Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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How would you solve, or at least help, the anger and divisiveness issue on a national level? You have to have some ideas since you have such a diverse background.
My thoughts on how to solve or help with divisiveness is for everyone to live their lives without watching media or social media about politics. As I've said, if you hang out with your friends, go to ball games or dinner and don't talk about politics, people get along. I get along great with friends that I've had for 70 years that are polar opposite of me when it comes to politics, so we don't discuss it. They have raised good families and I have too. 20 years ago, politics wasn't the first thing people spoke about. Now it is. The whole concept of "are you a liberal, or are you a conservative" is so counter productive in getting along as a society. Generally, government has worked for 200+ years because you had 2 sides that disagreed on issues, but they reached compromises on some things and met in the middle. That way everyone got a little of what they wanted. Now, everyone wants all they want or nothing. Its agree with me or burn the place down. And that just flat doesn't work. There is a compromise on gun control. Making sure people with diagnosed mental illnesses don't buy guns is a fair compromise. I think most people would agree with that. The problem is that one side says "ban assault rifles" (that's is my party by the way), but another side says "there can be no limit on the right to buy a gun". No one wants to admit they agree because their party members would ostracize them. I say **** my party members if they are not willing to compromise enough to make the city my daughter and grandkids live in safe.
Seeing the family picture on the Holy Trinity service pamphlet is a huge heartbreak.
^ A good place to start would be what are these kids learning in schools? As our education system has declined in world rankings so has the type of people being churned out.

The upcoming 10-19 year old group is going to be way more fvcked up than the current crop of 20-30.
They're learning the same things they always have, dude. I'm there every day. It all starts at home. Schools can only do so much.
Seeing the family picture on the Holy Trinity service pamphlet is a huge heartbreak.
Watched part of the vigil, it was awful. Also found a video from a couple years ago of one the victims kids surprising her at the place the same place the shooting occurred.
They're learning the same things they always have, dude. I'm there every day. It all starts at home. Schools can only do so much.
The whole "schools are doing this or not doing this" is bs. I agree with Vern. Teach your kids at home to be good people. Deal with your kids when they show signs of having issues. Anyone that says that no one is their family has shown signs of needing help (I'm not talking about having serial killers in your family, just needing help) is lying. I have a son that is now very successful, but struggled through his adolescence fitting in. We took control of it and he went to counseling. People are too afraid of the stigma that comes with that, but some people need counseling just like some people need blood pressure medicine. For everyone that says people with emotional issues aren't tough and just need to get over it, I tell you that there are plenty of smart people that disagree with you, and have helped tons of people. I'm glad you are as tough as you are, but everyone isn't, and it doesn't make them a bad person.
The whole "schools are doing this or not doing this" is bs.
This relates to your post about anger a divisiveness and my question about it.

Another question, if I may, before I delve into my answer.

Do you feel like there is as much Civic and American Pride now as there was...let's say post killing Bin Laden, circa 2011? A simple yes or no will work then you can write a wall of text after I respond.
This relates to your post about anger a divisiveness and my question about it.

Another question, if I may, before I delve into my answer.

Do you feel like there is as much Civic and American Pride now as there was...let's say post killing Bin Laden, circa 2011? A simple yes or no will work then you can write a wall of text after I respond.
yes. Please respond and I'll reply.
yes. Please respond and I'll reply.
You really feel like there is as much pride in this country as there was 15-20-30 years ago?

I don't see it.

Instead of arguing that, how would you feel about children, probably in 8th or 9th grade, having to take a class...let's call it American Exceptionalism...learning about the great things America has done and will do in the future...before they take classes discussing the darker side of America? That would be a nationwide rule.
I hate this excuse. Some tools are much more likely to kill large amounts of people than others. Would you rather have a mentally ill person attack a soft target with a gun or a knife? The answer is pretty obvious. You can't drive your car through the halls of a school killing people. A bomb is much harder to make properly than a gun is to obtain and fire. Let's stop pretending the tool doesn't make this easier to pull off.
Bullshit. Bombs can be made relatively easy. A garbage truck killed 80 people in France. It's not about guns. A nuclear bomb can kill millions of people.

It's about the people using them. Like the mentally ill person who shot up the Christian school.

It will come out in the following days, as always, there was a trail of red flags that weren't acted on
That's despicable. Anyone who knew this should have done something about it.
They're learning the same things they always have, dude. I'm there every day. It all starts at home. Schools can only do so much.

