Pilgrim says Hurley

Can't see it. He can miss NCAA tourneys at UConn and it isn't the end of the world. At most he could miss ONE here without a lot of criticism. Plus, he's ready to hang his second banner at UConn. Why would he need to come to UK?
A lot of money. He makes 5 million a year at UConn. He can double it at UK.
When Kentucky calls, EVERYONE will listen

but many of them will be , "well, if they offer me something crazy, I"ll take it" but $8m a year isn't crazy money
Would he have survived the first 4 at UK?

Doesn’t matter. Would he survive a slow start when we already know what happens after he gets Hurley players in place? It wouldn’t take four years to make that happen at Kentucky anyway.
Don't know if Hurley's personality would work here. Don't know if he could handle the scrutiny. Would probably be in a fight with the fans every game.
Yeah sure he may not have the personality like Oats, but my god does Dan Hurley have the mind set and drive that UK fans have been yearning for since The Pitino days. All Hurley wants to do is WIN.
Yeah sure he may not have the personality like Oats, but my god does Dan Hurley have the mind set and drive that UK fans have been yearning for since The Pitino days. All Hurley wants to do is WIN.
This. Hurley has the passion and UConn is a well oiled machine. Plus it would be a nice start to our revenge arc on them
I’ve heard from some people connected that believe Hurley will listen as well. No idea what that means but rumor is that it’s not totally out of the question.
He will listen, until UCONN gives him an updated deal.
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He says he's like Pitino of the 90's, thinks he can be the top of college basketball. Also says people have said privately he wants to get to the Knicks and bring them back.
This sounds like some serious fanboy crap.

Here's what would actually be the appeal for Hurley

1. AD left UConn for Arizona State so he'll have new AD and likely wants leverage to have input on who should be hired.

2. His Agent now has a monster to point as an option in addition to just wanting to get the most he can.

3. Conference/College Sports realignment. Football is talking of a Super League of 80 teams and being run by the NFL. What happens with rest of sports? Do they leave out Basketball Leagues like Big East from their "own" Tournament too?

Reasons he would want to stay in Northeast:

1. He/his Wife are from Northeast and their families (extended) are there and able to be around the program/go to games with ease, etc....

2. He's 40 mins from being king of CBB and having total control and all that he wants after a program invested/believed in him and stuck by him as they moved to Big East again. He's rewarded that. He'll get compensated.

The only people who think this is possible in the media right now are on UK end of the media. National media thinks that he will definitely use this to increase his next deal as he should--but nobody thinks it's realistic. National media may not have known the Cal/Arkansas stuff as much or more likely chose to believe he'd leave UK for Arkansas, but they know a lot about other coaches/the whispers they hear.

I could see Knicks being appealing for Hurley at some point but I'm looking at he/Jay Wright as declining the job and moving on-which you need to get on ASAP with the Portal and to replace roster spots you'll lose with guys following Cal to Arkansas or asking out to go elsewhere.
The only way I see Hurley as a possibility is if he doesn’t win tonight (Monday night for those in different time zones). If he wins his second ship at UCONN he’ll entrenched and they will offer whatever we do.

There’s also the possibility that he loses his fire too. What if back to back ships was his ultimate career goal and he just starts coasting after signing a huge contract like Cal did after barely missing his ultimate goal of going undefeated? Idk Hurley personally, and maybe Cal has tainted how view modern coaches, but if he gets that second title I just don’t see it working out better than a guy like Oates who is still hungry for that first title.
This. Hurley had never been past the round of 32 before last season. Plus, he’s an asshole

I don't think he comes here but I don't know the man. Who knows what his dreams and aspirations are,maybe the UK job might further them in his mind, if so he might consider it. As for him being an asshole, come on ,Pitino was a full fledged prick from day one here. Read a book about Rupp a gold plated asshole if ever there was one. He called his subs turds didn't even acknowledge he knew there name. I could go on, but a pleasant disposition isn't necessary to be successful here
Any raise Hurley gets, the state of Connecticut is going to get 40% of that in income taxes. Connecticut taxes are crazy high. Hurley would get a huuuge raise by coming to UK
I dont know where you're getting these numbers from, but they're crazy wrong. The state income tax in Connecticut maxes out at 6.99%. Let's say he made $6 million. The difference in state income tax between Kentucky and Connecticut on $6 million salary is less than $150,000. That's not a huuuuge raise by any means and certainly not factoring into the decision.
I dont know where you're getting these numbers from, but they're crazy wrong. The state income tax in Connecticut maxes out at 6.99%. Let's say he made $6 million. The difference in state income tax between Kentucky and Connecticut on $6 million salary is less than $150,000. That's not a huuuuge raise by any means and certainly not factoring into the decision.
You are correct to a degree…Connecticut has the second highest tax burden in the country when you take income tax sales tax and other various taxes. While it’s not 40 it is second highest only to New York
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People say not Hurley based on previous b as track record. Well ok then who exactly?

It’s not as if Oats or Drew have stellar records in the tournament either lol
Go look at what I posted about a year ago. To make a long story short he would be highly interested in the job if offered. My brother in law is a pretty close friend of his and had lunch with him last year after winning title 1. Not a lock to get him win or lose tomorrow night but we should all be Purdue fans
Now you are talking turkey!!!!!!!