
I’m really waiting on a Basketball team photo.
Here you it a trial run before the real deal is released.


Good morning Austin. Sitting on the back porch this morning sipping coffee got notification fantasy league has been reactivated. I think captain's going to make history this year. Will have his first undefeated season. Suck it previous champion who refuses to remind everyone every so often. 😉
Here are the rules:

1) Choose the correct stirrups
2) Always swing for the fence
3) Batter that makes the last out buys the beer for the next game

That’s it. That’s all the rules for softball. What could possibly need clarification?
In co ed softball men bat opposite handed. So I have to bad left handed. In our first game of the tournament yesterday I stepped on the the plate when I took off to run to first. I slipped slightly because of the dew. Umpire (which was a coach of a team not playing yet. To save money umpires were from teams not playing at the current time). Fast forward to our next game when we played the umpires team that called me out. He had several of his own team step on the plate and no one was called out. When I questioned the umpire in that game said he never heard of that rule and was absolutely shocked when he called me out for it. So I am curious what the correct call is.
If you stepped on the plate when hitting the ball then you are out. That’s a rule in baseball & softball.

Now in a co-Ed church league game I’m sure that isn’t called an out 99.9% of the time. But technically speaking it is a rule and always has been.
If you stepped on the plate when hitting the ball then you are out. That’s a rule in baseball & softball.

Now in a co-Ed church league game I’m sure that isn’t called an out 99.9% of the time. But technically speaking it is a rule and always has been.

I don't disagree with you. It's just a rule that is hardly enforced. I've literally played ball since I was 5 years old now 36 and that is the only time I've seen it called. But they guy is a well known dick and he was mad at our team for a variety of reasons so he was looking for a reason to be a dick.

Technically I wasn't hitting. I already hit the ball. The plate wasn't involved in the swing. When I planted my foot to run is when grazed the plate and slipped.
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In co ed softball men bat opposite handed. So I have to bad left handed. In our first game of the tournament yesterday I stepped on the the plate when I took off to run to first. I slipped slightly because of the dew. Umpire (which was a coach of a team not playing yet. To save money umpires were from teams not playing at the current time). Fast forward to our next game when we played the umpires team that called me out. He had several of his own team step on the plate and no one was called out. When I questioned the umpire in that game said he never heard of that rule and was absolutely shocked when he called me out for it. So I am curious what the correct call is.
Your first mistake was playing co-ed. Never play co-ed. Ever. Chicks are good for other things, but not ball. Beyond that, I feel your pain. Had a similar incident happen to me last year. First three ABs, I went backside (I'm a lefty, so for you lurking rubes out there that means I hit to L and LC field) so for my fourth AB they shaded me towards left. Yuge hole down the right field line. YUGE. I smoked a frozen f#cking rope just to the left of the first baseman, about 15 foot high with smooth, curling draw, the ball destined for the farthest corner of right field where the outfield fence and the side fence converge -- gonna be a triple, at least, and a 4-4 day at the plate.

"OUT!" screamed the mother-f#cking/cocksucking ump before I had even taken two steps. "WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled back as I wheeled around to face him. "You stepped out of the batter's box." "You gotta be friggin (there's no F-bombs in senior ball) kidding me -- there IS no batter's box." Seriously, there were just a few faint wisps of the chalk outline of what was at one time a batter's box at the start of the prior game. "Well you stepped over what's left of it." "That's bullshit man, short of stepping on the middle of the plate I've NEVER seen that called in 3 years of senior ball." Jackass. It still pisses me the f#ck off. NOBODY calls that kind of shit, except for that f#cking Barney Fife.

That's why, from then on, I always erase the batter's box (or its remnants from the previous game) before our game ever starts. As soon as the "groundskeepers" outline a new one, while everyone else is warming up, and before the umps get on the field, I got to the lefty's box and use my foot to completely obliterate the chalk lines of the box. Sometimes it takes me 5 minutes because it's amazing how much you have to brush and move and scrape to remove all the chalk from a line. But I do it. Every time. I've asked several umps (who have happened to walk up on me doing it) if they have a problem with it, and, to a man, they all say 'No,' that it makes less work for them. (HEAR THAT, ONE-BULLET BARNEY?) At first I felt bad, destroying all their hard work -- but I'll be damned if I get called out of the box again...if I ever hit again...if I ever play again...sad.

I'm sorry, what was the question?
Your first mistake was playing co-ed. Never play co-ed. Ever. Chicks are good for other things, but not ball. Beyond that, I feel your pain. Had a similar incident happen to me last year. First three ABs, I went backside (I'm a lefty, so for you lurking rubes out there that means I hit to L and LC field) so for my fourth AB they shaded me towards left. Yuge hole down the right field line. YUGE. I smoked a frozen f#cking rope just to the left of the first baseman, about 15 foot high with smooth, curling draw, the ball destined for the farthest corner of right field where the outfield fence and the side fence converge -- gonna be a triple, at least, and a 4-4 day at the plate.

"OUT!" screamed the mother-f#cking/cocksucking ump before I had even taken two steps. "WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled back as I wheeled around to face him. "You stepped out of the batter's box." "You gotta be friggin (there's no F-bombs in senior ball) kidding me -- there IS no batter's box." Seriously, there were just a few faint wisps of the chalk outline of what was at one time a batter's box at the start of the prior game. "Well you stepped over what's left of it." "That's bullshit man, short of stepping on the middle of the plate I've NEVER seen that called in 3 years of senior ball." Jackass. It still pisses me the f#ck off. NOBODY calls that kind of shit, except for that f#cking Barney Fife.

