Mitchell injury...

Ehh popped my shoulder out My whole career. Popped it back in and played the rest of the games. Depends on a lot. Finally got surgery on it 8 years later though and the doc said top 5 worse he has seen.

He can play if he wants too. Put some protection up there and should be fine. It didn’t look separated to me. It would have been hanging more and he would have been in more pain.

Now if it buckled or did separate he might be sore for the next week or so. But he will be healed up.

Also saw Cal said he is getting X-rays. Not sure what that is going to show. Should do an MRI if anything.

One last thing mine would separate in the front. It looks like he was holding back of shoulder which I know some people have them separate to the back as well.
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Not good.
Recovering from a dislocated shoulder

It usually takes up to 12 weeks to recover from a dislocated shoulder. It may take up to 16 weeks to fully return to playing some sports, but for some recovery can take longer. You'll need to wear a sling to support your arm for the first few weeks.
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Been there. I hate when they say it takes x-amount of time to recover. I, and nobody Ive ever known to have one, was completely healed right away. It took me a good 6 months to regain strength and mobility.
My mom broke her arm, took her a year to really start using it well, she has very limited movement now though, mainly from age and osteoporosis/arthritis but that break hurt what mobility she had.
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I think Bilas called it “popcorn defense” lastnight when the players were always a pass behind catching up on the perimeter. Thats the real problem not the Mitchell injury.
And we don’t have a coach capable or willing to fix it.
Hope Tre heals quick but really does it even matter? Ole Miss just missed more open looks than the last three teams we’ve played.
Looks bad.

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It wouldn't have happened if Tre was capable of actually playing defense. He was late chasing his guy, so had to grab his jersey and hit the screener at an odd angle, thus creating the injury.

To be honest, have been completely underwhelmed by Tre this year. He is a fifth yr player who can't defend a lick, and hates physicality. He is very slow, and if he isn't hitting the three, does not add much of value. Not to mention his TOs were awful last night. Should not be happening with a fifth yr player. Plenty of WVA fans told us that Tre was not as good as advertised, and I didn't believe them. My fault for getting my hopes up.
Not good.
Recovering from a dislocated shoulder

It usually takes up to 12 weeks to recover from a dislocated shoulder. It may take up to 16 weeks to fully return to playing some sports, but for some recovery can take longer. You'll need to wear a sling to support your arm for the first few weeks.
Healing x Cal factor

Say healing is 2 weeks
Multiple that by Cal factor....

See ya on draft night. Or maybe not in this case
That didn't look like enough contact to cause a dislocated shoulder. Not at all.
He better hope it isnt. Nba plans down the shithole for a bit
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Wait what? You think Thiero is a defensive liability? You must be a wealth of basketball knowledge.

And Thiero is a nice player offensively. Unlike Tre, he lets the better offensive players go to work. And get this, he's shooting the 3 at a higher percentage than your boy.
Agree that Thiero is better defensively, but although he’s aggressive offensively driving to the basket, he has serious trouble finishing. He’s like a bull in a China shop, and needs to learn finesse. Not sure he ever will, but I like his intensity.
Mitchell has lost his 3 stroke since his injury, but had a nice up and under for an “and 1” last night. I think we’re better when he’s healthy but will have to do without him rest of season probably.
To be honest, have been completely underwhelmed by Tre this year. He is a fifth yr player who can't defend a lick, and hates physicality. He is very slow, and if he isn't hitting the three, does not add much of value.
confused jimmy fallon GIF

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