Official Fire Coach Cal Thread

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I’ll bump this. Would be ecstatic if I saw news that he would no longer be coaching at UK, however that were to happen.
Cal still is at UK and this thread has been going on since 2020. Coach Cal isn't going anywhere and is here until 2028-29 and then on to Ambassador after that with UK. He is listening to a few so-called fans that want to start new Cal Hate and Fire Cal threads daily. The true Kentucky Basketball fans will still be here in 2028-29 and still traveling to watch them where they play like we did in Greensboro, NC this past weekend. True Blue fans are here to stay with Cal leading the team.
He will not be here till 28-29. You are delusional.
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Cal still is at UK and this thread has been going on since 2020. Coach Cal isn't going anywhere and is here until 2028-29 and then on to Ambassador after that with UK. He is listening to a few so-called fans that want to start new Cal Hate and Fire Cal threads daily. The true Kentucky Basketball fans will still be here in 2028-29 and still traveling to watch them where they play like we did in Greensboro, NC this past weekend. True Blue fans are here to stay with Cal leading the team.
You’ll be watching UK struggle for NIT births if that happens. What a “real fan” you are.
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Just a stupid thread . I want the idiot we have in the White House gone I think i will start a useless thread about it makes as much since
we should have a "if Calipari cared about UK he would quit" thread

because firing ain't happening this summer
But, and it’s a big but. If he really cared about UK, yes, he would move on. I see his priorities. And it’s not money. It’s ego. He thinks he is the God of changing lives. My local dog catcher does more for humanity than that. That’s just not his legacy, at all.
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It is a laugh when I support Coach Cal and I get you supposed fans to say What a 'Real Fan' you are and you are 'Delusional'.

I attend most of all Home Games for UK Men's Basketball & Football, I go on the road when I can get tickets for road & neutral site games, and I go to all NCAA Tourney games each year. I support all Kentucky Sports Programs even though they may be struggling and some of you who call yourself fans just want create CAL HATE Threads and FIRE CAL threads over and over each day. I guaranteed you even going back to when Sutton and Pitino was coaching I was trying to attend all Home, some Road and Neutral, and all NCAA Men's Basketball Tourney games. I have always supported BIG BLUE in all Sports and I am not Delusional and I am a 'REAL FAN' for Kentucky Basketball and all Kentucky sports!
We are all miserable watching this team. We are all fed up with the constant revolving door of the One and Done. We all can see the coaching deficiencies of John Calipari. We are all tired of the biggest night of the basketball season being draft night. We can see the decline in our team since we lost Coach Payne and I think it’s obvious that he was the most important person on our coaching staff in developing these young kids. Let’s see how big we can make this thread in support of moving away from Coach Cal and starting fresh at the University of Kentucky.
Just checking in to see how your effort to fire Cal is going. I haven’t heard anything from the media about him being fired. What’s your next step?
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