
I like to imagine Kook driving to the beach like Andy...

...while singing this...

...and substituting "champion" for "gangsta."
Hey guys. Well it's been an interesting year. I had a golf ball sized brain tumor on my stem. Went to three hospitals before I found someone who would operate on me. Went to Mayo Clinic. What a place, they sincerely saved my life. Other than a few scars on the back of my head, I have very few side effects. Now I am back to work and my everyday life. Even slamming Ultras on the reg.

Ready for UK sports. . .basketball next week, unreal.
Welcome back. Yikes, sorry to hear about the tumor. Glad you're better.
Hey guys. Well it's been an interesting year. I had a golf ball sized brain tumor on my stem. Went to three hospitals before I found someone who would operate on me. Went to Mayo Clinic. What a place, they sincerely saved my life. Other than a few scars on the back of my head, I have very few side effects. Now I am back to work and my everyday life. Even slamming Ultras on the reg.

Ready for UK sports. . .basketball next week, unreal.
Glad to hear you are all fixed up. Surgery near the brain stem is intense. Glad things are getting back to normal for you.

Seems like there are a couple of guys who don’t really play each year...just kinda take up space. Reach out & see if they want to play or give up their spot to BBH.
We're down to 10 owners.


LEK might be a good candidate to give up his spot. If he has not checked-in soon and confirmed his spot, I'll leave him off and add BBH.
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The case for Pete Rose being banned from the HoF -- he's a degenerate dumbass who chose to not only bet on baseball, but on the games he was actively managing and then repeatedly lied about it.

The case for Pete Rose's gambling transgressions being forgiven and then admitted to the HoF -- his no-holds barred approach to broadcasting...
I go back and forth on Pete Rose. I mean he is one of the best to ever play the game without question, but some of the stuff I have read on him points to him being just an awful human being.
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Pete Rose was my very first favorite baseball player when I was a youngster. I moved on to the likes of Willie Stargell, Dave Parker, Ricky Henderson, Ozzie Smith, etc...but Rose was the first. In fact, Charlie Hustle is the sole reason I started sliding head first when I was 8 and didn’t stop till I finished my baseball career at the end of my senior year in HS. (Never slid head first into home plate though cause that would just be dumb)

In HS I used to steal 3rd all the time. Nobody expected it & I perfected the “wrap around” head first slide where you start off like super man then tuck your left arm while slightly rolling to the right & reaching for the back corner of the bag with your right hand. Even when the catcher had me nailed dead to rights...I would avoid the tag. But usually I caught them off guard & slid in easily.

Took great pride in stealing 3rd. We actually won two games on walk-off squeeze plays my senior year because I had stolen 3rd just prior. I can’t take much credit for either squeeze play though because both were perfectly placed bunts...the first one exactly between the pitcher & first baseman...and the second one right down the 1st baseline because the 1st baseman was playing back. I reached home before he even touched the ball on that last one.
He is pretty danged simian, tbh.

Yea, he fn is. Even the way he dives for the bag. He is a damn animal - which is good and bad. I've just seen way too many of those Planet of the Apes. Its' not worth it. You try and make friends with your simian brothers and sisters, and people just die. It's not worth it. Pete Rose is not worth it. It's better to just leave him alone in his natural habitat and not engage him for any reason. That's the cold hard truth for Reds fans, and the human race.


You can trust Nolan Ryan.