Matt Jones on KSR this morning said Cal isnt close to AD Media or Boosters anymore

Ok got it. I don’t believe staying with something that isn’t working will make things better… When the milk spoils, we don’t put it back in the fridge and hope it gets good again.
I believe he gets embarrassed enough to make a decision after this season. That decision is to finish out his class for next season then get out. If he doesn't wanna ruin what he accomplished then he needs to quit while he is ahead so to speak. Of course us fans already had enough since we haven't won a NCAA tournament game since pre covid. If he knows what's best for him then he removes himself from this mess before he flushes himself down the toilet. Next season is his last and then Frank will be brought in to stabilize the program til we figure out where we are going.
I agree and hope that the decision he makes after this season is that he is done. Not coming back for next year. That would be best for all parties.
To me, this is simple. Now, I could be wrong, but just what I think….

Cal has accomplished what he wanted to accomplish. Kentucky coach. Championship. Hall of Fame. Lifetime contract, set up for life. Children set for life.

He is done. Everything after becomes not as important. I don’t think he intentionally said “I’m done now.” I think it just creeps in. Less motivated. Relax more. Take more time off. Chill out. This leads to issues that compound. He realizes he’s in a hole, but not really motivated to climb out of it. So, he just goes with the flow. If he gets it turned around, good. He gives it the amount of effort he wants, but not as much as he would have prior. If he doesn’t get it turned around, no big deal, he’s set.

Even if there was a way to hold him accountable, he doesn’t care.

Yep, he got his; now time to relax and enjoy retirement.
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The boosters are very unhappy as are the fans is what I've heard. I don't think Cal lasts after this year. If that's true, I say, see if Jay Wright would be willing to take the job. He left Villanova because he knew he couldn't compete with the Big time programs with the NIL coming into play. He wouldn't have thst problem at UK. And the he won 2 championships
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Lol. Ok pal. You let us know LMAO

LOL, a few here hung on his every word he said and scolded anyone that doubted him. LOL!!! Have we heard from him today since Mitch's statement? "Things are happening behind the scenes"........ lol. This "insider" didn't even know anything about Reed Shepherd and had to be told about his game from Rafters posters..........

LOL, a few here hung on his every word he said and scolded anyone that doubted him. LOL!!! Have we heard from him today since Mitch's statement? "Things are happening behind the scenes"........ lol. This "insider" didn't even know anything about Reed Shepherd and had to be told about his game from Rafters posters..........

You really stretched thin on that one hoss. He knows boosters, he's not a recruiting analyst or expert.
You really stretched thin on that one hoss. He knows boosters, he's not a recruiting analyst or expert.

I'm not your hoss, pal. Calipari will be here through the end of next year and then leave on his own. All the posts about him getting fired or tanking on purpose for a buyout or getting bought out by the boosters this year and fired are laughable. Absolutely laughable.
I know why some of you are leery of what Matt Jones may have said this morning but in this case I feel confident he knows what he is talking about, especially with boosters...Lots of moving pieces since the horn sounded at MSG Saturday night. Don't want to say anymore. There is hope for The Program.
Are you basing your opinion solely on Jones’ opinion or are you providing information that you received completely separate from Jones and from influential boosters and within UK?

Would you be willing to elaborate on your statement?
remember last year when he swore he'd change and then after the miracle best offensive games in UK history against KU and Tenn he gloated he didnt need to change and the fans know nothing, he didnt change and proved he didnt need to by those wins.......... only to struggle the last 3 weeks of the season and lose in the first round. and he still didnt change things after that fail

You dont think the guy who runs the biggest UK media has these connections? If boosters were worried and wanted to get the word around.. where do they go? probably to the radio personality who has more listeners by far than UK fans on twitter and this message board.
Offensive miracle? Why because it doesn't go with your agenda?!?! The last 3/4 weeks were injury filled. In the real world that matters
I'm not your hoss, pal. Calipari will be here through the end of next year and then leave on his own. All the posts about him getting fired or tanking on purpose for a buyout or getting bought out by the boosters this year and fired are laughable. Absolutely laughable.
The truth is HOSS, you don't have a clue either. LOL!
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I HOPE our fans understand what the world is going to look like when Cal leaves. This isn't the same game anymore. Take a good long hard look at the college basketball landscape and understand where we are going to fall in the pecking order of today's recruits because I am telling you right now, nothing that Kentucky has ever been through before is going to look like what is next. The fall is going to be precipitous and long. You best be ready for Indiana-fication because that's what's on the menu. Study hard on Louisville's season as those are on the menu as well. Fact.
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I HOPE our fans understand what the world is going to look like when Cal leaves. This isn't the same game anymore. Take a good long hard look at the college basketball landscape and understand where we are going to fall in the pecking order of today's recruits because I am telling you right now, nothing that Kentucky has ever been through before is going to look like what is next. The fall is going to be precipitous and long. You best be ready for Indiana-fication because that's what's on the menu. Study hard on Louisville's season as those are on the menu as well. Fact.
So, you're saying only Calipari's recruiting has kept us from having a losing record? Uh, you might want to review your recent UK history there buddy.
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So, you're saying only Calipari's recruiting has kept us from having a losing record? Uh, you might want to review your recent UK history there buddy.
Cal's recruiting won't be repeated, certainly. Who on earth would disagree with that?

