How will they rule ??!

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How did we miss these signs of white supremacy?


So when did Bill Gates become an agricultural and climate expert? Cool the dude started Microsoft 40 years ago. What the hell does that have to do with agriculture and climate?

Why do people listen to this guy? I’ve seen clips of him going on all these different shows and channels the last couple weeks talking about what food we should eat and what we have to do for climate.
They get what they deserve, @UK4number9 you made the rules. I mean I get it, it goes against your grouothink so you'll have to shut it out immediately

Great video. I wonder how long it stays up on YouTube. It really is an indictment of 45 years of California's energy policies and makes one want to ask "How did the children get put in charge of energy policy in CA?" France has gone to 75% nuclear with no emissions, while CA has outlawed nuclear. Instead, CA has gurus who say "The solution to our blackouts is to have more solar and wind and big, big, big, big batteries to store power." Too bad nobody makes those batteries. That's like to listening to a child shrieking "I want" all day long. You can want it, but as of today, it is make believe. In the meantime, the people of CA suffer.
I suppose forward-thinking investors should start looking at environmental clean up companies who can deal with the disposal of the poisonous aftermath of those big, big, big, big batteries.
Then they drone on about a carbon tax which at least they honestly describe as punishment for those who use power. That's like the current mentality of needlessly driving up gas prices to discourage use. The only thing that will do is punish lower income people, and the punishment wall fall disproportionately upon blacks. So, it punishes the same groups that open borders will punish. There's a definite pattern here. Unmistakable. Is it accidental, or are they too ignorant to see where the last 45 years of California policy have taken it?
Who said the rest of the country should be more like CA, with its rolling blackouts and dependence on foreign-mined minerals (with most rare earth minerals coming from China joe's China)?

EDIT-- Will the video stay up longer than Michael Moore's vid that concluded the Green New Deal is a scam, because the current crop of renewables doesn't solve any problems?
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I wonder how long that video stays up on YouTube. It really is an indictment of 45 years of California's enery policies and makes one want to ask "How did the children get put in charge of energy policy in CA?" France has gone to 75% nuclear with no emissions, while CA has outlawed nuclear. Instead, CA has gurus who say "The solution to our blackouts is to have more solar and wind and big, big, big, big batteries to store power." Too bad nobody makes those batteries. That's like to listening to a child shrieking "I want" all day long. You can want it, but as of today, it is make believe. In the meantime, the people of CA suffer.
Then they drone on about a carbon tax which at least they honestly describe as punishment for those who use power. That's like the current mentality of needlessly driving up gas prices to discourage use. The only thing that will do is punish lower income people, and the punishment wall fall disproportionately upon blacks. So, it punishes the same groups that open borders will punish. There's a definite pattern here. Unmistakable. Is it accidental, or are they too ignorant to see where the last 45 years of California policy have taken it?
Who said the rest of the country should be more like CA, with its rolling blackouts and dependence on foreign-mined minerals (with most rare earth minerals coming from China joe's China)?
I dont know why it wouldn't. Reason is a legitimate publisher and if youtube did it would only further what Reason rails about about censorship to begin with.
It's maddening to see the use of resources on this, but not on the billions of damage over the summer. Many of those people travelled city to city leading riots. You don't even need facial recognition for many of them because Andy Ngos incredible work.

In any notion resembling justice, the entire lot would be prosecuted. Not just those politically opposite.

I'm increasingly more convinced in my post a few months ago that we already live in a failed society. We just don't realize it
Is that failed society in Antarctica?
Biden's America. Now tell me again that boys won't play girls sports.

Allowing girls in scouts is one of the few things like this I’ll agree with. My daughter tried Girl Scouts years ago and hated it. She wanted to learn bushcraft and survival skills. Girl Scouts aren’t into that type of stuff so we just spent a lot of time backpacking and camping with friends. That being said, it should just be called Scouts and let whatever kids want to learn survival and wilderness skills take part. Take boy out of the name if everyone can join.
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So when did Bill Gates become an agricultural and climate expert? Cool the dude started Microsoft 40 years ago. What the hell does that have to do with agriculture and climate?

Why do people listen to this guy? I’ve seen clips of him going on all these different shows and channels the last couple weeks talking about what food we should eat and what we have to do for climate.

Start at 9 minutes to hear about Bill Gates, tech companies and farming. These tech guys just want to control every aspect of everything.
I dont know why it wouldn't. Reason is a legitimate publisher and if youtube did it would only further what Reason rails about about censorship to begin with.
Why wouldn't Reason's video stay up? Because unflattering documentaries that deal with the current forms of green energy don't tend to hang around long. Michael Moore has long been a darling of the left. His unflattering video about wind and solar and the Green New Deal didn't survive.
I'm just saying I wonder how long..... YouTube has been yanking things as fast as Twitter.
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Start at 9 minutes to hear about Bill Gates, tech companies and farming. These tech guys just want to control every aspect of everything.
Good video find. Is this video a conspiracy theory?? No, not by any stretch of the imagination. It merely describes part of the elite left's control agenda. It's fairly totalitarian, and it's called UN Agenda 21. Bill Gates is just helping put in place the centralized global management that the one woman in the video is complaining about.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

Quote from Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore." Paris Accord, anyone?

Part of the "major shift in priorities of ... individuals and unprecented redeployment of human ... resources" is expected to be a major loss of individual freedoms. It smells like the traditional, managed Soviet and Chinese economies, where freedom of choice was not at a premium.

You have to acknowledge 2 things about these wackos. They're honest in telling (warning) you what they have in mind. (1) They plan on running everything, because that's good for you. (2) Using their own words, they are going to "RESDISTRIBUTE ... THE WORLD'S WEALTH." Who TF are these people??

