Movies that haven't aged well

Talk about a movie that has aged very well. IMO.

Also, here's a movie that has aged almost to perfection.

Love that one. Think I have the dvd around here somewhere. I listened to a bit of a podcast once where these two guys reviewed PCU and hated it. Said it was offensive and stereotypical. Talk about completely missing the point...
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I was in my mid teens in the 80s/90s and was sure JCVD was the greatest action star of all time.

Exactly zero of his movies I watched dozens of times on VHS is watchable now.
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Is it streaming somewhere?

I'd have to look. It was an almost completely forgotten movie unless you were growing up during this time. But it's becoming a bit of a cult classic just for how it sort of called a lot of what we are going through now.

Plus I think it really nailed college life and the various groups of people you meet. Jake Bussey as a Frisbee playing hippee? Absolutely.
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I'd have to look. It was an almost completely forgotten movie unless you were growing up during this time. But it's becoming a bit of a cult classic just for how it sort of called a lot of what we are going through now.

Plus I think it really nailed college life and the various groups of people you meet. Jake Bussey as a Frisbee playing hippee? Absolutely.

Semi related, but Under Siege, starring Jake’s dad, is one of a very few SS movies that actually hold up.
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Earliest movie I can continue to watch: It's a Wonderful Life
Second earliest movie I can continue to watch: Godfather and Godfather II
Third: Animal House
Fourth: Caddyshack