
Meh. Too busy focused on my 12-point strategery plan to dethrone Team Honky to dwell on past league stats. I've only finalized the first 5 points of the plan thus there is much work to be done. R&D team has pinpointed at least one inalienable truth: drinking more milk (of any flavor) will NOT help my FF team win any more games.

So there's that.

Exotic milks wins rings.


Absolute smoke show on investigation discovery right now. I wish I could find bikini or nudes

@UKGrad93 i still have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. You’re are a good dude and when I was going through shit you said some really nice things. No words can even describe how much I feel for you and your family. I pray that you take solace in knowing that you have a lot of people praying for you as well as your daughter being with god. You will see her again brother hang in there
@UKGrad93 i still have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. You’re are a good dude and when I was going through shit you said some really nice things. No words can even describe how much I feel for you and your family. I pray that you take solace in knowing that you have a lot of people praying for you as well as your daughter being with god. You will see her again brother hang in there
Thanks brother. I’ve been missing her even more as the days go by. I truly appreciate all the support.
I know you’re a Burger King chicken nugget connoisseur, but will you ever try a taco from Burger King?

On a side note, have you tried the ice cream challenge with blue bell yet?

Why get one taco at BK for $1 when you can get approximately 30 nuggets for the same price?

Suggestion box idea #123: BK should start selling chicken nugget tacos for $0.10/ea
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Haven't had BK in over 10 years. I just put my foot down once after I saw them microwave my whopper, never been back. Not even for a hershey chocolate pie. Not even for 200 nuggets. Not going back. Hell, not even for those oblong shaped chicken sandwiches I used to love. They had SURGE and that couldn't bring me back.

I see the coupons they send out in the mail, though. It's unbelievable. You can get like 2 double cheeseburgers, 2 fries, 2 cokes for $4. Takes a man of principle like myself to turn down an offer like that.

^ That sort of resilience is just one reason why I'll be hoisting the 2019 FF Trophy.
C'mon dude, they made one mistake and it was a mistake born from their desire to serve you a piping hot Whopper -- is that such a crime? Hell, you can hold the pickles and hold the lettuce cause special orders do not upset them. All they ask, all they ask, is that you let them serve it your way.


[Burger King][/URL]
Welcome to BK! How can I serve ya today?
One flame broiled ass clown? Have it your way!
You can't do fast food half as good as I do
Your pink slime meat turns my asshole to a drive-thru!
You're played out like a Chuck-E-Cheese Token
Your style's like your ice cream machines: broken
I'm dropping Whoppers that'll knock you off the menu!
Call you Ronald Donald, cause there's no MC in you

[Ronald McDonald]
Why don't you call me Ronald Jeremy? 'Cause I'm getting nasty
Like the whoppers you sell made of horse lips and ass meat
Ask Rick and Morty who's the lyrical boss
I've got lines for days, call me Szechuan Sauce

The undisputed G.O.A.T of putting burgers in bellies
I'm fast food Eminem, you're Machine Gun Kelly
I'm Coke to your Pepsi, I'm Mac, you're Android
Let's be real, I'm Nice Peter and you're EpicLLOYD

[Burger King]
You're number one like the whizz I took in your ball pit
Them rhymes you just spit are a Ray Kroc of shit!
You spooky ass clown, you're so creepy its insane!
You look like you just ate someone's brother in a storm drain!

You can't beat the king with your crew, please!
The whole head of your government's name is Mayor McCheese!

I ain't loving shit, even if Timberlake sings
I'm running circles round you like my onion rings!

[Ronald McDonald]
(Your onion rings are pretty good)
But that verse was lifeless! You had no joy in it
Last rapper this plastic had a Happy Meal toy in it
I'm serving billions and I can't be beat
You're a bin full of lettuce, facing da feet
Using Cheetos, dude? Get your recipes together, man
I've had the same fries since I was Willard Scott the Weather Man
I'm the best trash talking mascot in town
You might be the king, but a clown wears the crown!

(Where's the Beef? Right here!
Where's the Beef? Right here!
Where's the Beef? Right here!)

Show me two losers old enough to be my daddies
And I'll square off with 'em like the corners of my meat patties
It's Wendy! The hip-hopping Pippi Longstocking
No flows as Frosty as the salad bars that I'm dropping
I'm topping you two like plain baked potatoes
Exploiting you both like you were growing my tomatoes
King, you're creepy and you're always second fiddle
Your breakfast croissants are even worse than his McGriddle!
And McDonald's gave your job to a box with a face
Left you behind like a quiet kid in a PlayPlace
I'm the fast food Queen, mean with a tweet sesh
Leave opponents frozen 'cause I always keep my beef fresh!