their own thing. But they'd pick up so many more moderates that they'd more than make up for any losses.
All this bickering on here is pointless. The odds are long that Trump will even come close to winning. The electoral college math doesn't add up. I just don't see him carrying enough of the large population states to pull it off. Winning the large swath of prairieland states doesn't matter. Winning Alabama or South Carolina doesn't matter. Hardly any electoral votes there. Someone show me how this will be possible. I don't see it.

And after losing their 3rd straight presidential election, to Hilary Clinton of all people, the Republican Party will need to do some real soul searching, look themselves in the mirror, and figure out what went wrong. Either they adapt and overcome, or they will become irrelevant on a national scale. Still relevant in some hard core red states, but not nationally. They really fu*ked up this one.

The Rep party is changing before our eyes, it isn't going back to the way it was, and it has nothing to do with Trump. He may not win this election, but the issues that caused his ascent won't go away.
The Rep party is changing before our eyes, it isn't going back to the way it was, and it has nothing to do with Trump. He may not win this election, but the issues that caused his ascent won't go away.

It's just refreshing to me that the republican party has not focused this campaign around social issues. This has been a straight nuts and bolts economy and immigration campaign.

If Trump doesn't win, at least things are changing. There will be a better candidate than the traditional status quo repubs. Just hopefully Hillary doesn't kill us all in Armageddon.
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It's just refreshing to me that the republican party has not focused this campaign around social issues. This has been a straight nuts and bolts economy and immigration campaign.

If Trump doesn't win, at least things are changing. There will be a better candidate than the traditional status quo repubs. Just hopefully Hillary doesn't kill us all in Armageddon.

Thats why I can't understand how some people claim pandering to evangelicals is an issue to them in this race. I have yet to hear Trump say anything with any substance religious.
He wants their votes, but he isn't using faith as a main platform.

I still think Trump wins this thing Willy. Economy, economy, economy is the voters main concern and he's the preferred candidate with voters on that.

The behavior of the media scares me more than anything, like you wrote earlier it's like we're in North Korea with a state sponsored news media, it's sickening.
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Been confirmed that the woman who said it happened on a plane is bogus.

Said he raised the armrest and moved in.. only problem being that the arm rests didnt raise on that planr in first class... who thinks that gets coverage?
Thats why I can't understand how some people claim pandering to evangelicals is an issue to them in this race. I have yet to hear Trump say anything with any substance religious.
He wants their votes, but he isn't using faith as a main platform.

I still think Trump wins this thing Willy. Economy, economy, economy is the voters main concern and he's the preferred candidate with voters on that.

The behavior of the media scares me more than anything, like you wrote earlier it's like we're in North Korea with a state sponsored news media, it's sickening.

Yeah, the good guys need to win this one. Hate to see the bad guys win.
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Don't worry, ya'll - she got this. All we need is more food stamps!

"Hillary Clinton argued that expanding food stamps and other safety net programs is essential to fuel economic growth at a speech to General Electric executives, according to an excerpt of the transcript made public by WikiLeaks Friday."

Read more:


There ya have it. Social welfare is the cure for a lagging economy.
This is a perfect embodiment of The Truth. What can the reply possibly be? What can the Eric Alterman's of the world say in response? The only, only rational response is some form of "Hillary's scandals don't matter, but Trump's do." Which is not legit - you can't even say it with a straight face unless you're bent left.

It's just refreshing to me that the republican party has not focused this campaign around social issues. This has been a straight nuts and bolts economy and immigration campaign.

If Trump doesn't win, at least things are changing. There will be a better candidate than the traditional status quo repubs. Just hopefully Hillary doesn't kill us all in Armageddon.

It is changing. A lot of the Never Trump Republicans are the idiots that fall for someone quoting scripture and praying in front of them. They want the status quo. They focus on social issues and only that.

The other side of us realizes to not even discuss social issues like gay marriage or even abortion (which I find as pure evil but know it won't change -abortion) because it's not going to change, win elections and only serves as fodder for the Dems.

What I think a lot of us want to focus on is very simple.
- Economic responsibility
- Illegal immigration
- Protect the second amendment
- Keep us safe and not flood us with Muslims
- Expose our media and corruption

And for me, I'd probably add how much I detest SJWs and don't think they should be catered to.
Well, her other idea was to call the fed to print more money.

Dems usually don't have any concept of money except to take more of it and wildly spend others' money.

