North Carolina Scandal Etc


So everyone sees what is happening here, right?

Having delayed as long as they can, UNC now releases something new that will require a whole new inquiry, thus dragging this out for months longer...

In fact, likely enough months that they can get a shot at the title this upcoming year.

Amazing. They need this last shot, before the whole ship goes down, with Roy happy at the wheel, basking in a wonderful golden parachute.

the ncaa cannot put the fire out until they actually roll up their sleeves and take account for what's been going on at unc. if they try to piss on this volcano it's going to be famous. it already is among the rivals. and that with the world wide leader protecting them when this is clearly the best outside the lines story ever.

So everyone sees what is happening here, right?

Having delayed as long as they can, UNC now releases something new that will require a whole new inquiry, thus dragging this out for months longer...

In fact, likely enough months that they can get a shot at the title this upcoming year.

Amazing. They need this last shot, before the whole ship goes down, with Roy happy at the wheel, basking in a wonderful golden parachute.


This is what UNC fans are hoping is the reason behind it...I'm not so sure. There have been whispers of someone(s) dishing out more dirt to the NCAA on UNC (not the usual attention seekers, an actual invested person) that UNC was unaware of. I guess we shall see.
This is the type if stuff that makes me ready to see the NCAA just disband. How long has this been going on for? How can some schools get the hammer thrown on them in a relative quick timeframe, while UNC basically just keeps pushing it to the side?
UNC needs to go ahead and self impose punishment for all sports immediately and not allow any to compete in bowls, tournaments, track & field events, golf, ect.................
then by next year this should be over
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Reading the article the additional information pertains to findings about Women basketball players. Deflection and delays is all this is about. Not even sure what UNC is possibly worried about at this juncture anyway as they know as well as we do that absolutely nothing is happening to them. I would venture to guess that representatives of the NCAA are working hand in hand with UNC and directing them accordingly.
I asked if you if you felt the athletes and athletic department benefited from the fake classes. We all know they took them. The numbers don't lie. 48% of the students were athletes. Just curious if you felt they benefited from it by keeping players eligible and such. If you don't think they benefited from it explain why.

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I asked if you if you felt the athletes and athletic department benefited from the fake classes. We all know they took them. The numbers don't lie. 48% of the students were athletes. Just curious if you felt they benefited from it by keeping players eligible and such. If you don't think they benefited from it explain why.

Please don't say 48%. It's 47.4%, it my be "swerve" room enough to claim victory on a technicality. Yes, I believe unc and there ilk would use it to their advantage if they could....
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Does UNCheat need more violations info before the hammer falls? That is One tough nail to drive in some Hard wood that happens to be the majority of the media and the NCAA bosses.
all players that took money but at least went to class must be shaking their heads at unc. think about it. that's how low this is.
What??? Where did it say in your posting of the possible motives that Wainstein couldn't or didn't come to that conclusion, or any conclusions for that matter? You simply posted their six possibilities and then did not further elaborate on their findings concerning those possibilities.

I'm thinking you're just playing dumb to insult me. Surely you read what you post.

WTF are you even blabbing about? I clearly said that I wasn't sure how you and your butt buddy came to the conclusion that this wasn't created for the sole intent of keeping athletes eligible when Wainstein's team could not definitively make the same claim. I then cited Wainstein's report to back up my assertion that they didn't rule out that these were created to keep athletes eligible. Please try to keep up.

Either way, student-athletes made up 47.4% of the enrollments and made up less than 4% of the student body. That in itself nullifies any argument as for why they were created. Instead, it proves that they were primarily for maintaining eligibility. The 2 sports that benefited the most were fb and mbb. Not wbb.
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Hey Willy, what's a dicphor?
Now that is sarcasm for student commenters. Sarcasm doesn't make a good thread. When done right, it makes the thread funny. I like to be funny without making someone look silly. Sometimes, they make selves look silly. I am not good with sarcasm, but I try.

I like funny here in the rafters.
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I don't know if UNCheats banners and wins coming down will give me more satisfaction or you coming here to eat the crow when it happens. Be prepared little BobbyG, your day of reckoning draws near, will you show up for your serving? I highly doubt it, the Carolina Way does not include admitting to anything.

I sure hope they get hammered, but I'm not holding my breath.
I asked if you if you felt the athletes and athletic department benefited from the fake classes. We all know they took them. The numbers don't lie. 48% of the students were athletes. Just curious if you felt they benefited from it by keeping players eligible and such. If you don't think they benefited from it explain why.

The short and correct answer, and what I believe and the NCAA said, is...NO. Athletes did not benefit from those fake classes. The reason why, is because those classes were not fake, according to the NCAA. So, the next question is...did some athletes remain eligible in part because of those classes? This is obviously yes. But, it's no different than asking if some athletes stayed eligible because of taking freshman english, or intro to movies, or university physics, or any other class that they get the point. So, unless you can get the NCAA to change their minds and call the classes fake or fraudulent, then you're asking a pointless question.
Smoke and mirrors to deflect more and more of the data towards a program they care nothing about, womens basketball and an academic advisor in Boxill. They are clever as a fox. Bobby, you didn't post something damning, you posted this with a smirk on your face.
WTF are you even blabbing about? I clearly said that I wasn't sure how you and your butt buddy came to the conclusion that this wasn't created for the sole intent of keeping athletes eligible when Wainstein's team could not definitively make the same claim. I then cited Wainstein's report to back up my assertion that they didn't rule out that these were created to keep athletes eligible. Please try to keep up.

