
Instead of watching TV shows and boasting that he could survive in the Alaskan wilderness...Cal's time might be better spent watching coaching videos on how to defend the 3 point line.
Ummm. They've covered that plenty.

1. Notice from 12 feet away that a shooter has his hands on a basketball at the 3 point line.
2. Lightly jog towards said player with one hand up. Perhaps hit his hand.
3. ?
4. Profit.
No more Superfund clean-up sites after this one, Mash. I have a couple former army buddies who might be interested in those jobs. Project ends in 2023?. Hell, I'm NBC school trained. My retirement is scheduled for summer, 2021 at my current job. I'll contract at 70K/year and may check into it. 106 mile drive from Middlesboro. Get a place in Richmond and pig out on Blue Bell with Mash during off-hours.

Nice blowout. Go Cats!
When I was on the county HazMat team back around 2001, we got a bunch of free stuff from the govt in case of a chemical warfare terrorism. I spent several days being trained on using various monitors for that stuff. It was kinda cool, but kinda dumb too. At some point I realized that as a volunteer, there was no way that I should be going into a situation where the use of this stuff was suspected.

As a resident living near chemical weapons, I have also received a bunch of free stuff from the govt in case the chemicals blow...

- a free chemical calender every year that has pretty pictures
- a shelter kit that includes plastic and duct tape so I can...idk wtf I'm gonna do with that? Suffocate myself before the gas gets me?
- a free emergency radio...idk where that is

If I hear one more person lump EJ's name in with Nick Richards man....EJ is infinitely better than Nick, and should have had most of his minutes all daggum year. EJ has great hands, can block shots, generally understands basketball, he's just immature physically. We needed to develop EJ more this season, yet we wasted a lot of time with Nick and he hasn't improved one bit. Drives me nuts.
What Nick looks like when going after a rebound or when he is about to receive a pass...

When I was on the county HazMat team back around 2001, we got a bunch of free stuff from the govt in case of a chemical warfare terrorism. I spent several days being trained on using various monitors for that stuff. It was kinda cool, but kinda dumb too. At some point I realized that as a volunteer, there was no way that I should be going into a situation where the use of this stuff was suspected.

For me, NBC became a very interesting subject after attending school and picking up the MOS identifier in '85. It's all about monitoring and, heaven forbid, decontamination, with some meteorology tossed in. I'm sure equipment and methods have evolved quite a bit since my heydays during the 80s-90s. In a field environment, masks and suits work temporarily, but I suspect staff in Richmond use some pretty high-speed stuff.
As a resident living near chemical weapons, I have also received a bunch of free stuff from the govt in case the chemicals blow...

- a free chemical calender every year that has pretty pictures
- a shelter kit that includes plastic and duct tape so I can...idk wtf I'm gonna do with that? Suffocate myself before the gas gets me?
- a free emergency radio...idk where that is

If I hear one more person lump EJ's name in with Nick Richards man....EJ is infinitely better than Nick, and should have had most of his minutes all daggum year. EJ has great hands, can block shots, generally understands basketball, he's just immature physically. We needed to develop EJ more this season, yet we wasted a lot of time with Nick and he hasn't improved one bit. Drives me nuts.
EJ's problem is that he likes to shoot the ball while standing on the 3pt line early in the shot clock. NR plays like he's got greased hands.
Hey guys, serious question -- have any Cinderellas busted y'all's brackets in this year's big dance on the road to the Final Four's one shining moment during March Madness this year?
If you haven’t been to Lexington in a while, take some time and check out Alumni Drive. I’m sure we’ve all been to Krogerwealth Stadium, but it’s just awesome stadium after awesome stadium all the way down that road. Gotta hand it to Mitch on that one. Just need to knock down the Latter Day Saints church (not for religious reasons) or the Arboretum and put in a basketball stadium.
What a fugly game. UCF and VCU can't shoot the ball worth a damn. Add in absolutely shiiiiiity shot selection from both teams and you get the perfect shiiiiit storm.

But if either team plays UK you can bet the farm they will shoot 70% from the field...including 85% from the arc.
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