Workplace pet-peeves?

I'm retired but I have a part-time job at a golf course for free golf so here's mine...

Club members that think that "we" workers lost their clubs.

Member: I can't find my clubs...what did you all do with them?

Me: Hey member, have you checked the trunk of your car?

Member: Oh, I forgot I took them with me last time...


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I could list quite a few. But I’ll stick with my number one. Meetings for the sake of meetings.

I have a new supervisor. She joined our very large company with no knowledge of our industry, no knowledge of our operating system, and no knowledge of how or what I do. She tells me that every third Tuesday of the month at 10am, she and I will have a “touch base” meeting via Teams.

She rings me up on Teams last Tuesday to touch base. She wants to know if I have any questions for her. No! I’ve been in my position for 23 years. She’s been with the company of a month. She knows nothing. What am I supposed to ask her?

Thank gawd I only got a year to go before retirement.
Is she hot? You’d be shocked how often hot, unqualified women are hired.
Coworkers and clients. I mean, just PEOPLE in general I guess. That is the major source of discontent.

It's not that I HATE people, it's just that, when I'm trying to deal with a task or project, I don't want any interaction, until I present a draft etc. of the solution. At THAT point, there is no getting around input and discussion, but until then, I don't want to be pestered (unless I'm exceeding the original timeline, but if I see that coming, I would reach out beforehand)

I guess it boils down to this: Give me a defined task/project, and I'll go work on it. If I need further input, or something clearly needs to be modified, I'll call YOU. But it needs to be a one way street. Otherwise, you're just impeding the process. LOL

Also, I have no interest in signing cards or participating in Dirty Santa, department potlucks etc. Believe me, no matter HOW many times you say, "You don't know what you're missing" I can assure you, I DO...
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“Oh good, you’re still here.” The timing is always bad, you’re getting sucked in for the long haul, and nothing good ever comes after those words.
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Off topic a bit. But has anyone on here worked remotely (out of state) for a company based in California, but did have to go there a few days a year? How bad and complicated were the CA taxes?
I live in Louisville and I worked for a company located in Irvine, CA for 7 years, another in Dallas TX for 11 years, and one in Atlanta, GA for 7 years. Each job required mutiple visits per year. It had no impact on my state or local taxes.
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