North Carolina Scandal Etc

Paige is at his best off the ball. He's not nearly as effective at PG. He played SG for the most part as a sophomore.

Anyway, the big thing people are missing with UNC- they didn't defend worth a ish last year and just lost their best defender to the draft. Neither Meeks nor Johnson protect the rim. None of their guards defend well, or Jackson.

UNC is SOFT. Everyone wants to bring up how well they were playing in March- umm, their big win was against a neutered Virginia team. Hell, they should have lost to Harvard in the 1st round of the NCAA.

Not that I've watched every second of his career, but I thought Paige was very effective with the ball in his hands as a sophomore. Especially late in games.

Whether you want to call him a point guard, or lead guard or whatever, Paige was the guy with the ball when it mattered. He led that team in scoring and assists and was easily their best 3 point shooter.
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UNC isn't that strong but they do have a shot due to experience. I don't think they make it to the title game but I think they are FF material. Of course, I would LOVE to see them fall apart and disappoint.[/QUOTE
Preacherfan, my memory is failing a bit, but wasn't it back in the 70's that UNLV was in same or similar situation like NC is now. They were investigated and violations were found, but NCAA let them decide which year the penalties would take effect. I think they let them play that year and the NCAA applied the penalties the following year.
I may be totally confused, help me out lol

knotonalog, you are correct. The NCAA allowed UNLV to select the season that they would be on probation so that they could play for the title. However, at this point, UNC has not yet had their due process so we can't really compare the two situations.
I think we match up well against UNC:

G Ulis vs. Berry- both are small PGs, I think Ulis is a little quicker, is a better shooter, and has more experience (played more games and more minutes).
G Briscoe vs. Paige- Paige is a tough matchup to handle. Briscoe needs to be physical with him, make him work for his shots.
G/F Murray vs. Jackson- Jackson is bigger (longer), but I think if UK plays UNC in the tourney, by that time Murray will be one of the top perimeter scorers in the country.
F Labissiere vs. Johnson- Labissiere guards the smaller Johnson. Labissiere is more talented and will give Johnson a tough time on both ends of the floor.
F Poythress vs. Meeks- I think Poythress is strong enough to bang with Meeks, but can Meeks stay with Poythress on defense?

Both benches should be strong. UK will have Lee and Humphries inside, UNC will have Hicks and James. On the perimeter UK will have Mulder and Matthews while UNC will have Britt and Pinson.

In March, I give UK the edge. The Cats have more talent, they just need some experience playing together. By March they will have the experience.
Getting back on topic; As I've already It really would be terrible for college bball if *NCheat won. I'd have to stop watching basketball altogether. Actually I'd stop watich anything NCAA related because **** the NCAA.
In essence, you're comparing their non-conference record to their conference record. ACC>Non conference

No, I was just saying that their record down the stretch doesn't back up the claim of their playing their best at the end of the season. Because if 9-7 in Feb/Mar is "playing their best", then I'm not worried about them.
No, I was just saying that their record down the stretch doesn't back up the claim of their playing their best at the end of the season. Because if 9-7 in Feb/Mar is "playing their best", then I'm not worried about them.

They went 5-3 in March with losses to Duke 84-77, Notre Dame 90-82, and Wisconsin 79-72. So they lost to 3 top 5-10 teams. They also beat (14)Louisville 70-60, and (3)Virginia 71-67 during March. They beat Arkansas by 11 in the tournament as well. I think they were playing decent.
They went 5-3 in March with losses to Duke 84-77, Notre Dame 90-82, and Wisconsin 79-72. So they lost to 3 top 5-10 teams. They also beat (14)Louisville 70-60, and (3)Virginia 71-67 during March. They beat Arkansas by 11 in the tournament as well. I think they were playing decent.

Kudos! This is a good discussion!
They have at least four fringe NBA-level guys. That puts them among the upper echelon next year in college hoops. The talent level is significantly down for this upcoming season. Gives otherwise 2nd tier rosters like UNC a shot at being among the upper tier.
Hi Son Of Saul. Gives 2nd tier rosters like UNC a shot. Thank you for that kind statement. SMILE

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can only hope those cheating sob's are headed to sanctions !! I am still of the opinion , that I will believe it when I see it !! They cheated, They know they cheated, the whole sports world knows they cheated, but the NCAA, just doesn't seem to know if they really cheated or not !
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Hi Son Of Saul. Gives 2nd tier rosters like UNC a shot. Thank you for that kind statement. SMILE

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Better enjoy it this year. You guys are losing Meeks, Paige, Johnson, and possibly more with no bona fide studs on the way in terms of recruiting.
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UNC is soft as is most of Roy's teams , the problem for them is that their personnel isn't a good match for Roy's system . They lack the speed and ability to push the ball once they get a defensive rebound . Recruiting misses and subsequent backup plans has hurt them in recent years , Roy cannot adapt to his teams abilities or shortcomings .
If NCheat wins after all their corruption, I give up on Basktball. I can't watch something knowing the NCAA lets cheaters like Tar holes get away with corruption, but actually win a title in the middle of it all.

Personally, I think I'd eventually get over it. I've invested so much time into the sport, I don't think I will ever give it up. But man, this would push me real close. I've already had enough with Duke's BS treatment. Duke's typical March Bracket BS makes it an uphill battle for every other top seeded team. If Carolina skates, not only does the NCAA become one of the most corrupt organizations in history, but you really have to question the integrity of the sport. There's not another sport that blatantly favors some teams like this..