What does AOC's Green New Deal have to do with this? It is derived directly from UN Agenda 21. Chakrabarti (AOC's former chief of staff and the guy who helped her "reallocate" $2 Million of her campaign funds) said, “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?" Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Gee, I wonder what it originally was. Agenda 21, wealth and power redistribution.

If you study the Paris Accord, its later stages of implementation are exactly what Ottmar Edenhoffer described.
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So when did Bill Gates become an agricultural and climate expert? Cool the dude started Microsoft 40 years ago. What the hell does that have to do with agriculture and climate?

Why do people listen to this guy? I’ve seen clips of him going on all these different shows and channels the last couple weeks talking about what food we should eat and what we have to do for climate.
Even if I agreed with every single thing that Gates advocates, I would still be astonished that the media portrays him as an expert on every topic under the sun. He's a college dropout who made great advances in computer software and parlayed that into a mega tech empire. Which doesn't make him an expert on the millions of topics he is always opining about.
He kind of reminds of Fuzz in the sense that he is an expert on everything, but at least Fuzz probably got himself a degree in something.
I watched both Gates and Fauci on Fox today.

They aren't very good communicators, especially Gates, which is understandable. But he was being asked questions I didn't think he's much expert in and it showed. He may be but can't speak very persuasively toward global warming, etc.

Fauci was asked about Harris' statements and tried to explain them. She's gonna be pissed about the manslpaining.

I have no idea why anyone would try to explain someone else's comments. I'd just say, "This is the way I see the situation. You'd have to ask the VP to clarify what she was trying to say."

Interviewers do no favors for anyone when they ask those questions. Feh.
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Biden is putting kids in cages
Ed: no they are overflow facilities now, so I'm happy

Kamala put lives in danger saying she wldnt take the vaccine if it came out under the last admin
Ed: ....

Fauci had to correct Kamala's lie they were starting from scratch.
Ed: yeah but even theothe last adnin was doing 1 million vaccines a day, biden said 100 million in 100 not good at math to figure out that's exactly the same. But I'll celebrate the bar lowering as an accomplishment!

Didn't democrat governors, mayors, and ppl like pelosi break all their lockdown rules then trash everyone when they got caught
Ed: Ted cruz needs to be personally fixing power lines

Didn't Andrew cuomo murder everyone, then write a book about how great he was (indeed, by your own words, imagine believing everything you read when the press for 8 months claimed he was doing a good job.
Ed: but Ted cruz, oh and Ron DeSantis or something

Why is biden ignoring science on school reopening
Ed: yeah but he mumbled something so I trust him!

Here's one of personal faves. @UK4number9 are so hateful about ppl, like always....this time it's about Texas. Here's what's hilarious. If it's California, which constantly has rolling blackouts, has mismanaged everything so much they tell ppl when they can use electricity or water...and let's the place burn. It's always some other excuse. Notice they never blame their deities in government. But if Texas, who never has winter storms has a once in a lifetime storm...after enjoying decades of lower utility bills. Then it's, see getting what you deserve!

Lololololololol...not dealing with full decks of cards here. These ppl will literally believe anything. You're automatically altruistic (look it up Ed, I know that's a big word) if you put a D beside your name . Just wait until they find out the mayor of Houston is a democrat...getting what they deserve?
Yes ...and the USEFUL IDIOTS won't listen to the forestry experts on how to be able manage the fires because they're worried about bothering some little rodent, but will happily kill innocent HUMAN life in a "heart beat"😤😤😤🇱🇷🇱🇷
Gotta love Wikipedia.

"Trump Jr. was active in his father's presidential campaign. He cooperated with Russia in their interference in the 2016 United States elections and had a meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information about the campaign of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.[4][5][6] He has promoted several conspiracy theories as well as false information.[7][8][9][10] Trump has engaged in attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election following his father's electoral defeat; he has promoted the stolen election conspiracy theory and advocated "total war" instead of completion of vote counting.[11][12] He spoke at the rally that encouraged a mob to attack Congress, where he threatened Trump's opponents that "we're coming for you."[13] On January 11, 2021, D.C. attorney general Karl Racine said that he is looking at whether to charge Donald Trump Jr. with inciting the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol in the criminal investigation into the attack.[14] Trump Jr. is also a person of interest in a criminal investigation into possible fraud in D.C.[15]"


seriously, that’s a total joke.
Here's the material for the GOP's political ad. One of the progressives says your business doesn't matter. Thoughts @Dionysus444 maybe @Platinumdrgn or @nom de plume @wildcatsboston1984 can weigh in
Man libs hate liberty...even more admitting they want you to stay a bottom feeder, never get ahead and think about starting your own business
Any business that can’t pay its employees, the people doing the actual work, shouldn’t be operating.
Any business that can’t pay its employees, the people doing the actual work, shouldn’t be operating.
No one said they are not getting paid. They just can't pay $15.00 an hour. Have you ever been to small towns where they need these little mom and pop stores? I guess you just think everyone else is like you and already taken care of.
I knew someone that died in Texas due to the weather. My wife's family.

The trash that posted that was in other thread saying his electricity went out and he went to a motel. He couldn't handle the cold so he went to a motel. Some people didn't have the means to get a motel and here this trash is saying people deserve it. The audacity.

That trash should be bannED from this entire network for typing out that the people of Texas deserved what they got. He definitely crossed the line and shows the level of hate and vitriol that he is consumed with. He does nothing but troll, spew hate, and try to divide people. People like him test my defense of freedom of speech.
That trash should be bannED from this entire network for typing out that the people of Texas deserved what they got. He definitely crossed the line and shows the level of hate and vitriol that he is consumed with. He does nothing but troll, spew hate, and try to divide people. People like him test my defense of freedom of speech.

100%. Plus he told Austin, that he'll get what's coming to him. Endorsing violence.