Movies that haven't aged well

Talk about a movie that has aged very well. IMO.

Also, here's a movie that has aged almost to perfection.

Love that one. Think I have the dvd around here somewhere. I listened to a bit of a podcast once where these two guys reviewed PCU and hated it. Said it was offensive and stereotypical. Talk about completely missing the point...
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Is it streaming somewhere?

I'd have to look. It was an almost completely forgotten movie unless you were growing up during this time. But it's becoming a bit of a cult classic just for how it sort of called a lot of what we are going through now.

Plus I think it really nailed college life and the various groups of people you meet. Jake Bussey as a Frisbee playing hippee? Absolutely.
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I'd have to look. It was an almost completely forgotten movie unless you were growing up during this time. But it's becoming a bit of a cult classic just for how it sort of called a lot of what we are going through now.

Plus I think it really nailed college life and the various groups of people you meet. Jake Bussey as a Frisbee playing hippee? Absolutely.

Semi related, but Under Siege, starring Jake’s dad, is one of a very few SS movies that actually hold up.
Earliest movie I can continue to watch: It's a Wonderful Life
Second earliest movie I can continue to watch: Godfather and Godfather II
Third: Animal House
Fourth: Caddyshack
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I'll push back on 80s horror. You mean all those schlocky, badly acted movies made for a VHS era for a nickel each didn't age well? Buddy, they were meant to be bad. I still love them but they were always bad. As a horror fan, I recognize it and enjoy them for what they are.

- Teen sex comedies like Porky's, Revenge of the Nerds, and American Pie because those films had predatory guys either stalking, trying to rape, or finding ways to stare at girls in their bedrooms, locker rooms, or showers and it was seen as lighthearted, funny, and normal.

- Breakfast at Tiffany's and Murder By Death included white men as Asians with big teeth and slanted eyes.

- Soul Man's entire plot was a white guy in black face and a wig. That was the movie.

- a few Slater joints...I love Pump Up the Volume but teens don't gather round radios anymore and no one gives a shit about the FCC now. The Wizard - just a commercial for Nintendo and the Power Glove with a scene of kids calling one of those gaming help lines. Untamed Heart - Slater's character breaks into a girl's bedroom and leaves a Christmas tree. He's somehow rewarded by getting the girl afterward.

Why doesn't it shock me you see teen sex comedies as "predatory"? LOL I feel like you have 100 testosterone level. If you can't laugh at porky's then you have a serious problem in your masculinity. It's an obvious comedy. LOL.
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Love that one. Think I have the dvd around here somewhere. I listened to a bit of a podcast once where these two guys reviewed PCU and hated it. Said it was offensive and stereotypical. Talk about completely missing the point...
Lots of 90s action movies are awful - Bad Boys, The Mummy, Armageddon, etc. Any Pauley Shore Movie.