
At least. Start the thread.

I do like this team & even know some of their names before the season starts...that’s a rarity. As always I shall move forward with measured, tempered enthusiasm. For one thing...that team they played last night sucked.

Having said that...I would have no objections with mav breaking out the 40-0 tittays just in case.
Agreed — problem is we have a freak “coaching” them too 😥

Look man, I’m giving a break till March. He’s not going to ruin my fandom. I have pretty much sat out basketball season the last few years.

Forget when exactly, but I skipped games. For the first time ever in my life. I did other stuff, and it felt good. Then I started skipping more games. I’d just tune in for big time matchups.

NOT THIS YEAR BABY. IM ALL IN. We finally got players that are worthy of wearing the jersey.

JMHO, guys. I think our roundball has finally caught up to our oblong ball.

*I do wish that mfer would sit in the stands every game. Cmon, just go eat nachos and take pictures with fans. He would have at least 2 more titles if he did that.
I figured Mav had hit the home run cycle in slowly pitched softball.
Sadly, and nearly unimaginably, no. My non-senior men's slowly pitched softball claim to fame was hitting 3 homers and then getting intentionally walked with the bases loaded for my last at-bat. Kinda felt like Barry Bonds, sans the huge bald head and steroids. I've also hit two grand slams in one game, but that's about it.
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Sadly, and nearly unimaginably, no. My non-senior men's slowly pitched softball claim to fame was hitting 3 homers and then getting intentionally walked with the bases loaded for my last at-bat. Kinda felt like Barry Bonds, sans the huge bald head and steroids. I've also hit two grand slams in one game, but that's about it.

Sounds you need to come out of retirement to complete this task.
What happened to Don over on the D League? Haven't seen him around since I've been back.
Say that reminds me...anyone else watch Tales From the Crypt on hbo back in the day. That was back in the Dream On, First & 10, etc...awesome 80’s era of hbo. Good times.
RE: Dream On -- at least I think it was Dream On, I mean I know my 80's/90's titties like the back of my hand (so to speak) but sometimes I, yes even I, can make a mistake -- when the good-looking chick (secretary, friend, can't remember) finally showed her titties in the card game episode I was duly impressed.
Who is the guy sitting by Cal most of the time? Not Joe Palumbo.
They were talking about him on KSR yesterday. They were talking about how they can never remember his name but he's a booster. Ironic because I cannot remember his name either.

In game 1 "said booster" was wearing an Adidas shirt and someone asked him to put on a Nike shirt at halftime.