Nickname for this year's team...

The Indefensible's

Couch Cal has managed to coach them down to his level...

I don't think we will have to wait until the end of the season this year. It should be obvious to everyone by now it's:

Klutch's Kats

In honor of the person who helped our coach optimize our starting lineups and ensure that our team was always in best position to win each and every game!
Kentucky Kittens.
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The unwatchables.
Meh, i wouldn't go that far. They are actually fun to watch. Lot of scoring, lot of scoring given up. My idea of unwatchable is 60-55 rock fights. (win or lose) IF only we could play the first 8 minutes and last 8 minutes of games, we would be OK.
The Uncoachables. At least when it comes to defense and rebounding. Cal sucks but the hustle stuff is on the team.