Either way, student-athletes made up 47.4% of the enrollments and made up less than 4% of the student body. That in itself nullifies any argument as for why they were created. Instead, it proves that they were primarily for maintaining eligibility. The 2 sports that benefited the most were fb and mbb. Not wbb.

Guy, you're only making yourself look less and less competent. Wainstein addresses all of those possible motives in his report. It literally starts on the same page that you copy pasted the list from. You're not the same poster who was arguing with me that "possibly they could think blah blah blah" the other day, correct?

Also, maybe you should keep up with the news if you think WBB didn't benefit as much if not more than any other sport at UNC.

Edit: You need things completely spelled out, that is now apparent. So, with that in mind, all of your questions/comments are addressed by Wainstein. They're in his report. Go read it and the supplementary data. I'll continue with catfan until you've done your homework.
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Smoke and mirrors to deflect more and more of the data towards a program they care nothing about, womens basketball and an academic advisor in Boxill. They are clever as a fox. Bobby, you didn't post something damning, you posted this with a smirk on your face.

May be, but it all adds more and more to the damning Lack of Institutional Control charges. And there is enough implication of M'sBB in all of this that they won't get off. Now if unCheat would only self-impose penalties. If they do, but lightly, that lets the NCAA come in with a bigger hammer. The NCAA always prefers self-imposing. But of course, unCheat has failed to do so. Hopefully the NCAA will do its job. Otherwise, there will be widespread academic cheating. Why not?
Guy, you're only making yourself look less and less competent. Wainstein addresses all of those possible motives in his report. It literally starts on the same page that you copy pasted the list from. You're not the same poster who was arguing with me that "possibly they could think blah blah blah" the other day, correct?

Also, maybe you should keep up with the news if you think WBB didn't benefit as much if not more than any other sport at UNC.
You're only proving my point. Wainstein's team said that Crowder and Nyangoro might have created the classes to "Help keep the players eligible". You're saying that they weren't created for student-athletes. I guess my question is, how do you and BB know more than Wainstein on this, when his team had access to all the data?

Also, fk outta here that wbb prospered more than mbb, but I'd love to hear your ridiculous explanation for this. Gonna be hard to top 3 titles and countless other accolades that were gained with ineligible players. Don't think wbb did that. Hell, wbb players didn't even take as many bogus classes as mbb.
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I would love to see the rest of college basketball boycott UNC. Just have every team forfeit the game with them. They would go into the tournament undefeated and the top overall seed but if they hadn't played a game all year they probably wouldn't go very far. I know that no teams are going to voluntarily take a loss, but how could the situation be ignored at that point? Part of the reason the NCAA is going to be able to sweep this under the rug is because ESPN has glossed over it and there hasn't been any public outcry (outside of UK, NC State and Duke, but thats pretty isolated). If this happened at say Miami, UK, or USC or just about any other school, this story would be beaten into the ground by ESPN, everyone would have a reaction to it.

If all the other programs unified against UNC, it would force a reaction. They wouldn't be able to keep the story out of the public eye. When McCants went on record with information about the scandal last year, they slandered his name and portrayed him as attention seeking. This is a massive conspiracy, and UNC will get away with it if there isn't an uprising against the NCAA.
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You're only proving my point. Wainstein's team said that Crowder and Nyangoro might have created the classes to "Help keep the players eligible". You're saying that they weren't created for student-athletes. I guess my question is, how do you and BB know more than Wainstein on this, when his team had access to all the data?

Also, fk outta here that wbb prospered more than mbb, but I'd love to hear your ridiculous explanation for this. Gonna be hard to top 3 titles and countless other accolades that were gained with ineligible players. Don't think wbb did that. Hell, wbb players didn't even take as many bogus classes as mbb.

Ok, last comment for a while to give you time to do your homework. What did Wainstein say was the primary reason for starting the classes? What did he say was Crowder's reason? Julius' reason? Finally who and when did the classes start? What was Julius' position at that time? Now, go and finish your homework, reading the reports and supplemental info.

In regards to your second thought, oh I don't know maybe Boxil.

Let us know what you learn.
Well, at least now we know that UNCheat will do anything to protect Ole Dean and the men's hoops team. In fact, they may disband all the other sports at the university so the men's hoops team can continue with the deception and cheating. Congrats in the Carolina Way.
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Ok, last comment for a while to give you time to do your homework. What did Wainstein say was the primary reason for starting the classes? What did he say was Crowder's reason? Julius' reason? Finally who and when did the classes start? What was Julius' position at that time? Now, go and finish your homework, reading the reports and supplemental info.

In regards to your second thought, oh I don't know maybe Boxil.

Let us know what you learn.
Don't come on here asking questions and being a condescending jackass. This isn't IC, and if we had chickenshit mods like THR, you would have been banned a long time ago.

Wainstein clearly said the classes may have been started to keep athletes eligible. That's all I need to know to counter your theory that they weren't created for athletes. That is, unless you have some proof?

Wainstein > Elmo

MBB took more bogus classes than WBB. MBB won more games/titles than WBB.

Now, show us your proof, instead of a blog piece written by a shoe salesman, or be on your way.
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Well, I guess the women's basketball and men's soccer teams have become the scapegoats in all this. The Carolina Way at its finest. Bury the programs nobody gives a damn about to protect the cash cow.