
My shit day at work started last night with the following email:

We have received your request for access to the Monthly ***** Report. Given the circumstances of your recent transition from X-dept. to Y-dept., we will need to review this request with the Data Governance Steering Committee on Friday. In preparation for this meeting, could you give me the business use case, how the report was applicable in your previous position and how it is applicable in your current position? Due to HIPAA regulations we have not historically allowed **** accounts to access patient data.

  1. I have to review this information because it is required by regulation.
  2. I requested that the IT department create this report 10 years ago to avoid paper records for thousands of patients.
  3. My recent transition from X-dept. to Y-dept was an administrative change only (had to do with how funding of the position is handled on the books). It happened in 2013 (6 years ago).
  4. The only recent change was the IT department's decision to cutoff my access to the information without notice.
F*** it. I don't really want the damn report. Let someone else do it.

Data Governance Steering Committee on Friday. In preparation for this meeting, could you give me the business use case, how the report was applicable in your previous position and how it is applicable in your current position? Due to HIPAA regulations we have not historically allowed **** accounts to access patient data.

Do not proceed! That's a trap if I ever saw one! Lose that email! Godspeed, 93.
My shit day at work started last night as well -- I struck out TWICE in a game of slowly-pitched softball.

BACK STORY: Like any enormously high-powered performance car, my body is finely tuned, and when the least little thing gets out of kilter, well, problems arise. Hence, in my first at-bat the MFCSing idiot umpire calls the first pitch of the evening a strike when it was CLEARLY a ball. CLEARLY. Now in the UDPPRMSPSL (that's 'Upper Division of the Paducah Parks and Recreation Men's Slowly Pitched Softball League' for all you lurking rubes) we start off with a 1-1 count to speed up the games. This means, of course, the blind, ignorant cocksucker has immediately got me behind in the count. Well the next pitch is even worse, but, fearing he's gonna ring me up, I swing and smash a wicked ground ball ball to the second baseman (instead of my customary 350+ foot blast over the right-center field fence). Now being the all-or-nothing, balls-to-the-wall, always-give-110%, do-it-or-die-trying, team player that I am I break out into a full sprint to beat it out, which I did, of course, but two steps before the bag...BAM!!! disaster strikes -- I blew out my right hamstring.

Well another ignorant f#cking rule the UDPPRMSPSL employs is that once you start a game you can't leave said game without your place in the lineup taking an out -- even if you have torn a finely-tuned hamstring to shreds. So, once again, being the aforementioned all-or-nothing, balls-to-the-wall, always-give-110%, do-it-or-die-trying, team player that I am, I do my best Kirk Gibson and hobble to the plate to, as it turns out, vainly try to draw a walk. Of course the pitcher lobs four perfect lowly arcing, cock-high softballs right down the pipe and all I can do is watch 'em (I couldn't even lightly swing without excruciating pain) drift by as the MFCSing umpire rings me up.

Thanks a lot, you MFCSing blind, ignorant dickhead.

Now being the all-or-nothing, balls-to-the-wall, always-give-110%, do-it-or-die-trying, team player that I am I break out into a full sprint to beat it out, which I did, of course, but two steps before the bag...BAM!!! disaster strikes -- I blew out my right hamstring.


Huge effen ouch! Get well soon.
Thanks for the well-wishes fellas. Yeah, I'm afraid I've done torn this up pretty good. Slight ray of hope is I've self-diagnosed the tear being in the muscle belly rather than either the proximal or distal tendon, and that it's a Grade 2 tear, which apparently that has a better, quicker prognosis.

I'd still like to beat the hell out of that ump.

Dude, it makes my day every time I hear it. Soothes the soul.

They've been advertising this new "cookie cake" flavor which sounds awesome.

Dude, it makes my day every time I hear it. Soothes the soul.

They've been advertising this new "cookie cake" flavor which sounds awesome.
WTF is a 'cookie cake'? They're two separate things and ne'er the twain shall meet. In the words of Ayn Rand, "A is A. B is B. A cannot be B."
Dude you spelled "ABBA."

Rock on, brother.
There are people that really, really enjoyed that somehow. I'd have a constant migraine if I had to sing that horrid shit for loads of cash tossed at me from imbeciles, let alone listening to it voluntarily (like I just did :flush:) beyond that. The human body is amazing for what it can endure at times.
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So tonight I am walking my giant 116lb stupid (#58) dog... on the last few blocks from my house she sees a rabbit that I didn’t.

She effin bolts and quite literally launches my fat ass forward 15’, parallel to the ground Superman-style. I landed chest first in mud in my work clothes.

My goddamn back is spasming.