I need to get this off my chest

We have a HOF head coach and he has a natty. How many nattys does our fb team have? No UK is a basketball school the winningest in history and FB is becoming respectable. Until our FB program wins a championship we will always be a bb school. Honestly though there’s nothing preventing both from being successful but basketball is why Barney gave the HC a lifetime 10 mil per year contract. Cmon people quit thinking
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We have a HOF head coach and he has a natty. How many nattys does our fb team have? No UK is a basketball school the winningest in history and FB is becoming respectable. Until our FB program wins a championship we will always be a bb school. Honestly though there’s nothing preventing both from being successful but basketball is why Barney gave the HC a lifetime 10 mil per year contract. Cmon people quit thinking
Posted a similar comment in a thread a few days ago. This is still a basketball state. But, not as much as it was 5 years ago, for good or bad.
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Kentucky will likely never be a football school. Zero championships without leather helmets. There is no point in the football mafia trying to push the idea. I love football. Kentucky isn’t a football school. Kentucky is a middle of the road SEC school that falls to low middle the rises back to middle. That’s all. Kentucky may not be a basketball school either. Naming the field after Kroger is embarrassing. Keep it real.
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Posted a similar comment in a thread a few days ago. This is still a basketball state. But, not as much as it was 5 years ago, for good or bad.
Sad, because our football team will never be anything but a mid tier SEC team. Unlikely we win an SEC title, extremely unlikely we ever win a title. The football fans are wasting their time if they think they can turn UK into a football school. Not with Georgia, Florida in our division and Bama, LSU, Auburn, soon to be Oklahoma and Texas in the conference.
Kentucky will likely never be a football school. Zero championships. There is no point in the football mafia trying to push the idea. I love football. Kentucky isn’t a football school. Kentucky is a middle of the road SEC school that falls to low middle the rises back to middle. That’s all. Kentucky may not be a basketball school either. Keep it real.
UK does have a championship.
Sad, because our football team will never be anything but a mid tier SEC team. Unlikely we win an SEC title, extremely unlikely we ever win a title. The football fans are wasting their time if they think they can turn UK into a football school. Not with Georgia, Florida in our division and Bama, LSU, Auburn, soon to be Oklahoma and Texas in the conference.
Maybe not. But Uk basketball is turning into UK football, so don’t bet the house on it.
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We have a HOF head coach and he has a natty. How many nattys does our fb team have? No UK is a basketball school the winningest in history and FB is becoming respectable. Until our FB program wins a championship we will always be a bb school. Honestly though there’s nothing preventing both from being successful but basketball is why Barney gave the HC a lifetime 10 mil per year contract. Cmon people quit thinking
Getting ready to be the 2nd winningest
Already lost the 3 point streak
Next comes the bigger pisser
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Exactly. If you’re objective it’s easy to see. I r never missed UK games until Cal. Ever. My father is as die hard as it gets, never misses a game for 50 years. He hasn’t seen a game this season besides the first two.

The only way you can’t understand this is if your immediate reaction is to defend Calipari.

It’s okay to schedule some bad opponents, sht I want him to. But you’ve got to stop with the Owl State online games and at least schedule names people have heard.

this is literally all he has to do to improve this.

Form a new game.
Cincy - see if they want a new home and neutral (played in Ohio) game. They probably will.
Western Ky
Eastern Ky
Florida State - See if they have interests in a home and neutral (in Florida)
Get UNC back on the schedule home and home
Kansas - home and home
New yearly game between UK and UCLA home and home
SEC okay.

Just whatever. And yea he can do it, he knows he can improve this, the problem is (if we’re honest) he’d lose too much. He couldn’t win at a consistent clip playing those games. So instead of him changing his approach he wants to play scrubs because he knows the SEC slate with his young players on the road will result in lots of losses and his job gone.

These coaches are running scared and I wish the right people would have enough of it.
You have my sympathy.
Cal isn't going anywhere and the vast majority of UK fans support him.
He needs these cupcakes for the freshmen and to work out player rotation kinks.
Attendance is down for all programs during a world wide pandemic. People will come out for the big games.
It's fun rooting for basketball AND football.

Was in Graves County today. Lots of basketball talk while eating with about 40 people from over western, Ky. Had a hard time finding one single person who wasn’t fed up with Calipari. We did discuss his efforts to help with the issues and he’s commended for that, but any coach at UK would be doing the same. I thought it was funny one guy was spit fire mad about Calipari and the guy just lost his home near downtown. Lol. You can’t beat UK fans.

Calipari supporters in Kentucky are few and far between. All you have to do is talk to UK fans and you’ll see just how much of a minority Calipari supporters are.
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I was listening to KSR this morning and a caller said to Matt something along the lines of Cal continuing to preach and talk down to the fan base. Matt agreed and said he's tired of Cal doing this. Lemon then chimed in and said it probably has to do with Cal looking up to the seats and seeing all the empty seats.