So what will UK look like? Let's start by what will be attractive at UK. A school that couldn't be successful with the #1 or #2 recruiting class every year? Culturally what will be appealing to recruits once Cal leaves?

What are our closest examples of our future? Indiana and Louisville. Why will we be different? Because we're UK? Means nothing to kids now just as it means nothing to them about UCLA, Duke, or UNC. The top players look at who can get me the most exposure for the NBA and the most NIL money.

The ONLY question for us after Cal leaves is how far do we fall and how long? All objective comparable data suggest a long protracted fall of unprecedented proportion in much the same way as Indiana. I consider Indiana to be the perfect example. It would have already happened after Tubby started the slide then exponentially increased under Billy G... the ONLY thing that stopped the slide was Cal and once he leaves we will very quickly return to what was already well under way.
Matt Jones on KSR earlier this morning started off saying Cal has kept his distance from the AD this entire time and now is distant from all the media which Cal is weird and a loner anyways so thats not too shocking but he has friends that were boosters and he's been distant from them too now.

Just curious. anyone thinks this sounds like someone who's checked out mentally already? it feels that way to me from this info.
Sounds like it to me. Sounds like he knows he sucks and has no answer. He can go out and BS the media and go thru the motions because Mitch signed his balls over to him.
To me, this is simple. Now, I could be wrong, but just what I think….

Cal has accomplished what he wanted to accomplish. Kentucky coach. Championship. Hall of Fame. Lifetime contract, set up for life. Children set for life.

He is done. Everything after becomes not as important. I don’t think he intentionally said “I’m done now.” I think it just creeps in. Less motivated. Relax more. Take more time off. Chill out. This leads to issues that compound. He realizes he’s in a hole, but not really motivated to climb out of it. So, he just goes with the flow. If he gets it turned around, good. He gives it the amount of effort he wants, but not as much as he would have prior. If he doesn’t get it turned around, no big deal, he’s set.

Even if there was a way to hold him accountable, he doesn’t care.
Sit around with dogs and eat donuts while watching ice road truckers. I think you are correct.
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It is sad to see. Just like when Tubby left it’s gonna suck to a degree. The man brought us some really fun times from 2009-2015. I miss that Cal. The Cal that loved to mess with other coaches and teams because he knew he could win. And we all loved it.

It’s just not fun anymore. And I thin in his heart he knows it too. But just like any family member it sucks to see the decline.
I agree 2009-2018 were some of the absolute best UK times of my life. So many amazing and heart breaking tournament games and huge game success.
Cal's recruiting won't be repeated, certainly. Who on earth would disagree with that?

So what will UK look like? Let's start by what will be attractive at UK. A school that couldn't be successful with the #1 or #2 recruiting class every year? Culturally what will be appealing to recruits once Cal leaves?

What are our closest examples of our future? Indiana and Louisville. Why will we be different? Because we're UK? Means nothing to kids now just as it means nothing to them about UCLA, Duke, or UNC. The top players look at who can get me the most exposure for the NBA and the most NIL money.

The ONLY question for us after Cal leaves is how far do we fall and how long? All objective comparable data suggest a long protracted fall of unprecedented proportion in much the same way as Indiana. I consider Indiana to be the perfect example. It would have already happened after Tubby started the slide then exponentially increased under Billy G... the ONLY thing that stopped the slide was Cal and once he leaves we will very quickly return to what was already well under way.
Ok Ron Ron…
Cal's recruiting won't be repeated, certainly. Who on earth would disagree with that?

So what will UK look like? Let's start by what will be attractive at UK. A school that couldn't be successful with the #1 or #2 recruiting class every year? Culturally what will be appealing to recruits once Cal leaves?

What are our closest examples of our future? Indiana and Louisville. Why will we be different? Because we're UK? Means nothing to kids now just as it means nothing to them about UCLA, Duke, or UNC. The top players look at who can get me the most exposure for the NBA and the most NIL money.

