I hope the FBI sets free the tapes on Bruce Pearl before the SECT.
Hooray!Doggy saved. Idk wtf they’re doing over there, but Chad came to the door to answer my plea for help. They got a lil cat, too. I hope that dog shits on their beds and chases that cat outside.
I hope the FBI sets free the tapes on Bruce Pearl before the SECT.
Whew, just crawled out of a twitter gun control rabbit hole I stumbled (willingly) down earlier today. Won't make that mistake again.
Choke those chickensChicken voices say Cats win by 8 tonight.
Man the neighbors got their pretty German Sheppard tied up in the rain and it is stressing me out. It’s a sweetheart dog. Idk the people, they’re college kids, new ones. Dumbass ones. Poor thing.
* I went and rung doorbell twice. Mfers. It’s pouring now. She’s wrapped herself around her stake. I hope when she finally gets inside she shits on everything they own. She’s smarter than they are, I know that much. I threw her a milkbone and told her she’s a good girl.
Hope so.B-Rad gonna tear it up here soon.
I'll say it again...the Cats are gonna win out.
That's about as good as my Monday so far.
I'm sure their accounts are great. I'll never know. Eff Twitter. Eff Facebook.Just now discovering FunkyCat75s and Kooky’s twitter accounts. It’s truly an orgy for the senses
Dayyyum.I bet KS is already on Twitter but he’s just using another account and his tweets aren’t as cool and funny as ours and his tweets blow and that’s why he won’t say who he is because of that and he has like 29 tweets in Drafts because he is worried they won’t get no hearts or retwitters and he’s probably right about that. I betcha.
He’s sensitive like that. He wants to show no weakness. But not allowing the window into vulnerability, in and of itself, is a weakness.I bet KS is already on Twitter but he’s just using another account and his tweets aren’t as cool and funny as ours and his tweets blow and that’s why he won’t say who he is because of that and he has like 29 tweets in Drafts because he is worried they won’t get no hearts or retwitters and he’s probably right about that. I betcha.
I bet KS is already on Twitter but he’s just using another account and his tweets aren’t as cool and funny as ours and his tweets blow and that’s why he won’t say who he is because of that and he has like 29 tweets in Drafts because he is worried they won’t get no hearts or retwitters and he’s probably right about that. I betcha.
If they have tapes with Cal talking they will be like 4 hours long.