So I'm a registered democrat, but usually vote republican ... but will not do so this fall for Governor. I don't know enough differences between Edelen and Beshear and Adkins to pick. Edelen I guess would be a little further left, Beshear seems to be acting as if he's as anti-Bevin as can be and Adkins ... I don't know.
Since they're all dems, and my mind is made up about Bevin, this really isn't a political question. What makes one of these three any better than the other? Anyone know anything personally that say 'this guy is a p.o.s.'?
This may go a little long and is probably too political for this thread, but here goes:
My wife is a teacher - which basically makes her a democrat in her mind..... even though she is more conservative than I am in many ways. At some point in 2017/18 some democrat chick running for office down here in E-Town (I think it was for the 18th district state rep) showed up at my front door to talk to my wife. She wasn't home, so I decided to have a discussion with her. Come to find out she was some college teacher and had recently moved down here from the east coast. It was a friendly conversation, but I did make it well known how I felt about the dems on a national level. She knew I wasn't gonna vote for her, so she wanted to talk to my wife at some point and asked me for her number. So, I gave her MY phone number instead. Best thing I have ever done.
Now I'll get random phone calls and text messages from all these democrat nominees. I've had numerous conversations and text message exchanges with democrat operatives/candidates. Recently, someone with the Edelen campaign text me wanting "my" support. We went into great detail about some of his positions, which were basically the same as the dems at the national level. Talked a lot about everyone paying their fair share, very much pro abortion and would be willing to sign a bill protecting "choice", and lots of talk about teacher's pension and raising taxes to fund it. He is for pushing the legalization of weed/gambling which is definitely a positive for me.
However, he lost me when discussing the current state of the democratic party and whether or not he'd be willing to call out these far left lunatics in his party and be a vocal leader to bring them back to center (if the guy didn't know Edelen's position on certain subjects he would ask him and then respond to me). Basically, Edelen doesn't see a problem with where the national dems are right now and finished by saying he is the most "progressive" candidate running.
Nothing earth-shattering other than when talking about raising taxes I replied "TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY" (yes, in all caps), the dude or dudette replied to me "no reason to get angry". I felt like that was a bitch response and let the person know the all caps was simply for emphasis and no one was mad.
Now, on the flip side of that my dad was the County Judge Executive for the past eight years in my hometown (HEAVY republican county - Jamie Comer's hometown). He, of course, was very invested in Comer's bid for Governor. Not sure if you remember, but the primary was a f*cking nail biter and Comer made a huge comeback when the results from our area started coming in. Bevin has held a grudge ever since and my dad said he would crawl to the polls if he had to in order vote against him. He always held the elder Beshear in pretty high regard given their political differences (he never showed my dad or the county any ill-will even though it goes 90% republican) and has stated he would support Andy over Bevin in a heartbeat. Trust me when I say that is almost unbelievable given how hardcore conservative my dad is.
Doubt that rambling post helps any, but there you go.