That is not even close to accurate. I know you are there, and that may be your school, but it is common knowledge what has infiltrated our overall school "system". I know your political viewpoint will turn a blind eye to this, but that is reality. Yes, it does start at home....unless said home doesn't have the means nor the time/effort, and then it takes a village which includes teachers.

An Indiana teacher was fired for calling trans students by their last names instead of the pronoun bullshit. Once this becomes precedent, then it becomes just another way for the crazy to run the asylum.
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That is not even close to accurate. I know you are there, and that may be your school, but it is common knowledge what has infiltrated our overall school "system". I know your political viewpoint will turn a blind eye to this, but that is reality. Yes, it does start at home....unless said home doesn't have the means nor the time/effort, and then it takes a village which includes teachers.

An Indiana teacher was fired for calling trans students by their last names instead of the pronoun bullshit. Once this becomes precedent, then it becomes just another way for the crazy to run the asylum.
The arrogance it takes for you to take one sensational media account of idiocy and try to use it to suggest you know more than a trained educator who works in schools every day is staggering -- and sadly typical.

I'm not so sure that the hyper escalation of media outrage and the increasing siloing of media outlets that people get into (as well as social media) hasn't done more to ruin the national community than we ever imagined.

During COVID, when there was literally nothing to do, I would watch the Daily Wire podcasts every day. I find those dorks interesting and hilarious (especially Matt Walsh). However, in retrospect, I filled my brain with two years worth of listening every day to people with an agenda to demonize half of the population and characterize opposing viewpoints as both evil and stupid. I will still occasionally listen but I have largely given that up -- as well as much other political media as I can. It is surprisingly hard to find anything to consume that doesn't have at least some political component any more, sadly.

As a country, we have gotten into a pattern where histrionics and feigned outrage are rewarded and it is a race to the bottom to see who can act out the most about largely illusory issues. Life here is, by any possible measurement, incredible. We are blessed to have unimagined abundance (OUR POOR PEOPLE ARE FAT AND WATCH TOO MUCH TV! THAT'S AMAZING!). We are uniquely situated to have unrivaled international safety. Et cetera.

And yet we are incentivized to get into never-ending bitchfests. We are eating ourselves through narcissism and nihilism.

Maybe we need to compel every citizen to do military and/or civil service for a few years before entering adulthood to rebuild our civic muscles. We cannot keep thinking of our neighbors as enemies.
Greg Popovich another spineless cuk to come out and rail against armed guards at schools…….while he’s always guarded by armed guards.
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We are a nation of pill, social media, highly processed food and outrage addicted fatsos who refuse to listen to constructive criticism and look for the easy way out to any problem. Unfortunately, absent fundamental changes in mindset amongst the populace, the mental health issues are only going to get worse.

And absent any willingness to accept change from those celebrating mental illness, and a demonstrated move in that direction, many of us aren’t going to budge an inch on the second amendment. Because as more incompetent lunatics are voted into power by the generation that’s aging into voting rights, the second amendment becomes more and more necessary.
The arrogance it takes for you to take one sensational media account of idiocy and try to use it to suggest you know more than a trained educator who works in schools every day is staggering -- and sadly typical.

I'm not so sure that the hyper escalation of media outrage and the increasing siloing of media outlets that people get into (as well as social media) hasn't done more to ruin the national community than we ever imagined.

During COVID, when there was literally nothing to do, I would watch the Daily Wire podcasts every day. I find those dorks interesting and hilarious (especially Matt Walsh). However, in retrospect, I filled my brain with two years worth of listening every day to people with an agenda to demonize half of the population and characterize opposing viewpoints as both evil and stupid. I will still occasionally listen but I have largely given that up -- as well as much other political media as I can. It is surprisingly hard to find anything to consume that doesn't have at least some political component any more, sadly.

As a country, we have gotten into a pattern where histrionics and feigned outrage are rewarded and it is a race to the bottom to see who can act out the most about largely illusory issues. Life here is, by any possible measurement, incredible. We are blessed to have unimagined abundance (OUR POOR PEOPLE ARE FAT AND WATCH TOO MUCH TV! THAT'S AMAZING!). We are uniquely situated to have unrivaled international safety. Et cetera.

And yet we are incentivized to get into never-ending bitchfests. We are eating ourselves through narcissism and nihilism.