I think Dems have to be the slowest kids on the bus because it never dawns on them to see what Dem Party economic policies look like. Every inner city is a total craphole filled with crime, poverty and terrible schools.

Dems solution? Tax more, waste more money, blame cops, Republicans, white people, etc.

Seriously, their goal is to keep people poor and dependent and then convince those people that someone else is the bad guy.
Given the pending nuclear war, I'm fine with taking on another $10 trillion in debt so long as the "safety nets" are extended to upper middle class white males.
Given the pending nuclear war, I'm fine with taking on another $10 trillion in debt so long as the "safety nets" are extended to upper middle class white males.

So, essentially we will pay ourselves through our own tax money.

Why it just might work!
Watching Democrats try to grab the high moral ground is the funniest thing about this election.

Yep. The group who backs Islam, supports abortion, has rags like Salon give a pedophiles a platform for sympathy, doesn't believe in enforcing certain laws, supports BLM riots, tries to silence anyone who disagrees, has an outright hostility toward conservative family values and idrals, had no issue with Bill Clinton raping and shoving cigars in vaginas is obviously morally superior.
Dems usually don't have any concept of money except to take more of it and wildly spend others' money.

I think Dems have to be the slowest kids on the bus because it never dawns on them to see what Dem Party economic policies look like. Every inner city is a total craphole filled with crime, poverty and terrible schools.

Dems solution? Tax more, waste more money, blame cops, Republicans, white people, etc.

Seriously, their goal is to keep people poor and dependent and then convince those people that someone else is the bad guy.

The man who achieves power from the supportive masses of poor and woefully dependent? Only his enemy will take legitimate action to reduce the size of that collective body. Only an idiot cannot see this truth through his own process of logic and reason.
Thats why I can't understand how some people claim pandering to evangelicals is an issue to them in this race. I have yet to hear Trump say anything with any substance religious.
He wants their votes, but he isn't using faith as a main platform.

You are correct, if there's been one positive about this whole circus it's that neither candidate has really been focused on the same tired social issues. It's the rest of the stuff that's been a cluster, but at least it's new stuff that's being clustered.

There still seems to be an evangelical stranglehold on the Republican Party though, even if this particular presidential election is an anomaly. I think the primary still kind of proved that.
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And after losing their 3rd straight presidential election, to Hilary Clinton of all people, the Republican Party will need to do some real soul searching, look themselves in the mirror, and figure out what went wrong. Either they adapt and overcome, or they will become irrelevant on a national scale. Still relevant in some hard core red states, but not nationally. They really fu*ked up this one.
and yet if she wins (always thought & said a 2/3rds chance that would be the outcome) after Nov there is 95% chance they will hold the House & think last projections a 60-65% chance they will hold the Senate. And lets not even get into how many Governors & state representatives will be held by Republicans nationwide, not just in hard core red states.

the Oval office chair is a present conundrum, no doubt. since we have been in our present 2 party battle going back to the 1850's there have been long stretches where 1 side dominates for like 20 years. but that didnt result in Reps or Dems drying up & blowing away, eventually solutions were figured out. Maybe a push needs to be made nationwide to every state being like Maine, electoral votes distributed by congressional district not winner-takes-all. then GOP can invest time in right leaning districts in what are right now no-go states like NY, Cali, Illinois.
FYI doing quick research:
GOP held White House 1869-1885, 1897-1913, 1921-1933, 1981-1993
Dem had biggest runs of 1934-1953
Hmm I guess I touched a button. Rape/sexual assault? Really? I guess you have a very different definition of the word.
Take a look at this shocking clip! Rachel sexually assaults Ross at the 2:10 mark according to LEK's new definition of rape/sexual assault. SHOCKING!!!!!!
Yea, nice strawman. I get it. You live in a world of feelings, not facts. No one is saying an attempted kiss is assualt. That's how ridiculous you are.
You are correct, if there's been one positive about this whole circus it's that neither candidate has really been focused on the same tired social issues. It's the rest of the stuff that's been a cluster, but at least it's new stuff that's being clustered.

There still seems to be an evangelical stranglehold on the Republican Party though, even if this particular presidential election is an anomaly. I think the primary still kind of proved that.

I don't know, if there had been a strangle hold on it in the primary Trump wouldn't have won.

There's a lot of people that go to church and those people vote, that's just the reality of the situation. So they're always going to have a loud voice.
I don't know, if there had been a strangle hold on it in the primary Trump wouldn't have won.

