
Saw Once Upon A Time To Live And Die In LA/Hollywood Saturday night. If you like Tarantino you'll like it, but it'll grind on you. Loooooooooong. The Kato-Brad Pitt scene, as well as the ending, were worth the price of admission, but 45 minutes could have been left on the cutting room floor. All in all though it was a decent way to kill a weekend night.
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Someone constantly farts in this place and it clears out the room. Who is it? Likeliest: Mash (dairy fetish), Austin (random legumes and plant material), Life (being life), funky (bitch drink)

-Blowjob Boston. HEHEHE

Fairly close. Oatmeal and fruit are somewhat tolerable. It's those beer and egg farts on an occasional Monday that has a couple ladies sitting on both sides of my cube hating life -- and me.
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  • Sometimes I like Coldplay, especially Clocks and Speed Of Sound
  • Down to 216 and 20% BF (from an all-time high of 280/33%...oy vey) and rocking the weight room LIKE A RAMPAGING BEAST
  • Swamped at work, hence my somewhat diminished presence
  • Yordan Alvarez is my current spirit animal
  • Like
Reactions: AustinTXCat
Put simply, I’m getting shit right.

Looking over some old text messages from my daughter:

You know dogs probably only lick us because they are trying to get to our bones inside our body.

Wife: How about I make a run for the border? Taco Bell!

Daughter: Run for the border. What the heck mom.

Wife: Old logo/advertising for Taco Bell was "make a run for the border"

Daughter: Oh my god. I thought you meant the trump border. I was like...I mean if u wanna go to Mexico then...what's in the way of pursuing your dreams? Lol.

Daughter: I need 10 bucks to repay a friend, could I mow the yard? The backyard for 10 bucks. Pls. Help.

Me: Sure. Who do you owe and why? Are you ok?

Daughter: Ava dared me that I couldn't do a backflip for 10 bucks...let's just say I faceplanted instead. I made a mistake.
Just took the fam to see Alice Cooper in Nashville. At grand Ol oprey. Cool show. Hale Storm was there too. Oprey house wouldn't open the doors until about 30 min prior to the opening act. But because the metal detectors were only 20 yards from the doors. They kept cramming people towards the front packing us in like sardines. Then when they did open the doors they only had like 4 people taking / tickets. While the other front doors remained closed. So once you did get inside and people were lining up to buy concert T's. Security came over and was telling people in line that if they were in front of the other entry doors that they would have to move outside so as not to block an exit for fire safety. Seemed like a serious logistics eff up on the opreys part.
I know it’s not Kook-level Gelato, but the little stand in a corner of Rupp is better than any ‘iced cream dessert’ in town. Maybe Graeter’s is better, but damn if I’m paying $15 for three cones.

Last official pool day of the summer. Urrbody back to the grind tomorrow. Been a good summer and tan is on point.

Being a Reds/Yankees fan is great but for completely different reasons. Reds are a fun train wreck, but the Yankees are a fun juggernaut. Any chance of a gulf hurricane taking out the city of Houston for a couple of months? Asking for a friend.

Been singin’. Feels good, man. Too old and fat to do anything with it, other than church. Oh well.

Ready for Christmas break.
Been singin’. Feels good, man. Too old and fat to do anything with it, other than church. Oh well.

Ready for Christmas break.

Funky, my man...if you have a decent singing voice and an ounce of showmanship then you should take your old, fat azz on the road to America's Got Talent. Use your weight and age to your advantage. You got any original material?

That old blues singer is a bad azz mofo. He's like 78 and half blind and he made it to Vegas.

C'mon, brother! You got this!!!
fyi, farm life is my new life. I mean we ain't raising crops, but we have 2 horses, our fair share of chickens and of course dogs. grew up this way when I was in middle and high school. spent the last 19 years in Lex. so back to the roots. so much more peaceful. and blessed to have this opportunity.

chickens are little bug snipers man. vacuum cleaners for all creepy crawlers out there. little insect assassins and egg givers. love seeing my ladies out in the field messing with the horses.

have a little longer drive to work everyday now but so worth it.
fyi, farm life is my new life. I mean we ain't raising crops, but we have 2 horses, our fair share of chickens and of course dogs. grew up this way when I was in middle and high school. spent the last 19 years in Lex. so back to the roots. so much more peaceful. and blessed to have this opportunity.

chickens are little bug snipers man. vacuum cleaners for all creepy crawlers out there. little insect assassins and egg givers. love seeing my ladies out in the field messing with the horses.

have a little longer drive to work everyday now but so worth it.
Good for you! I love and miss rural life in many respects. You work a lot, but reap huge rewards.
Well. There’s a song right there.

No lie. I wanna be your agent, brother.

Dismissing your affinity for fruity drinks for a moment (although we will definitely use that to add an edge to your uniqueness)...I assume you are mainly baritone...but with some range. Amirite?


Soooo here's what I'm got that Gospel thing going for you. Use it. But use it in an Elvis Gospel singing kinda way...mixed in with some old school Al Green/Luther Vandross R&B type groves...with a slight touch of social-commentary-Rap in the old school mode of a Curtis Mayfield/Common type of combo...but with modern, current issue lyrics about racism, bullying, and/or Global Warming. Yep.

I'm telling you, man. Gospel/R&B/Rap combo with modern lyrics sung by an old, overweight, adopted, fruity drink loving teacher with a baritone voice? That's PURE GOLD!!! Add in your back story...adopted...hoping against hope that somehow your birth mom recognizes your voice and reaches out to contact you. And that being a father is your most important job. Damn, man. That's some real ish right there. Not joking...I'm tearing up just thinking about it right now. And its probably more than enough.

But we ain't taking no chances sooooo...

Maybe we add in something about you being a really good teacher (ok so you might have to lie a little Hahahaha). But we really play up the teacher factor. Real big. I'm talking mentor/father figure type stuff. Surely we can drag one of your students out of rehab and sober them up long enough to be in the "back story vid". Hahahaha. But seriously...find some current & former students to comment in the vid.

Sheeeeeeeet!!! Duuuuuuude!!! Truth!!! We have ever angle covered. You'll have those woke azz lefty female judges creaming their pants and clawing each other's eyes out to be the first one to hit the golden ticket button...while Simon jerks off under the table.

Lemme be your agent, brother. I'll make this shite happen!!!
i dunno man. i think you should try doing the back up or chorus vocals, drag out some good looking gay dude and throw him in some western get up make up some shish about riding horses, call it country with some hip hop flare. make sure the girls can dance to it. titties. you will make all us your NOB agents so we can receive our cut.

platinum all day.