
I've been hesitant to do a DNA test 'cause of all the GATTACA/privacy type issues, but now I'm like f**k it -- longevity doesn't run in my family anyways. In fact, most males on either side check out before their mid 60s, which means I've got about another 10-12 years tops on this rock, i.e. worst case scenario the gubmint/insurance companies could only control me for a few years.

Let's do this.
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I don't trust that crap, or care where I came from. All about where you're going, right guys?

My honky ass cousin just did one, and guess what? He's 99.9999 honky! Surprise!
There's no doubt I'm about 99% Irish with just enough Scandanavian stirred in to completely purge any remaining melanin from my chromosomes -- but I'd still like to put a number to it.
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You seen that one where you crap in a box and send it in to be analyzed? That cracks me up. Says its a colon screening or something. Idk.
Haha, I'm gonna try to find one that'll let me jizz in a cup.
While serving in the Army, I had an extra duty as drug and alcohol NCO. Duties included observing soldiers as they pissed in a bottle and maintaining custody of the bottle until it was secured for the lab. After someone finished peeing in the bottle, they'd hand it to me for analysis.

On occasion, as some soldier handed me a bottle, my canned response was, "ya know, I take a lot of crap from you guy's, but this is effing ridiculous. Get the hell out of here".

Always good for a laugh.
The DNA test, I kinda want to know, kinda don't care, and not sure that I want my DNA on file somewhere. They probably just fake it all anyways. With most people, you could make a reasonable guess based on their name.

I'd be more interested in having my dog tested to find out what kind of mutt he really is.
yea, pretty much can gather from the color of my carpet and curtains, freckles, ability to get sunburned in cold weather and wind, affection for drinking massive amounts of alcohol and fighting, I would say some sort of Scottish/Irish with a splash of German is about as easy to predict as it comes.
I don't have any friends that are that good of a friend, but it would be worth a laugh to do one of these spit things with like five different dude's saliva in it.
SouthPark already covered that premise about a year ago. Randy collecting spit from an Injun.
My work situation is beyond ridiculous.

Projects with zero help.

I should be working right now - but I’d like to see my kids for the first time this week. Still on Goddamn bus.
WTF won’t they put more people on the projects (other than being greedy bastards of course)?
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Sorry to hear. Safe travels.

WTF won’t they put more people on the projects (other than being greedy bastards of course)?

Man, this business model (throughout profession) is you’re either drowning or starving...

I have 7 projects now. 7.

I can’t get anything done. I go backwards after being screamed at by my Zionist developer folk. ‘Tis a treat. Some client I am doing work for is an actress on SVU. No clue. Last name is March. Seems cool.
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It’s been nice having a new director at the office. She has been making progress on getting rid of a bunch of bs busywork that we were doing. The biggest being time accounting. A database to log everything we did. Activity, time in 15 min increments, and client. No one in 25 years has given 2 shits what you put in, as long as you had hours filled in.
It’s been nice having a new director at the office. She has been making progress on getting rid of a bunch of bs busywork that we were doing. The biggest being time accounting. A database to log everything we did. Activity, time in 15 min increments, and client. No one in 25 years has given 2 shits what you put in, as long as you had hours filled in.
We've got similar setup. HP is the system. Must enter time worked bi-weekly. This past December, I worked 9 hours total on the 28th. Entered 9 hours that day. Management had a freaking baby. Nope, corrected to 8 hours. Silly as hell.
My work situation is beyond ridiculous.

Projects with zero help.

I should be working right now - but I’d like to see my kids for the first time this week. Still on Goddamn bus.

Next Monday and Tuesday it will be my third week traveling. The when I'm not traveling it's long hard days and not getting home until late long story short I'm turning into a weekend father to my 13 month old.

Supervisor has always said if you have any ideas about anything feel free to ask. I come up with an idea for staying home next week since after next week I'll be traveling for a couple nights for several weeks. Nope he got pissy cause I asked. So it's looking like I'll be spending the next 5 weeks for multiple nights on the road.

End rant.
Next Monday and Tuesday it will be my third week traveling. The when I'm not traveling it's long hard days and not getting home until late long story short I'm turning into a weekend father to my 13 month old.

Supervisor has always said if you have any ideas about anything feel free to ask. I come up with an idea for staying home next week since after next week I'll be traveling for a couple nights for several weeks. Nope he got pissy cause I asked. So it's looking like I'll be spending the next 5 weeks for multiple nights on the road.

End rant.
Safe travels.
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