
I'm putting this out here just in wife said she had a dream about Bret Michaels last night AND SHE SWEARS UP AND DOWN IT WASN'T EROTIC AND SHE'S NOT A FAN SO BACK OFF. Why is this post-worthy? The night before ON-J died we were sitting on the couch watching TV and she randomly blurted out, "Olivia Newton-John just popped in my head for some reason." She hadn't read/heard/seen anything about her in the news, and hadn't even heard any of her songs on the radio. Less than 24 hours later she was dead.

Bret, if you're reading this, get to a hospital STAT.
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I'm putting this out here just in wife said she had a dream about Bret Michaels last night AND SHE SWEARS UP AND DOWN IT WASN'T EROTIC AND SHE'S NOT A FAN SO BACK OFF. Why is this post-worthy? The night before ON-J died we were sitting on the couch watching TV and she randomly blurted out, "Olivia Newton-John just popped in my head for some reason." She hadn't read/heard/seen anything about her in the news, and hadn't even heard any of her songs on the radio. Less than 24 hours later she was dead.

Brett, if you're reading this, get to a hospital STAT.
I'm sure he has latent HPVAIDSHEPZCRABS that will take him out some day. The 80s and 90s were probably a lot of fun for him.
Bret, if you're reading this, get to a hospital STAT.
Oh, Bret is reading this alright. He & Adam Sandler are huge Cats fans.

My guess is that he will die of exhaustion, a heart attack, a brain aneurysm due to lack of blood flow to the brain or some combination of the 3...

Just logged in to check my fantasy football dynasty to get stuff situated before I hit "autodraft" and begin the journey towards my like...5th championship, or something of that magnitude...

Mav, son, do you know you got THIRD place last year? Normally, that would be no cause for celebration, but here in this big boy fantasy league of ours, third place is a pretty nice accomplishment.
Halloween III is good, campy horror movie. People don't like it because it doesn't have Myers, but I enjoy it.
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I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for H3, primarily because the villain was so damned good. Plus it’s got the whole Stonehenge/Druid connection and I’m really into lost civilizations/esoteric teaching/secret society initiation type stuff right now.

For my money, the GOAT worst sequel is, and will forever be, Caddyshack 2.
Good call. I meant to put that on my list above & forgot.

But Halloween 3 still sucks. Like really bad. I can appreciate trying to take the series in a different direction...but the story line was just stupid, the acting was overwhelmingly horrible & those stupid robots were ridiculous.

Only 2 good things about that stupid movie:

1) The gratuitous bare tittays shot.

2) The comedic value of the same chick from #1 having her head chopped off with a tire iron & then her amputated body still trying to strangle the lead character afterwards. That was lol funny.
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