Mass shooting at Old National Bank in Downtown Louisville

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They are the ones shooting down every possible solution to these mass shootings. Won't even entertain the idea of gun control, cut public health funding that goes toward mental health services, and on and on and on.

Take all the gun control you want, every shrink possible, and apply it towards what happened today and the end result would be the same. If someone who is ready and willing to die for their cause, and take as many with them as will happen. Take your political finger pointing elsewhere as many have lost friends/family and that should the only focal point at this time.
How do we get the guns out of the hands of people who would do something like this while not infringing on the rights of people who would never think of doing something like this? That seems to be the fundamental issue and one that most people would agree with. How do we do it? Or do we just accept that this is a part of our society?
Reports are this is the shooter.

Delta Bravo
How do we get the guns out of the hands of people who would do something like this while not infringing on the rights of people who would never think of doing something like this? That seems to be the fundamental issue and one that most people would agree with. How do we do it? Or do we just accept that this is a part of our society?
Yeah. Just taking guns isn't the solution. Guns do not kill people, they are a tool. This guy could have used a bomb or his car or whatever. Mental illness and brain injuries absolutely must be a focus.
Yeah. Just taking guns isn't the solution. Guns do not kill people, they are a tool. This guy could have used a bomb or his car or whatever. Mental illness and brain injuries absolutely must be a focus.
I hate this excuse. Some tools are much more likely to kill large amounts of people than others. Would you rather have a mentally ill person attack a soft target with a gun or a knife? The answer is pretty obvious. You can't drive your car through the halls of a school killing people. A bomb is much harder to make properly than a gun is to obtain and fire. Let's stop pretending the tool doesn't make this easier to pull off.
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Taking guns out of the equation, there are a lot of very angry people out there amongst us. Financial problems, bad marriages, bullied, etc. etc. You just never know what is going on in someone's life that you can't comprehend if yours is going well.

Guy I knew was always the life of the party. Had a beautiful family, wealth/had a very good job, highly respected, list goes on. One day hung himself in his office and wrote a suicide note saying if he did not kill himself he was going to kill others. Turns out his wife was cheating on him, kid was a drug addict, stressful job, etc. Never saw it coming with this guy. Opened my eyes up big time to mental health issues.

It will come out in the following days, as always, there was a trail of red flags that weren't acted on

I think this is a more relevant topic than the American pastime of post-mass shooting internet punditry that never goes anywhere.

But being as real as possible, what flags are there that would suggest someone will engage in this behavior? Like, there is a big jump going from a slightly crazy depressed person to randomly shooting up a building. Maybe there is some extremely deformed behavior, but also, maybe not. I don't know.
Yeah, it turns out it was a lot more than just someone Governor Beshear knew, it was somebody very close to him.

The goodness and the decency of our Governor is something that I am very proud of. I can't think of a better representative to have out there in the public for Kentucky than him. He is very popular around the country when people see him on television.

I hope he is well as that's a tough one to handle especially after Maysville and all of that.

The young cop that got shot in the head, that is unspeakable. I hope that young man will be ok.
I think this is a more relevant topic than the American pastime of post-mass shooting internet punditry that never goes anywhere.

But being as real as possible, what flags are there that would suggest someone will engage in this behavior? Like, there is a big jump going from a slightly crazy depressed person to randomly shooting up a building. Maybe there is some extremely deformed behavior, but also, maybe not. I don't know.
I think a good start would be that if you are known to have seen/been seeing people for depression, rather you are prescribed medicine or not, you get the red flag automatically. Not sure of not being allowed to purchase guns is the answer, maybe be subjected to thourough testing of some sort to determine if you are able to own a weapon. But then does that really matter? People will get guns regardless if they want to bad enough. I'm just throwing stuff out there as there are no easy answers.
Why do you post dumb shit like this? You know damn well that there was something attached to that bill that many objected to.

You posting that is the equivalent of us posting a similar vote on a gun reform bill that also included making abortions illegal. "Why didn't the Dumocrats vote for it?"
Sadly he wants attention so he posts the most controversial thing possible - quasi “click/reply” bait
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And yet somehow, every other first world country has figured out how to fix this problem.
Did they figure it out, or did they never have the problem we have to begin with. That's two completely different scenarios. Maybe it's cultural. Maybe it's they address mental health better than we do. Perhaps it's something else entirely. I have no idea. But I would be interested in data from countries that have similar mass shooting rate per capita and how they fixed the problem. My guess, without doing the research, is no one else had a similar rate of mass shootings and therefore, those other countries haven't really fixed anything. But that's just a guess. All I really know is that removing assault style weapons from society would not prevent anyone from committing a mass shooting. They would turn to another weapon instead. Then what would be the narrative? Ban that weapon as well? And when shooters choose another weapon, then what?
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They didn't stop anything, they just changed the means by which the death occurs.
I'm inclined to agree with you on this issue. However, this graphic is incredibly misleading. Our murder rate is 4x more than England's. 5x + more than most of western Europe.
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Im sure whoever made the map wanted it to be purposely misleading. The US was around 5 murders per 100,000 for years prior to 2020 and that is the cutoff from green to orange. We have been solidly in the orange the last few years.
Politics is always going to come up when discussing this. The key is to not be political robots spouting buzz words while at the same time getting angry at others.

On mental health, I'm going to need leaders in this country to specify what they mean when they simply say, "it's a mental health issue." There are politicians who want to make this a mental health only issue who also have a history of voting down mental health bills or cutting funding for mental health care in their respective states. I'm not putting blame on one party or the other, but those are just facts. So right there is a big problem. We're voting for people who just don't give a shit about our well-being. They tell us one thing but do the opposite while in office. Not to mention voting for raises for each other while begging us for money when they need another W on election day.

On guns, this country prides itself on it's love of guns. Other countries may call it an obsession. We've decided that we want to drown in guns, in ammo, in badass fire power. So be it, but since it's clearly pretty damn easy to get a gun in this country, I don't want to hear a gun owner say that it's actually difficult to acquire a gun, because it isn't. The bad guys have them, the nuts have them, responsible gun owners have them, and irresponsible gun owners have them. I could get into several fights, make a few threats online and in person, spit on a baby, be a pervert in a public park, and still be able to purchase a gun in this country with ease. We've actually made it so damn easy to get guns that weekly mass shootings are the end result. It's like we've collectively shit our pants and are now walking around asking each other what stinks.

I'll stop right now with this: in this country, we've got talk radio hosts, internet hosts, podcast hosts, politicians, and the occasional friend or family member urging everyone around them that they need a gun. That they'll be better off with a gun. And in many cases, these random hosts and politicians we listen to feel as though one of their jobs is to make us angry so we keep listening. Has it dawned on us yet that ginning up anger and saying that everyone should have a gun might not be the best message to send out to a country of what, 330 million? That there are millions of people in America that actually probably shouldn't have a gun. But over time the wrong message has been sent and since it's so easy to get a gun, well, here we are.
I'm inclined to agree with you on this issue. However, this graphic is incredibly misleading. Our murder rate is 4x more than England's. 5x + more than most of western Europe.
While it may be higher than the United Kingdom and western Europe, our murder rate is very low by world standards. When you are trying to color code maps, we would be among the lowest, so I think it's pretty accurate overall.
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