

Did I hear somebody say binge posting? I don't need alcohol for that. Which is even worse...because I have no excuse for my horrible posts.

But yeah, I'm down. I'm always down for a post binge-apolooza. Especially since this place has been vacant for most of the week.
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Did I hear somebody say binge posting? I don't need alcohol for that. Which is even worse...because I have no excuse for my horrible posts.

But yeah, I'm down. I'm always down for a post binge-apolooza. Especially since this place has been vacant for most of the week.
Wife is out tonight so I'll join this binge posting. Sure, all three kids will be home, but they can entertain themselves.
It is windy AF in Raleigh. We have a ton of large trees in our yard and in surrounding yards. Limbs down all over Google Fiber asshole project. Dog at first was loving it, like HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ALL THESE STICKS but she's over it now. It's howling (lol) out there.

Had a flight scheduled to spend an 'away from kids' weekend + 2 weekday business trip in our friendly neighbor to the north but I'm not flying in this type of shit. It's awful. I don't need to get away that much.

-Think we continue our momentum tomorrow. 79-73 Cats despite Florida making billions of 3's.

-Looking forward to reading the Kooky (good booze)/Funky (Shirley Temples or other dumb shit)/Kaizer post-fest.
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OK heathens.

I’m still on bus...

As I’ve previously opined my LOVE for the Negroni, and the subsequent surge in douchebaggery of hipsters who copied my excellent taste - I have transitioned to the BOULEVARDIER.

It is equal parts Campari, Sweet Vermouth and BOURBON. Now, I went to a mixology bar in the city and some bearded wizard squeezed 2-3 droplets of chocolate bitters in a mofo, pinch of salt , shaken and strained over an orange peel and it was a game-changer.

Went to Whole Foods looking for these bitters to no avail, like forever... and thought, Jeff Bezos may have some to send to me via FedEx next day....

Got it.


Red Drank.

Lent, no meat - but bottom’s up, Beyoncés.
Stone cold sober tonight. Nothing in the house and little ones about to get in bed, guess I’m out of luck. Need to sleep well anyway

Cats by 4 in a nail biter tomorrow. Hit yer free throws.
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Stone cold sober tonight. Nothing in the house and little ones about to get in bed, guess I’m out of luck. Need to sleep well anyway

Cats by 4 in a nail biter tomorrow. Hit yer free throws.

Is it a chillaxed sober?
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I’m onto my second beverage. I’m going ball-deep Altered-States style.

I had 4 hours sleep last night. Look like a raccoon I’m so tired. Effin plowing thru drinks.
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I’m officially get-aggravated-by-loud-neighbor-kids-make-PBJ-sandwich-and-go-to-basement-to-tinker-with-weedeater years OLD.

Rick Ross almost died again. I remember when rappers died because they got shot, not because they were crackheads.

PBJ sandwich was awesome.
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I’m officially get-aggravated-by-loud-neighbor-kids-make-PBJ-sandwich-and-go-to-basement-to-tinker-with-weedeater years OLD.

Rick Ross almost died again. I remember when rappers died because they got shot, not because they were crackheads.

PBJ sandwich was awesome.

Straight Outta Compton was on last night, watched and it was pretty good. Rappers were legit gangstas then, rapping came second. today's version are all just millennials. I actually loved me some rap when I was a kiddo, sorta a rebellion thing I guess (cause I'm white AF). Couldn't tell ya a single damn name of a "rapper" now.

of course I'm 39 with a 9 year old daughter, I know more about Disney music and she is getting into "pop" music more and more now than I do anything. I'm just a dad, the wifey and kid control the radio now.

knew I was getting "old" when I realized all I listened to was talk radio on am on the way home from work.
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I lay my clothes out in order for the following week on Saturday morning. I purposefully have not placed my UK shirt in any particular order for Thursday or Friday so as to not jinx anything today.

You’re welcome.
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