of course they've got racks and racks full of all these, and MORE, flavors but they're out of just plain f#cking milk good f#cking gosh if i want strawberry milk then bah gawd i'll get some of that damned rabbits powder and mix it the f#ck myself otherwise i want plain white milk is that so hard to understand I mean it's like the various Oreo/Mountain Dew/Pop Tart Conspiracies cause these big multi-national conglomerates are always shoving multiple flavors down our throats while simultaneously and intentionally causing a shortage of simple basic goodness you know when i wanna down a bag of original oreoes and chase it with a couple original dews a diet caffeine free code f$cking red dew and bag of lemon creme with macadamia raspberry cookie oreos is a poor f#cking substitute or what about a basic frosted strawberry pop tart huh i mean they NEVER have those any more but you sure as hell can load up on pallets of hot fudge drizzled watermelon pop tarts i truly don't get it but you'd think the fact that these weirdo flavors are clogging the isles would tell some manager that hey maybe since nobodys buying the shit flavors how bout we stock up on the regular flavors we're ALWAYS f#cking out of cause people scarf em up like .22 rounds during the obama horror picture show years and then maybe our bottom line would look a little better but no nobody wants to do that so it tells me they've gotta be lacing the weirdo flavors with mind control or sterilization chemicals to keep us plebes in check and you can NOT tell me snickerses taste the same as they used to since they bant the tranz am fats in everything