North Carolina Scandal Etc

Hey Bobby who are you trying to convince ? the rest of the sports world or yourself ? WE all know the truth, but hey you can keep living in your little dream world , That's
'the Carolina Way
' now days lol !!
I don't know if UNCheats banners and wins coming down will give me more satisfaction or you coming here to eat the crow when it happens. Be prepared little BobbyG, your day of reckoning draws near, will you show up for your serving? I highly doubt it, the Carolina Way does not include admitting to anything.

Still waiting for BobbyG to answer the question that even though he says it's an academic scandal but athletes took the classes should the athletes be punished. If not explain why they shouldn't.
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Clearly this guy has been hired to keep this scandal away from athletics, which is fine because that ship has sailed no matter what he writes.

My biggest problem with all of this, however, is that it seems everyone wants to either classify the scandal as athletic or academic, depending on where your interests lie. But in reality, it was both. It doesn't matter whether it was driven or initiated by athletics (it very well could have been). What matters is that athletics was very much wrapped up in the fake courses in order to keep athletes eligible. This much can't be debated, even by the hardcore UNC apologists. So characterize it however you want. The bottom line is that this was an unprecedented academic fraud that was either orchestrated or knowingly and fraudulently taken advantage in a material way by athletics, including basketball, football, and others.
* All those Carolina players driving cars given to them by an ex-Felon? That was an "Automotive Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Tami Hansbrough given a no-work job so she could sleep with a married UNC official and travel to her ND son's games on state taxpayer dollars? That's a "Floozy Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* PJ Hairston busted with a gun and drugs in an improperly rented car? That's a "Target Practice Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Will Graves busted for illicit drugs inside a house owned by Roy Williams? That's a "Housing Crisis Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Being charged by the NCAA with Five Counts of Loss of Institutional Control of the athletic department? That's an "Institution Scandal" not an athletic scandal.

And so on. And on and on.
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* All those Carolina players driving cars given to them by an ex-Felon? That was an "Automotive Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Tami Hansbrough given a no-work job so she could sleep with a married UNC official and travel to her ND son's games on state taxpayer dollars? That's a "Floozy Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* PJ Hairston busted with a gun and drugs in an improperly rented car? That's a "Target Practice Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Will Graves busted for illicit drugs inside a house owned by Roy Williams? That's a "Housing Crisis Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Being charged by the NCAA with Five Counts of Loss of Institutional Control of the athletic department? That's an "Institution Scandal" not an athletic scandal.

And so on. And on and on.

I didn't think you do!!! Sigh...
It was driven by sports, though. Just look at the percentages, and the likelihood of a student-athlete being enrolled in the sham courses as opposed to a non-athlete. It's pretty damn obvious to everyone else. I'm at work right now, but I'll post that information later. It's very eye-opening.
I'm NOT incessant on UNC being a bad team at all. In fact, I have them #3 in my preseason Top 10 behind only Kansas and Kentucky.

I have a problem with TWO common takes I've read here and elsewhere regarding them:

1. That they should be a consensus #1.

2. That they were playing great ball last March. This ignores the fact they were 5-3, bolds their "good" wins and "good" losses, and completely ignores the Harvard game. You want to shine a light on their "close" loss over Wisky? Fine- have at it- but also mention the Harvard game.

I don't know Chad, who do you think should be preseason #1?

And you know I don't like defending the cheats at all.
* All those Carolina players driving cars given to them by an ex-Felon? That was an "Automotive Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Tami Hansbrough given a no-work job so she could sleep with a married UNC official and travel to her ND son's games on state taxpayer dollars? That's a "Floozy Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* PJ Hairston busted with a gun and drugs in an improperly rented car? That's a "Target Practice Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Will Graves busted for illicit drugs inside a house owned by Roy Williams? That's a "Housing Crisis Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Being charged by the NCAA with Five Counts of Loss of Institutional Control of the athletic department? That's an "Institution Scandal" not an athletic scandal.

And so on. And on and on.

Sounds an awful lot like the winning recipe for national politics today.
I don't know Chad, who do you think should be preseason #1?

And you know I don't like defending the cheats at all.

I don't think anyone deserves to be consensus #1. Personally, I have Kansas but could buy arguments for Kentucky, North Carolina and Maryland, as well.
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Can you answer the simple question on this topic?

How athletes can make up a tiny, tiny percentage of the student population, but were a majority of the participants in these fake classes, and yet you are willing to claim that this is not primarily done for the benefit of athletic eligibility?