Maybe we need to compel every citizen to do military and/or civil service for a few years before entering adulthood to rebuild our civic muscles. We cannot keep thinking of our neighbors as enemies.

What in the world are you even saying? I was trying to give you the benefit of ignorance, but I can't even go there not fully understanding this rambling.
The arrogance it takes for you to take one sensational media account of idiocy and try to use it to suggest you know more than a trained educator who works in schools every day is staggering -- and sadly typical.

I'm not so sure that the hyper escalation of media outrage and the increasing siloing of media outlets that people get into (as well as social media) hasn't done more to ruin the national community than we ever imagined.

During COVID, when there was literally nothing to do, I would watch the Daily Wire podcasts every day. I find those dorks interesting and hilarious (especially Matt Walsh). However, in retrospect, I filled my brain with two years worth of listening every day to people with an agenda to demonize half of the population and characterize opposing viewpoints as both evil and stupid. I will still occasionally listen but I have largely given that up -- as well as much other political media as I can. It is surprisingly hard to find anything to consume that doesn't have at least some political component any more, sadly.

As a country, we have gotten into a pattern where histrionics and feigned outrage are rewarded and it is a race to the bottom to see who can act out the most about largely illusory issues. Life here is, by any possible measurement, incredible. We are blessed to have unimagined abundance (OUR POOR PEOPLE ARE FAT AND WATCH TOO MUCH TV! THAT'S AMAZING!). We are uniquely situated to have unrivaled international safety. Et cetera.

And yet we are incentivized to get into never-ending bitchfests. We are eating ourselves through narcissism and nihilism.

Maybe we need to compel every citizen to do military and/or civil service for a few years before entering adulthood to rebuild our civic muscles. We cannot keep thinking of our neighbors as enemies.
It is interesting that you point out that you spent 2 years filling your head with someone else’s agenda and, yet, you think parents should defer to the “trained educator.” I know people leaving the profession, because public schools are becoming a political and cultural agenda battleground, rather than a place where your kids are dispassionately taught the foundations of learning. I know a man who was told by the principal that his son’s middle school was filled with advocate teachers when he asked that his son be moved from one particular class. So, I am not sure I will defer to the “trained educators.” Some of those educators are filling our kids brains with their agenda every day.
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It's not splitting hairs, it's almost twice as much.

US murder rate is 4.96/100,000 people. That is awful when compared to Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These are all UN figures as well.

UK: 1.20, the US is 400% higher
Spain: 0.62, the US is 800% higher
Italy: 0.57, the US is 870% higher
Germany: 0.95, the US is 522% higher
France: 1.20, the US is 400% higher
Netherlands: 0.59, the US is 840% higher
Denmark: 1.01, the US is 491% higher
Norway: 0.47, the US is 1,055% higher
Canada: 1.76, the US is 281% higher
Australia: 0.89, the US is 557% higher
New Zealand: 0.74, the US is 670% higher

I don't know about you, but the so called greatest country in the world should have murder rates that fit in with other first world countries. We shouldn't be proud we compare favorably to the likes of Kenya, Sudan, and Kazakstan.
But why is our murder rate higher? Is it truly due to guns? In this case, there is a report that the
I’m sorry, but anybody with understanding of #’s knows that a difference of 4x is a huge difference. You’re focusing on the rate, not on the difference.

If you acknowledge that there is a problem then you must acknowledge that having a 4x better chance of facing that problem is a significant
The arrogance it takes for you to take one sensational media account of idiocy and try to use it to suggest you know more than a trained educator who works in schools every day is staggering -- and sadly typical.

I'm not so sure that the hyper escalation of media outrage and the increasing siloing of media outlets that people get into (as well as social media) hasn't done more to ruin the national community than we ever imagined.

During COVID, when there was literally nothing to do, I would watch the Daily Wire podcasts every day. I find those dorks interesting and hilarious (especially Matt Walsh). However, in retrospect, I filled my brain with two years worth of listening every day to people with an agenda to demonize half of the population and characterize opposing viewpoints as both evil and stupid. I will still occasionally listen but I have largely given that up -- as well as much other political media as I can. It is surprisingly hard to find anything to consume that doesn't have at least some political component any more, sadly.

As a country, we have gotten into a pattern where histrionics and feigned outrage are rewarded and it is a race to the bottom to see who can act out the most about largely illusory issues. Life here is, by any possible measurement, incredible. We are blessed to have unimagined abundance (OUR POOR PEOPLE ARE FAT AND WATCH TOO MUCH TV! THAT'S AMAZING!). We are uniquely situated to have unrivaled international safety. Et cetera.

