
I hope he gets some of it back with summer rest, but man. Rough.

-Already mentioned this chick interviewing over there ----------> before but she drives me nuts with her head nods and points to the player she is interviewing at the beginning of each video. Yes, we understand that the person you are referencing is the only other person on the screen without those cues. I need a better pop-up blocker, apparently.

For reference, this is how you do it, toots:


-Going to rain here for the next million days. Any ark building tips besides suing myself when my property floods?

-Kids will be going absolutely bonkers with limited outdoor time. LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.

-I need alcohol.
Lynn Bowden was 31 years in HS. Bad mfer.

The crazy neighbors I got, the dad who yelled “I’m not afraid of these stupid ass children!”, well, they are nuts. They are homeschooled. An entire elemtary school worth of kids. Must be 19 of em. It is crazy, and best I can tell, the parents must work from home. I have no idea. It is weird. I keep it friendly, but withdrawn, bc these whackos could really f my life up. They could be a murderous cult for all I know. Like the Manson Family. I shouldn’t be typing this out here.
I have a couple of maple trees in the yard. This year they produced about eleventybillion of those little helicopter deals. Now I have little maple trees sprouting all over the yard, flower beds and gutters.

My Honey Locust tree has made a bunch of those green blossom things too. Every day they coat the deck and patio in a thick green funk which the dog tracks inside.

It’s like living in mother nature’s twat.
Lynn Bowden was 31 years in HS. Bad mfer.

The crazy neighbors I got, the dad who yelled “I’m not afraid of these stupid ass children!”, well, they are nuts. They are homeschooled. An entire elemtary school worth of kids. Must be 19 of em. It is crazy, and best I can tell, the parents must work from home. I have no idea. It is weird. I keep it friendly, but withdrawn, bc these whackos could really f my life up. They could be a murderous cult for all I know. Like the Manson Family. I shouldn’t be typing this out here.
Maybe it’s the Duggars. The elastic broke on that vag.
Welp, the Roundabout Curse strikes again. The SMSCTFSPTBS (Smokey Mountain Senior Classic Tournament For Slowly Pitched Then Batted Softballs) in Knoxville was this past weekend, and about 30 minutes from the park Steve Howe plucked those familiar, yet oh-so-dreaded, opening notes.

After anticipating playing ball for nearly 4.5 hours, my hopes were dashed in an instant because of that stupid song. This latest manifestation of The Curse came in the form of a tourney rainout. Of course it had not rained a single f#cking drop in the Smokeys in the past 15 days — then once I hear Roundabout the Noachian deluge commences.

Hey Yes, go f#ck yourselves you prog rock English queerbaits. In and around the lake mountains come out of the sky? WTF does that even mean? Mountains come out of the earth, not the sky, you f#cking morons. Did Hank Johnson write those lyrics?
Welp, the Roundabout Curse strikes again. The SMSCTFSPTBS (Smokey Mountain Senior Classic Tournament For Slowly Pitched Then Batted Softballs) in Knoxville was this past weekend, and about 30 minutes from the park Steve Howe plucked those familiar, yet oh-so-dreaded, opening notes.

After anticipating playing ball for nearly 4.5 hours, my hopes were dashed in an instant because of that stupid song. This latest manifestation of The Curse came in the form of a tourney rainout. Of course it had not rained a single f#cking drop in the Smokeys in the past 15 days — then once I hear Roundabout the Noachian deluge commences.

Hey Yes, go f#ck yourselves you prog rock English queerbaits. In and around the lake mountains come out of the sky? WTF does that even mean? Mountains come out of the earth, not the sky, you f#cking morons. Did Hank Johnson write those lyrics?
Of course it started to rain. The eagle’s dancing wings create as weather spins out of hand.

Those insufferable English queefs were warning you.
So apparently your torn hammy has least well enough to hit a slowly pitched softball when it isn't raining.
Correct. My playing was contingent on only being required to swing a bat. My contract stipulated I was to have a pinch runner at all times AND I did not have to play defense. I’m what you might call a highly specialized athlete.

Am I correct in assuming that copious amounts of booze, weed & women expedited the healing process?
Dunno how much they actually helped healing, but it sure has been a fun 3.5 weeks since the tear[banana].
People are bashing MLB for the unwritten rules. That’s one of the things that makes it exciting, to me. You can stand and watch the ball fly out of the park, but you might get plunked. You can mouth off to a player and you might get punched. All of these things that MLB players supposedly ‘can’t’ do, they can. There will be consequences though. Just like in hockey and NBA and NFL.
I concur. I love the unwritten rules of MLB. And I don't even like the game very much any more. (Used to love it as a kid)

But I'm sure eventually that the unwritten rules will be written right out of the game via new rules. And thus, MLB will be a watered down version of its former self (even more so than it already is) just like everything else in American society.

All it will take is a few op eds, a couple of SJW protesters, and one or two advertisers bolting to make MLB cower like a little beyotch.
I love baseball, and it’s unwritten rules.

STFU, hustle, and play the game the “right” way. Baseball has lasted with all its quirks and minimal rules changes for a reason... it’s damn near perfect in its construction. The players will police themselves.

Outside of dudes taking roids in the late 90’s, the game’s statistical data truly proves and translates a player and TEAM’s greatness from one generation to the next.

I'd like to think you are right, Kooky. But I also thought the awesomeness that is elementary/MS dodgeball would stand the test of time as well. Hell, forget about dodgeball...that's been long gone for ages. Now you can't even play tag. Effing tag!

The unwritten rules of MLB will eventually be gone. Trust me on that. Might take a while. But it will happen. For effs sake...they already allowed a tie in an All-Star game. A a baseball game. smh There are no ties in baseball, man...EVER!!! We didn't even have ties in 8-9 year old minor league baseball. Nah, man. Ties are reserved for stupid stuff like soccer and tiddlywinks.

It's coming...go ahead and prepare yourself accordingly.

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JuTahn McClain is the greatest.

As of now, that's my favorite name on our team. That could change by next week, or today. Lots of badass names we got.

If we get Octavius Oxendine, for example, I will run out and get a new dog just so I can name it Octavious Oxendine.

JuTahn McClain is the greatest.

As of now, that's my favorite name on our team. That could change by next week, or today. Lots of badass names we got.

If we get Octavius Oxendine, for example, I will run out and get a new dog just so I can name it Octavious Oxendine.

“Big no to that, Mash.”

Kovasiyay Smoke