
Speaking of POTA, I'd have loved to attempt re-populating the Earth with this chick...

Chuckie knew what he was doing when he insisted she tag along with him to the Forbidden Zone.
I've never seen that statue before. Dude is a dead ringer for Cornelius. Damn.

Mav I double dog dare you to drive up to Cinci (THATS EASTERN TIMEZONE BUDDY) and remodel that Pete statue to look more like Cornelius. Maybe just drape some monkey fur suit on him, that way it's not vandalized, but it gets the point across. Pete Rose is a damn animal, one that Cinci should be proud of - but he's also an ape.
Mav I double dog dare you to drive up to Cinci (THATS EASTERN TIMEZONE BUDDY) and remodel that Pete statue to look more like Cornelius. Maybe just drape some monkey fur suit on him, that way it's not vandalized, but it gets the point across. Pete Rose is a damn animal, one that Cinci should be proud of - but he's also an ape.
Dude if we play any men's slowly-pitched senior softball tournaments in/near Cincinnati (and we usually do) next year I'll get a POTA costume off Amazon, I'll get a Cornelius costume...

to put on ol' Petey boy...
“Adult men’s slow pitch semi-pro softball player arrested tonight at Great American Ballpark for putting a monkey costume on Pete Rose. Local leaders are appalled and calling it an act of racism”.

edit: The accused wearing patriotic stirrups was carried away from the scene shouting “IM ON CENTRAL TIME LIKE GOD INTENDED”
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Dude, tonight on the news, CDC goon said they’re working on vaccines for those under 18. We’re going to do everything we can to win the war against monkey pox, and every American should do their part.

We’re going to WAR with monkey pox.

The good news is Bucee’s Salted Caramel Pretzels are *amazing*. Deserve their own food pyramid group. Discovered the half wall of covered pretzel snacks last night. Chocolate, dark chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon coated vanilla, blueberry yogurt, strawberry yogurt, and salted caramel.

Some young family had a Bucee’s Boy open up the silver jewelry display so they could spend god knows how much on Bucee’s jewelry. I wanted to smack them and pull them over to the covered pretzel section. You got to show Bucee’s who the boss is. Do not give in to the temptations.

On second thought, if they have a big ol blinged out Bucee’s Belt Buckle all Texas/Cartel style, and I’m sure they do….well, that might be worth it.
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