And yet we are incentivized to get into never-ending bitchfests. We are eating ourselves through narcissism and nihilism.

Maybe we need to compel every citizen to do military and/or civil service for a few years before entering adulthood to rebuild our civic muscles. We cannot keep thinking of our neighbors as enemies.
How old are your kids?
So this morning I was told the shooting happened in the same conference room where Jim Tutt and I closed several transactions. Gives me a different perspective on the situation. There but for the Grace of God . . .

Some general ideas have been expressed in the thread about keeping guns away from the mentally disturbed, for example, which I think many would support. I would however be willing to bet almost any amount of money that this Kentucky legislature will pass nothing relating to guns, in fact, would be pretty much willing to bet that no such proposal will even be brought up for a hearing or a vote. I would love for someone to convince me that I am wrong.

I am not able to articulate a specific proposal this morning, but will give it some more thought and maybe be able to put something in writing in next week's mass shooting thread, it is pretty certain there will be another one soon to discuss.
I am not able to articulate a specific proposal this morning, but will give it some more thought and maybe be able to put something in writing in next week's mass shooting thread, it is pretty certain there will be another one soon to discuss.
Sad that this our reality, but it's 100% true. See everyone next week.
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That is not even close to accurate. I know you are there, and that may be your school, but it is common knowledge what has infiltrated our overall school "system". I know your political viewpoint will turn a blind eye to this, but that is reality. Yes, it does start at home....unless said home doesn't have the means nor the time/effort, and then it takes a village which includes teachers.

An Indiana teacher was fired for calling trans students by their last names instead of the pronoun bullshit. Once this becomes precedent, then it becomes just another way for the crazy to run the asylum.

As a reminder, UKO is a 60 year old man who hasn’t set foot in a classroom in over 4 decades, but Vern is literally a public school teacher.

Of course UKO knows more about schools today. He read about it on the internet.
Well said.

Also, I've been highly critical of Governor Beshear over his handling of COVID. I want to say this -- he represents the Commonwealth with absolute class during our darkest moments. He was fantastic in the response to the various natural disasters and now this.

Lexington and Louisville may fight like brothers but that's because we are family. It is a dark day for Kentucky.

Politics can wait.
I didn't vote for him but I will in the fall, he gets it. He has navigated this state through some very tough times, the toughest times this state has ever seen.
So this morning I was told the shooting happened in the same conference room where Jim Tutt and I closed several transactions. Gives me a different perspective on the situation. There but for the Grace of God . . .

Some general ideas have been expressed in the thread about keeping guns away from the mentally disturbed, for example, which I think many would support. I would however be willing to bet almost any amount of money that this Kentucky legislature will pass nothing relating to guns, in fact, would be pretty much willing to bet that no such proposal will even be brought up for a hearing or a vote. I would love for someone to convince me that I am wrong.

I am not able to articulate a specific proposal this morning, but will give it some more thought and maybe be able to put something in writing in next week's mass shooting thread, it is pretty certain there will be another one soon to discuss.
I'd start with a federal law requiring all private sales of ANY type of gun be transferred through a licensed dealer who is required to do a background check.

It is crazy to me that in well over half our states, you can sell someone a gun with no background check.

Also, a law requiring all sellers at gun shows be a licensed dealer so a background check is required. There should be no private sellers at gun shows.

In other words, Universal background checks. No gun in this country should be sold without a background check being conducted.
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Everyone that is advocating for gun control out of these incidents needs to understand that the only possible gun control that could pass would be something superficial and that will not change anything and IMO that is much worse than passing nothing, because once you pass something on gun control that is superficial and does not work then the other side will point to it and say "see, gun control doesn't work."

I don't think it is possible in our country to enact meaningful gun control legislation that would address substantively the problem.

The root cause of these shootings is not unlike terrorism. They are committed by people seeking attention. Start treating them as terrorists. Call them terrorists. Brand them, publicly. Let's see how they like being put up side-by-side with the worst in history and stain what it is they seek.