If they are willing to sweep this entire the thing under the rug, what else are they willing to do? What do we not even know about? Hard to take the sport seriously if something isn't done.
UNC is soft as is most of Roy's teams , the problem for them is that their personnel isn't a good match for Roy's system
And if history is any indication, Roy will not adjust his style of play to suit his player's talents. Roy Williams, the king of trying to jam a square peg into a circular hole.
Remember the players will have the possibility of sanctions dropping on UNC*** at anytime. Not sure Roy will keep that impending possibility from having an impact. I think that is another reason why Roy and the football coach are running around saying that their teams will not have sanctions placed on their teams.

UNC*** is the cheatingest program in history. UNC*** fans are the most deluded fans in history.
Personally, I think I'd eventually get over it. I've invested so much time into the sport, I don't think I will ever give it up. But man, this would push me real close. I've already had enough with Duke's BS treatment. Duke's typical March Bracket BS makes it an uphill battle for every other top seeded team. If Carolina skates, not only does the NCAA become one of the most corrupt organizations in history, but you really have to question the integrity of the sport. There's not another sport that blatantly favors some teams like this..

If they are willing to sweep this entire the thing under the rug, what else are they willing to do? What do we not even know about? Hard to take the sport seriously if something isn't done.

Pro wrestling comes to mind. Vince McMahon should be the next president of the NCAA if UNC*** skates. Can you imagine...
And while that's 100% true, it's also 100% pathetic. Nothing against wrestling, but the outcomes are fixed. Everything is predetermined. The fact that the WWE/WWF is the ONLY sport we can come up with that's worse than NCAAB in this regard is alarming.
Remember the players will have the possibility of sanctions dropping on UNC*** at anytime. Not sure Roy will keep that impending possibility from having an impact. I think that is another reason why Roy and the football coach are running around saying that their teams will not have sanctions placed on their teams.

UNC*** is the cheatingest program in history. UNC*** fans are the most deluded fans in history.
Hi martinsm30, I still LOVE the UNC TAR HEELS!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

be careful with what you say, cause we might be WHIPPING YOUR DONKEY this season
Personally, I think I'd eventually get over it. I've invested so much time into the sport, I don't think I will ever give it up. But man, this would push me real close. I've already had enough with Duke's BS treatment. Duke's typical March Bracket BS makes it an uphill battle for every other top seeded team. If Carolina skates, not only does the NCAA become one of the most corrupt organizations in history, but you really have to question the integrity of the sport. There's not another sport that blatantly favors some teams like this..

If they are willing to sweep this entire the thing under the rug, what else are they willing to do? What do we not even know about? Hard to take the sport seriously if something isn't done.

Exactly I'd's think college basketball was a joke; don't get me wrong it be hard to not watch UK (maybe a little less hard because I moved.)
Hi martinsm30, I still LOVE the UNC TAR HEELS!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

be careful with what you say, cause we might be WHIPPING YOUR DONKEY this season
UK beats UNC*** or loses to UNC*** doesn't matter. The foundation of the UNC*** basketball team is built on fraud. Even with the fraud UNC*** is only 8-8 against Kentucky since the cheating started under Dean Smith.

Most likely UNC*** will still lose since they barely play defense ever so when they meet a quality offensive team they typically get their butts whooped.

UNC*** basketball program is the cheatingest program of all time. Oh and UK's basketball program is the greatest Division 1 basketball program in history. Kentucky is better than UNC***. Now that the UNC*** snobs can't claim their lily white status of having never cheated I am sure UNC*** fans are doubly pained.
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Didn't click ... Bradley Bethel has been getting bent over and repeatedly ram-rodded since this whole thing began. Also, I'm pretty sure the OP is BB.
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They went 5-3 in March with losses to Duke 84-77, Notre Dame 90-82, and Wisconsin 79-72. So they lost to 3 top 5-10 teams. They also beat (14)Louisville 70-60, and (3)Virginia 71-67 during March. They beat Arkansas by 11 in the tournament as well. I think they were playing decent.

AGAIN, why bring up their "good" losses without bringing up barely getting by Harvard?

And Virginia wasn't the same team with a hobbled Anderson.
AGAIN, why bring up their "good" losses without bringing up barely getting by Harvard?

And Virginia wasn't the same team with a hobbled Anderson.

Not sure why you are so incessant on UNC being such a bad team with this year's competition?

They are a top 5 team this year. This talk about how bad they are and some saying they are not top 25 is kind of silly.

They are good team in a season without any dominating teams in my opinion and have a great chance to have a very solid season.

I think most teams will have some questionable losses this year. But surely with their talent and experience they will be in the upper echelon.
Not sure why you are so incessant on UNC being such a bad team with this year's competition?

They are a top 5 team this year. This talk about how bad they are and some saying they are not top 25 is kind of silly.

They are good team in a season without any dominating teams in my opinion and have a great chance to have a very solid season.

I think most teams will have some questionable losses this year. But surely with their talent and experience they will be in the upper echelon.

I'm NOT incessant on UNC being a bad team at all. In fact, I have them #3 in my preseason Top 10 behind only Kansas and Kentucky.

I have a problem with TWO common takes I've read here and elsewhere regarding them:

1. That they should be a consensus #1.

2. That they were playing great ball last March. This ignores the fact they were 5-3, bolds their "good" wins and "good" losses, and completely ignores the Harvard game. You want to shine a light on their "close" loss over Wisky? Fine- have at it- but also mention the Harvard game.