There's a lot of people that go to church and those people vote, that's just the reality of the situation. So they're always going to have a loud voice.
What I know is most church goers that vote are going to vote against Hillary for the main reason of what she supports and the fact she will be nominating Justices that will rule on law that goes against their beliefs in abortion and forcing pastors to marry LGBT parties even though it violates their religion. Regardless of who is on the republican cannot honestly claim to be a Christian follower of follower of Jesus Christ and vote for Hillary Clinton.
What I know is most church goers that vote are going to vote against Hillary for the main reason of what she supports and the fact she will be nominating Justices that will rule on law that goes against their beliefs in abortion and forcing pastors to marry LGBT parties even though it violates their religion. Regardless of who is on the republican cannot honestly claim to be a Christian follower of follower of Jesus Christ and vote for Hillary Clinton.

I'd like to know how anyone could be a Christian and vote Democrat considering they have utter disdain for Christians.

The left goes out of their way to bash Christians while being constant apologists for Muslims despite the fact that Muslims murder Christians around the world.

Lib media freaks out on Christian bakery and Chick-Fil-A but then wants to bring in millions of Muslims, excuse terrorism, ignore Muslims imprisoning and executing gays, honor killings of women, taxing non Muslims, all of the insanity they believe.

Look at how they treated Clock Boy, for example. Any Christian that votes Democrat is an idiot.
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What I know is most church goers that vote are going to vote against Hillary for the main reason of what she supports and the fact she will be nominating Justices that will rule on law that goes against their beliefs in abortion and forcing pastors to marry LGBT parties even though it violates their religion. Regardless of who is on the republican cannot honestly claim to be a Christian follower of follower of Jesus Christ and vote for Hillary Clinton.
Those Hillary supporters who support, for example, homosexuality, abortion, etc but claim to follow Jesus are what I call "Cafeteria Christians". They just pick what they like.

I wonder how they feel about adultery or murder? I bet its a different story then...

You can't just pick what you like out of The Bible: whatever your interpretation, its all or none.
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I'm also surprised that Hillary has a rapist out there campaigning for her.

Why isn't the media calling her out for that?

Could you imagine if Trump used R Kelly or Oscar Pistorious on the campaign trail?
I don't know, if there had been a strangle hold on it in the primary Trump wouldn't have won.

There's a lot of people that go to church and those people vote, that's just the reality of the situation. So they're always going to have a loud voice.

the evangelical "stranglehold" through churches is the most over-rated dynamic in our entire political system. This is propaganda. Liberal fear-mongering. An average congregation will vote according to the congregation's social distribution. For example, an all-black evangelical congregation is almost certain to vote . . . how? Most southern Baptist congregations will have their fair share of school teachers and other types of government workers who will all vote like all public school teachers some other government workers do (democrat), their fair share of persons employed in some form of private sector work who vote like most persons employed in the private sector do (republican), and a mix of other persons who comprise a voter distribution based on their individual interest. And yes, there are plenty of gay people in white evangelical congregations who don't vote republican.

Churches have been forbid for a 1/2 century from having a political voice in order to "protect" their tax exemption status. When people go to church they volunteer to listen to individuals professionally qualified to provide interpretations of biblical text, which very often would lead to modern political parallels which persons possessing PHDs in theological studies are not allowed to approach. This is pure garbage. How does this compare to charitable organizations which, although are also restricted from politicizing and making political endorsements, often form / structure themselves / modify their activities / publicize mission statements / etc. based on or similar to an existing and very often liberal political agenda?
What I know is most church goers that vote are going to vote against Hillary for the main reason of what she supports and the fact she will be nominating Justices that will rule on law that goes against their beliefs in abortion and forcing pastors to marry LGBT parties even though it violates their religion. Regardless of who is on the republican cannot honestly claim to be a Christian follower of follower of Jesus Christ and vote for Hillary Clinton.
Absolutely correct.
Bill Clinton won't even acknowledge, much less care for his love child...but Hillary goes out and adopts from a completely different planet. If that doesn't say something about where their priorities lie I don't know what does.

Why haven't we seen this on CNN, NBC or discussed on Oprah? Next thing you know it will pull some ET Ninja Space Hypnotic Trance on the SpecOps guys holding the nuclear football and unleash a blistering fire on Topeka. (And before anyone disputes its validity, it states "Official Photo" so it came from the government.)