Also, we should examine what we're currently doing with all these public ceremonies and grievings. Maybe make them more private. We don't want to continue making a spectacle of exactly what they are seeking. We have to flip the way we publicize these events in order to change them.
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Everyone that is advocating for gun control out of these incidents needs to understand that the only possible gun control that could pass would be something superficial and that will not change anything and IMO that is much worse than passing nothing, because once you pass something on gun control that is superficial and does not work then the other side will point to it and say "see, gun control doesn't work."

I don't think it is possible in our country to enact meaningful gun control legislation that would address substantively the problem.

The root cause of these shootings is not unlike terrorism. They are committed by people seeking attention. Start treating them as terrorists. Call them terrorists. Brand them, publicly. Let's see how they like being put up side-by-side with the worst in history and stain what it is they seek.

Also, we should examine what we're currently doing with all these public ceremonies and grievings. Maybe make them more private. We don't want to continue making a spectacle of exactly what they are seeking. We have to flip the way we publicize these events in order to change them.
I was discussing with friends yesterday some possible deterrents. Investigating family, and possibly friends after something like this might help. Showing the shooters dead body with their brains hanging out was another suggestion. I think they should put the dead, naked corpse on public display. I know that won't happen, but I bet it would keep some of these tiny dicked, self-loathing assholes from doing things like this.

The root cause of these shootings is not unlike terrorism. They are committed by people seeking attention. Start treating them as terrorists. Call them terrorists. Brand them, publicly. Let's see how they like being put up side-by-side with the worst in history and stain what it is they seek.

I may not understand your point, what difference does it make what you brand them? Most of these mass shooters end up dead as part of the crime, they won't be around to think anything at all.
I may not understand your point, what difference does it make what you brand them? Most of these mass shooters end up dead as part of the crime, they won't be around to think anything at all.
We're talking about how people are copying them. We need to change the way we cover these shootings because it is plainly obvious there is something about it that incentivizes the next one.

So I propose we start very loudly and very publicly calling them terrorists and holding them up for all the public scorn we can muster while at the same time muting the public events eulogizing the victims and instead make those services more private.

We have to completely change our public coverage of these events if we want to change them.
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Gun control is lip service and a complete waste of time and effort as it will not meaningfully get done. So the biggest tool we have is the public coverage of the events themselves. These long public displays of mourning are drawing these people out and giving them a target so we have to change that. Need to call them terrorists as loudly and publicly as we can and take away the attraction of becoming a shooter in the first place. The more the shooters are publicly villified as terrorists then the less incentive the next one will have is what I am saying.

Call the shooters terrorists because that's what they are.
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I didn't vote for him but I will in the fall, he gets it. He has navigated this state through some very tough times, the toughest times this state has ever seen.

With the debacle that was Covid policy, and with the needless harm that caused a generation of children, it boggles my mind how Beshear could have earned anyone’s vote over the past few years.
The arrogance it takes for you to take one sensational media account of idiocy and try to use it to suggest you know more than a trained educator who works in schools every day is staggering -- and sadly typical.

I'm not so sure that the hyper escalation of media outrage and the increasing siloing of media outlets that people get into (as well as social media) hasn't done more to ruin the national community than we ever imagined.

During COVID, when there was literally nothing to do, I would watch the Daily Wire podcasts every day. I find those dorks interesting and hilarious (especially Matt Walsh). However, in retrospect, I filled my brain with two years worth of listening every day to people with an agenda to demonize half of the population and characterize opposing viewpoints as both evil and stupid. I will still occasionally listen but I have largely given that up -- as well as much other political media as I can. It is surprisingly hard to find anything to consume that doesn't have at least some political component any more, sadly.

As a country, we have gotten into a pattern where histrionics and feigned outrage are rewarded and it is a race to the bottom to see who can act out the most about largely illusory issues. Life here is, by any possible measurement, incredible. We are blessed to have unimagined abundance (OUR POOR PEOPLE ARE FAT AND WATCH TOO MUCH TV! THAT'S AMAZING!). We are uniquely situated to have unrivaled international safety. Et cetera.

And yet we are incentivized to get into never-ending bitchfests. We are eating ourselves through narcissism and nihilism.

Maybe we need to compel every citizen to do military and/or civil service for a few years before entering adulthood to rebuild our civic muscles. We cannot keep thinking of our neighbors as enemies.

Totally agree. Partisan news combined with social media as a delivery system have pushed the country apart.
That is not even close to accurate. I know you are there, and that may be your school, but it is common knowledge what has infiltrated our overall school "system". I know your political viewpoint will turn a blind eye to this, but that is reality. Yes, it does start at home....unless said home doesn't have the means nor the time/effort, and then it takes a village which includes teachers.