In what other context would you actually buy that nonsense? If the Enron guys had tried to divert attention and had brought in a bunch of outsiders so that 48% of the people committing insider trading had been unaffiliated with the company, would you buy that the whole thing wasn't orchestrated for the benefit of the guys within the company?
Can you answer the simple question on this topic?

How athletes can make up a tiny, tiny percentage of the student population, but were a majority of the participants in these fake classes, and yet you are willing to claim that this is not primarily done for the benefit of athletic eligibility?

In what other context would you actually buy that nonsense? If the Enron guys had tried to divert attention and had brought in a bunch of outsiders so that 48% of the people committing insider trading had been unaffiliated with the company, would you buy that the whole thing wasn't orchestrated for the benefit of the guys within the company?

You lost his feeble two brain cells at athletes.
A Rhodes scholar...according to Wainstein.
That Rhodes scholar was named Rashad McCants -- a member of the Dean's List at your esteemed university after making all A's during a semester when he has admitted to never attending a single class or writing a single paper. You must be so proud to generate such notable Athletes -- or should I say Academics, since that pointless distinction seems to mean so much to UNC-CHeaters. But I see it doesn't mean much to the NCAA, who ignored it in charging your school with five major counts of Loss of Institutional Control, among other major violations.
Can you answer the simple question on this topic?

How athletes can make up a tiny, tiny percentage of the student population, but were a majority of the participants in these fake classes, and yet you are willing to claim that this is not primarily done for the benefit of athletic eligibility?

In what other context would you actually buy that nonsense? If the Enron guys had tried to divert attention and had brought in a bunch of outsiders so that 48% of the people committing insider trading had been unaffiliated with the company, would you buy that the whole thing wasn't orchestrated for the benefit of the guys within the company?

I look at it like a sophisticated bank robbery.

20 people on the bank minus the workers.
20 people in class minus the **cough cough** teachers.

14 of the 20 in the bank are there to rob it
14 of the 20 are athletes in class at UNC.

6 people are in the bank to allow for confusion when alarms go off.
6 others are in class in AFAM to allow for confusions once the whistle blows.

Or something

UNC fans know they've been busted, they just don't know how to accept punishment.
Pete Rose betting on baseball was a bookie-driven scandal.

Clintons server was a conservative driven "technological" scandal
Nixons issues were "independent departmental" scandal
John Edwards chasing ambulances and cheating on his dying wife isn't a "war on women" it's a "biological natured" scandal.

They are simply using the political party methods to stay up and like msnbc, nbc, abc, cbs, cnn etc are to the dems, ESPN is doing the same exact pettifogging for UNC.
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* All those Carolina players driving cars given to them by an ex-Felon? That was an "Automotive Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Tami Hansbrough given a no-work job so she could sleep with a married UNC official and travel to her ND son's games on state taxpayer dollars? That's a "Floozy Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* PJ Hairston busted with a gun and drugs in an improperly rented car? That's a "Target Practice Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Will Graves busted for illicit drugs inside a house owned by Roy Williams? That's a "Housing Crisis Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Being charged by the NCAA with Five Counts of Loss of Institutional Control of the athletic department? That's an "Institution Scandal" not an athletic scandal.

And so on. And on and on.
HAHAHAHAHA, amazing!
* All those Carolina players driving cars given to them by an ex-Felon? That was an "Automotive Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Tami Hansbrough given a no-work job so she could sleep with a married UNC official and travel to her ND son's games on state taxpayer dollars? That's a "Floozy Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* PJ Hairston busted with a gun and drugs in an improperly rented car? That's a "Target Practice Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Will Graves busted for illicit drugs inside a house owned by Roy Williams? That's a "Housing Crisis Scandal" not an athletic scandal.
* Being charged by the NCAA with Five Counts of Loss of Institutional Control of the athletic department? That's an "Institution Scandal" not an athletic scandal.

And so on. And on and on.

The NCAA is ripping their hair out right now trying to figure out how to spin this and not take away banners but still look as if they were punished[roll]
According to Wainstein ...

Student-athletes made up 47.4% of the bogus classes, yet they only comprise 4% of the university student body.

I'm not a statistician, but that seems very disproportionate.
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According to Wainstein ...

Student-athletes made up 47.4% of the bogus classes, yet they only comprise 4% of the university student body.

I'm not a statistician, but that seems very disproportionate.

Stop with the facts, you are causing mental breakdowns with the baby blue fanbase.
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I don't believe there is a clear #1 right now. Everyone has big question marks, including us. We'll know by late December where everyone stands. I don't think UNCheat will be in the discussion for #1 at that point. KU either.