My shit day at work started last night as well -- I struck out TWICE in a game of slowly-pitched softball.
BACK STORY: Like any enormously high-powered performance car, my body is finely tuned, and when the least little thing gets out of kilter, well, problems arise. Hence, in my first at-bat the MFCSing idiot umpire calls the first pitch of the evening a strike when it was CLEARLY a ball. CLEARLY. Now in the UDPPRMSPSL (that's '
Upper Division of the Paducah Parks and Recreation Men's Slowly Pitched Softball League' for all you lurking rubes) we start off with a 1-1 count to speed up the games. This means, of course, the blind, ignorant cocksucker has immediately got me behind in the count. Well the next pitch is even worse, but, fearing he's gonna ring me up, I swing and smash a wicked ground ball ball to the second baseman (instead of my customary 350+ foot blast over the right-center field fence). Now being the
all-or-nothing, balls-to-the-wall, always-give-110%, do-it-or-die-trying, team player that I am I break out into a full sprint to beat it out, which I did, of course, but two steps before the bag...BAM!!! disaster strikes -- I blew out my right hamstring.
Well another ignorant f#cking rule the UDPPRMSPSL employs is that once you start a game you can't leave said game without your place in the lineup taking an out -- even if you have torn a finely-tuned hamstring to shreds. So, once again, being the aforementioned
all-or-nothing, balls-to-the-wall, always-give-110%, do-it-or-die-trying, team player that I am, I do my best Kirk Gibson and hobble to the plate to, as it turns out, vainly try to draw a walk. Of course the pitcher lobs four perfect lowly arcing, cock-high softballs right down the pipe and all I can do is watch 'em (I couldn't even lightly swing without excruciating pain) drift by as the MFCSing umpire rings me up.
Thanks a lot, you MFCSing blind, ignorant dickhead.