An Indiana teacher was fired for calling trans students by their last names instead of the pronoun bullshit. Once this becomes precedent, then it becomes just another way for the crazy to run the asylum.
You literally don't have a f'n clue what your talking about. But that's never stopped you from being an expert in the past so par for course, I suppose.
I think a big component of the issues we’re facing is that it is fun to be shitty to people you disagree with on the internet. Everyone on here is guilty of to a degree, myself included. I’ve been trying to change that for myself for the past year or so and would encourage anyone else that agrees to try to do the same. You learn more from the people you disagree with than the ones you don’t.

I’d also like to apologize to anyone I pissed off in the past on this board. I value the conversations we have here and I’m sorry for shutting any of them down.
I think a big component of the issues we’re facing is that it is fun to be shitty to people you disagree with on the internet. Everyone on here is guilty of to a degree, myself included. I’ve been trying to change that for myself for the past year or so and would encourage anyone else that agrees to try to do the same. You learn more from the people you disagree with than the ones you don’t.

I’d also like to apologize to anyone I pissed off in the past on this board. I value the conversations we have here and I’m sorry for shutting any of them down.

You typically can’t do it in real life so it’s very satisfying to unleash anonymously with no consequences. Used to be relentless as an angry teenager and in my early 20s.
I think the anger and divisiveness are the true problems. If you went to dinner with me, you would not know that I am a Democrat and lean socially liberal. But, people constantly ask me in real life, not here, if I am "a liberal" or "a Democrat" because they don't like those. People have gone to hating a group of people without knowing them. I've raised 5 kids, all successful in their own ways. I have 19 grandkids and 19 great grandkids, that vary in their political beliefs, but we all love each other and respect each other. We don't get mad because one thinks their should be a border wall and another doesn't. We don't use language like "it is undebatable" when we discuss issues, because it always is, and we respect each other. Our society as a whole has lost that.

Spot on. I remember a time when neighbors could be Democrats or Republicans and still be friends. I remember a time when you simply didn’t talk politics or religion with random strangers. This was something you kept to yourself because these beliefs were deeply personal.

Over the last 30 years, I blame talk radio and slanted media channels on both sides that spoon feed viewers the daily manufactured outrage they need to hate the “other side” that day. Talk radio has convinced two generations of conservative white men that they’re being persecuted by liberals and should view their neighbor’s differences of opinion as an act of war.

As technology advanced, social media took what talk radio started and amplified it, but more evenly across both sides. As a bonus, any moron with a smartphone or laptop can share bogus mis- and disinformation far and wide with a click of a button. This is why conservatives claim Twitter is a liberal echo chamber while liberals will claim Facebook is a conservative echo chamber.

Everything is so nasty. Both extremes turn everything into a black and white, with us or against us issue, without taking into account amy shades of gray or any nuance whatsoever.

Back in the day, politicians worked across the aisle to come up with reasonable solutions that saw both sides agreeing to a few concessions. Now, it’s “my way or the highway” on both sides and nothing gets done.

In previous generations, politicians were respected but not worshiped. Now, you have people on both sides whose whole identity is based in their political beliefs. They hate anyone who isn’t on their “team.” They put political merch all over their homes, cars and even their bodies. (I have a cousin with a Trump tattoo. I wouldn’t even tattoo my wife’s name on my body, much less a politician who doesn’t GAF if I live or die)

As someone with friends and family all over the political spectrum, I find this pathetic. The most leftist lefty and the most rightist righty could probably sit down for a beer and find some common ground in areas other than politics, but why do that when you can just hate each other like you’re fans of rival sports teams.

Neither side is completely right or wrong. Neither side is completely above reproach and, lastly, the politicians we elect on both sides are in on this shit together and laugh all the way to the bank while the rest of us peasants argue online over the manufactured outrage de jour.
The only reasonable and constitutional that could actually help prevent a few (not all) of these shootings are “red flag” laws. For example the recent Nashville shooting would have had a chance to be prevented because the person who murdered the kids and teachers wouldn’t have been able to buy the guns in the way she did.

The Louisville shooting likely couldn’t have been prevented. Unless the guy had been showing warning signs and their family turned him in.

But those discussing banning guns are detached from reality. Not happening.

Focus on mental health and keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people and you will help reduce these terrible situations.
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