The ONLY question for us after Cal leaves is how far do we fall and how long? All objective comparable data suggest a long protracted fall of unprecedented proportion in much the same way as Indiana. I consider Indiana to be the perfect example. It would have already happened after Tubby started the slide then exponentially increased under Billy G... the ONLY thing that stopped the slide was Cal and once he leaves we will very quickly return to what was already well under way.
You're insane.
You do know that Kentucky did pretty well before John Calipari ever graced us with his presence, right? I mean, we did SOMEHOW manage to win 7 Titles before the basketball savant ever took the job.
Kentucky, Dook, UNC, and Kansas move the needle in college basketball. That's pretty much it. Put any of those programs on national TV and you'll get eyeballs. So, the job is already attractive to any aspiring coach and kids want to play on the big stage. It don't get much bigger than at UK.
Plus, add in the new ESPN contract and you're going to see even more of Kentucky on national TV than ever before.
You need to get off Calipari's nuts. He didn't invent the game and he certainly didn't create Kentucky Basketball.
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The program is likely going to decline slightly before it bounces back.

The old saying is, “it is always darkest before the dawn.”

We will likely have to bottom out before we start climbing.

This is why, though I do want change, I am very cautious about it. I would much rather Cal resign after this season or next season, going out on his terms, rather than him being forced out and ripping the program apart on his way out.

The transition period is likely going to be tough, but it could be brutal if it is not handled right.
Cal's recruiting won't be repeated, certainly. Who on earth would disagree with that?

So what will UK look like? Let's start by what will be attractive at UK. A school that couldn't be successful with the #1 or #2 recruiting class every year? Culturally what will be appealing to recruits once Cal leaves?

What are our closest examples of our future? Indiana and Louisville. Why will we be different? Because we're UK? Means nothing to kids now just as it means nothing to them about UCLA, Duke, or UNC. The top players look at who can get me the most exposure for the NBA and the most NIL money.

The ONLY question for us after Cal leaves is how far do we fall and how long? All objective comparable data suggest a long protracted fall of unprecedented proportion in much the same way as Indiana. I consider Indiana to be the perfect example. It would have already happened after Tubby started the slide then exponentially increased under Billy G... the ONLY thing that stopped the slide was Cal and once he leaves we will very quickly return to what was already well under way.

we could win 10 games after cal leaves and it will be an improvement on the season cal produced 2 years ago.
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Cal's recruiting won't be repeated, certainly. Who on earth would disagree with that?

So what will UK look like? Let's start by what will be attractive at UK. A school that couldn't be successful with the #1 or #2 recruiting class every year? Culturally what will be appealing to recruits once Cal leaves?

What are our closest examples of our future? Indiana and Louisville. Why will we be different? Because we're UK? Means nothing to kids now just as it means nothing to them about UCLA, Duke, or UNC. The top players look at who can get me the most exposure for the NBA and the most NIL money.

The ONLY question for us after Cal leaves is how far do we fall and how long? All objective comparable data suggest a long protracted fall of unprecedented proportion in much the same way as Indiana. I consider Indiana to be the perfect example. It would have already happened after Tubby started the slide then exponentially increased under Billy G... the ONLY thing that stopped the slide was Cal and once he leaves we will very quickly return to what was already well under way.
The only reason we won't be an attractive school to recruits anymore is because of the damage he's done to the program. The sooner he's gone, the less we will fall.

But even if we woke up the day after he was gone and found ourselves as a low- to middle-of-the-pack school in a P5 conference, a good coach get us back quickly. And by good, I mean one of the many out there who can coach circles around Cal, but just haven't had the resources he's had...and wasted.
Matt Jones on KSR earlier this morning started off saying Cal has kept his distance from the AD this entire time and now is distant from all the media which Cal is weird and a loner anyways so thats not too shocking but he has friends that were boosters and he's been distant from them too now.

Just curious. anyone thinks this sounds like someone who's checked out mentally already? it feels that way to me from this info.
I think this sounds like more Matt Jones bullshit!
I HOPE our fans understand what the world is going to look like when Cal leaves. This isn't the same game anymore. Take a good long hard look at the college basketball landscape and understand where we are going to fall in the pecking order of today's recruits because I am telling you right now, nothing that Kentucky has ever been through before is going to look like what is next. The fall is going to be precipitous and long. You best be ready for Indiana-fication because that's what's on the menu. Study hard on Louisville's season as those are on the menu as well. Fact.
Step back from the ledge. You are clueless. Lord above.