Well here's my thoughts. As long as Cal is HC of basketball and Stoops is HC of football, this is going to be a football school. I know that's blasphemy to some, but let's think about this. Since 2015 football has being going up and basketball has been going down. Cal gets on these soap boxes and really does talk down to the fans like we're a bunch of idiots. Now with a fanbase this large, we're going to have some morons in the crowd, however we are the most dedicated, passionate fans in all of college athletics. No one compares. So yeah, we're going to have our opinions because we are just, if not more, invested in UK as he is.

Two: Football has given us something to enjoy that basketball has taken away from us. And that is watching players develop and becoming household names. We got to watch Benny break that record against PSU and when he did it was emotional for all of us because we watched him grow and earn that spot. Instead of having to learn a new player every 6 months we become eager to see players like Levis, Crod, McClain, Paschal, Jackson, Wright, come back and become better. I just don't feel that is a luxury we get in basketball anymore whether that's Cal's fault or not. Therefore we can be more invested in the product we are paying to watch.

Three: Football fans are not as entitled. Where basketball has always been great for the exception of a few bad coaches, we've always been a blue blood basketball program. Now with Stoops we are witnessing a basement dweller rise and compete. That is exciting! That is just so enjoyable to watch. Basketball expectations are weird. Cal just wants to put players in the NBA while the fanbase wants to beat Duke, Kansas, UNC, and make it far in the tournament (which has not happened since 2015).

I'm posting this here because I don't see this going over well in Rupps Rafters and find myself spending more time in this forum then the other. So yeah, what do you guys think? I'm curious where other fans are at mentally about this.

I'm posting this here because
Because? You have an agenda?
Sad, because our football team will never be anything but a mid tier SEC team. Unlikely we win an SEC title, extremely unlikely we ever win a title. The football fans are wasting their time if they think they can turn UK into a football school. Not with Georgia, Florida in our division and Bama, LSU, Auburn, soon to be Oklahoma and Texas in the conference.

🤡. We just signed a top 10 class. How about not being a vagina and just be a UK fan, instead of a wedge.
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Kentucky will likely never be a football school. Zero championships without leather helmets. There is no point in the football mafia trying to push the idea. I love football. Kentucky isn’t a football school. Kentucky is a middle of the road SEC school that falls to low middle the rises back to middle. That’s all. Kentucky may not be a basketball school either. Naming the field after Kroger is embarrassing. Keep it real.
Lots of headwind going against it right now though

Football is a huge revenue stream
Football is priority in the SEC
Football games are an event - tailgating, Catwalk, volume of people and national interest in our games
3 year rule means fans connect with players and watch them grow, this has been particularly true in the running back position
Basketball is trending down in attendance,
home games at Rupp are not an event, they are a glorified scrimmage,
fans feel the ticket prices don't match the value received
revolving door to NBA and transfers means fans have no connection to the players who they may only know for as little as 5 months
No final four or "in the conversation" moments in the last 6 years, no blue chip wins in recent memory

If this continues, I honestly don't think Kentucky will be a basketball first program, and I don't think Mitch would mind if football eclipsed it because it would mean Kentucky is a top program in the best football conference in America.
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Was in Graves County today. Lots of basketball talk while eating with about 40 people from over western, Ky. Had a hard time finding one single person who wasn’t fed up with Calipari. We did discuss his efforts to help with the issues and he’s commended for that, but any coach at UK would be doing the same. I thought it was funny one guy was spit fire mad about Calipari and the guy just lost his home near downtown. Lol. You can’t beat UK fans.

Calipari supporters in Kentucky are few and far between. All you have to do is talk to UK fans and you’ll see just how much of a minority Calipari supporters are.
Good idea. Talk to all your buddies. I am sure you got a valid opinion.
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🤡. We just signed a top 10 class. How about not being a vagina and just be a UK fan, instead of a wedge.
Remember when we were excited to sign top ten class in the SEC? I’m not convinced we can’t do what the above poster says we won’t do at all. Good times still coming.
You’re scared to have UK play the best of the best as well I see. Cal not only dumbed down our program, but some of the fans as well.

That’s weak stuff KL.
You are not dunbed down? I guess it is hard to dumb down someone that is already dumb. You have to have some common sense to be subject to getting dumbed down
I attended every home football game in person this season. I have watched only 1 UK basketball game in the last 2 seasons.
If this continues, I honestly don't think Kentucky will be a basketball first program, and I don't think Mitch would mind if football eclipsed it because it would mean Kentucky is a top program in the best football conference in America.
We may begin to put more emphasis in football, simply because there’s more money in that sport (and CBB is in decline nearly everywhere nowadays). But that does not mean people will start to consider us “a football school”, as has been suggested.

That ain’t gonna happen. UK is still the winningest CBB program ever, whereas it’s historically lost far more football games than it’s won. I don’t think any program with a historical losing record can legit claim to be a football school.

Despite what’s happened the last couple years, sports fans across the country still identify Kentucky basketball with success and Kentucky football with failure. Unless that ever changes, we remain a basketball school.
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