
Look up Gary Gulman talkin about the Karate Kid. It’s hilarious and spot on.

Mash, use

I was actually at THE Buc-ee’s in Richmond yesterday, but I don’t remember swinging by Mav’s place. I’ve been to A Buc-ee's five times in my life and I’m not sure I’ve ever walked out under $75.

Hilton Head in two weeks. Found an absolute deal right on the beach by a first time renter. Highway robbery on my part. Gonna live like the other half for a week.

I don’t like this heat nonsense in mid-June. Concerns about July and August. Insane. Third highest dew point ever in Lex-town.

EKU might be the ugliest campus in the US. Nothing against the town or the school, it’s just aesthetically shitty in every way. Could be because there were no co-eds walking around.

Speaking of co-eds, if you get a chance, peep some of the women’s basketball team pics. There’s a new Larry Vaught special on the team. You’ll know it when you see it.

Stay cool, NOB.

Global Warming amirite?
Cmon funky I know you can’t give Madison Co too much credit, but EKU ain’t the ugliest campus in America. The ravine area is pretty cool, and the landscaping is pretty good all around. They’ve built so many new buildings the last few years it’s outrageous. Some are cool, some are ugly.

Exactly what did you buy at Bucee’s worth $75?

Once again, iI have no earthly idea what you just said Kook, but it sounds amazing.

Still, doesn't explain how a bird can defy physics and shit up there.
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There are several mysteries Re: the upside down shitting bird phenomenon that will most likely remain permanently unsolved. We are just going to have to learn to live with that reality. But there’s a 99.9% chance that white supremacy & climate change are BOTH responsible in some form or fashion.
Obviously the bird got into the berries before he sprayed his feces on the entablature of your Porte cochere.

You Googled that didn't you.

As far as the abundance of bird fecal matter goes they have really enjoyed splattering my work truck and personal truck. They take notice when both have been cleaned and then bring a war with them. More so this year than I can remember. Should I make peace with them or start shooting back? Thoughts?
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That looks like Pete the Puma, one of Bugs's old nemesisessi...
We had a college kid working at my office several years ago that greatly resembled this character. It was either his summer plans or post graduation plans: follow the band Phish.

I’ve been in Miami and now Key West this week. Lots to see. No Buc-ees though. Spending lots of money.

Mash’s thing with the bird shit reminds me that there are just so many mysteries out there. Like Mav’s beaver nuggets. Just think of all the planning that our great creator must have put into making all of that happen. Boggles the mind.