That's why, from then on, I always erase the batter's box (or its remnants from the previous game) before our game ever starts. As soon as the "groundskeepers" outline a new one, while everyone else is warming up, and before the umps get on the field, I got to the lefty's box and use my foot to completely obliterate the chalk lines of the box. Sometimes it takes me 5 minutes because it's amazing how much you have to brush and move and scrape to remove all the chalk from a line. But I do it. Every time. I've asked several umps (who have happened to walk up on me doing it) if they have a problem with it, and, to a man, they all say 'No,' that it makes less work for them. (HEAR THAT, ONE-BULLET BARNEY?) At first I felt bad, destroying all their hard work -- but I'll be damned if I get called out of the box again...if I ever hit again...if I ever play again...sad.

I'm sorry, what was the question?

My question is i never stepped on the plate while swinging. My swing was completely in the batters box. Turned to run to first. Stumbled slightly regained balance as I was doing that my back foot came in contact with the plate causing a complete slippage at that point. Its an obscure rule at best and I've never seen it called. It had no bearing on the play. When his own team did it didn't point out to the umpire...
My question is i never stepped on the plate while swinging. My swing was completely in the batters box. Turned to run to first. Stumbled slightly regained balance as I was doing that my back foot came in contact with the plate causing a complete slippage at that point. Its an obscure rule at best and I've never seen it called. It had no bearing on the play. When his own team did it didn't point out to the umpire...
Yeah, that was a complete bullshit call. After the ball is legally put into play, the batter can absolutely step on the plate, whether on purpose (who'd want to, of course) or by accident.
That's why, from then on, I always erase the batter's box (or its remnants from the previous game) before our game ever starts. As soon as the "groundskeepers" outline a new one, while everyone else is warming up, and before the umps get on the field, I got to the lefty's box and use my foot to completely obliterate the chalk lines of the box. Sometimes it takes me 5 minutes because it's amazing how much you have to brush and move and scrape to remove all the chalk from a line. But I do it. Every time.

Amazing competitive spirit, Mav. I really admire it. Seriously.

My question is this - How does a man with that sort of drive and spirit still not have one fantasy football championship in all the years we've been playing?

...or do you have a ff championship? I don't even know.
Yeah, that was a complete bullshit call. After the ball is legally put into play, the batter can absolutely step on the plate, whether on purpose (who'd want to, of course) or by accident.

Me and a buddy are having a discussion about this rule. Are you aware that the defense has to touch the ball first before I can make contact with the plate? I can't find that rule if it exist.
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My question is this - How does a man with that sort of drive and spirit still not have one fantasy football championship in all the years we've been playing?
Well, it pains me to admit this, even though it prolly comes as no surprise -- I simply don't know jack shit about football, other than Kenny Stabler was my favorite player ever and Earl Campbell was an OG badass. I mean I don't even know the basics, and I couldn't bluff my way around if I tried. I can't tell you the difference in a 4-3 defense, a 3-4 defense, which is better/worse, what works best against the run, against the pass, whether the order of offensive linemen goes "guard-tackle-end" or "end-guard-tackle," or why teams don't run the wishbone anymore. I don't know if Adrian Peterson is still playing (or just bitch-slapping his kids around), I don't know most of which teams are in which conference, whether the conferences have 2, 3, 4, or 5 divisions, etc...hell, I don't even know how many f#cking timeouts a team gets. Honestly, it wouldn't take much to convince me that Pete Rozelle is still commissioner. And that's just about real football. When you start talking about the basics of FF strategy I'm an even bigger dumbass -- the Forrest Gump of FF, if you will.

Basically, I suck -- which is why I'm not gonna waste my, and y'all's, time stewing over draft picks. I'm gonna auto-draft, try not to do anything dumb (like leave players on the roster during a "-BYE-" week -- an Ulcers tradition and one of my specialties), and then laugh my ass off and talk shit every time I happen to luck up and win a game 🤣.

Me and a buddy are having a discussion about this rule. Are you aware that the defense has to touch the ball first before I can make contact with the plate? I can't find that rule if it exist.
I didn't know that, but I'm nearly 100% sure it's not true.
Well, it pains me to admit this, even though it prolly comes as no surprise -- I simply don't know jack shit about football, other than Kenny Stabler was my favorite player ever and Earl Campbell was an OG badass. I mean I don't even know the basics, and I couldn't bluff my way around if I tried. I can't tell you the difference in a 4-3 defense, a 3-4 defense, which is better/worse, what works best against the run, against the pass, whether the order of offensive linemen goes "guard-tackle-end" or "end-guard-tackle," or why teams don't run the wishbone anymore. I don't know if Adrian Peterson is still playing (or just bitch-slapping his kids around), I don't know most of which teams are in which conference, whether the conferences have 2, 3, 4, or 5 divisions, etc...hell, I don't even know how many f#cking timeouts a team gets. Honestly, it wouldn't take much to convince me that Pete Rozelle is still commissioner. And that's just about real football. When you start talking about the basics of FF strategy I'm an even bigger dumbass -- the Forrest Gump of FF, if you will.

Basically, I suck -- which is why I'm not gonna waste my, and y'all's, time stewing over draft picks. I'm gonna auto-draft, try not to do anything dumb (like leave players on the roster during a "-BYE-" week -- an Ulcers tradition and one of my specialties), and then laugh my ass off and talk shit every time I happen to luck up and win a game 🤣.

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